Morrissey: Covers and Critics - new article by Fiona Dodwell

Saw new positive article

Morrissey: Covers and Critics - Tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


The predictable newspaper articles come forward whenever Morrissey does anything, usually from the same stale suspects, where there seems to be an agenda to direct people from the music and towards half-baked criticisms and tired quotes from the mouths that journalists seem desperate to find berating words from.

Just recently, The Guardian have tried to undermine California Son before it has even had a chance to hit record shops and streaming sites: the journalists there were already standing with their pens and swords, ready to swoop in to attempt to make empty digs at the artist.

However, it no longer matters, do they not see that? For the articles have been coming from the pens of bitter journalists towards Morrissey almost as long as he has been releasing music – it's evident from the behaviour of the media in general that they do not like anybody who does not fit into their docile box of acceptable opinions and behaviours. They will have a long wait, it seems, if they expect him to change.

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Me to, but I think with age, moz health, I think he has stopped doing the smaller ones now and concentrated on larger venues so he doesn’t have to do as many, makes sense really.

Spoke too soon, 7 nights in NYC.
In London there's a pattern here... nothing to do with mental issues but race.’

I believe a person has to be mentally disturbed to cause harm to someone else.
So yes, mental issues.

Every street stabbing or shooting in London is perpetrated by a young black male.’

‘Every’ ? Every ?!

You sir, are .... :crazy::crazy::crazy:.

Morrissey would be ashamed to know you call yourself a fan of his work.


always remember.....




But unfortunately FACTS are not always beautiful.

Read me carefully. Virtually every street stabbing and shooting in London is perpetrated by young black males. That is a fact. Not every murder in London - every street murder.

And I'm talking London - not England as a whole.
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Listen, don’t know what your agenda is, so all I’ll say is ....

Society has a lot to answer for.

But unfortunately FACTS are not always beautiful.

Read me carefully. Virtually every street stabbing and shooting in London is perpetrated by young black males. That is a fact. Not every murder in London - every street murder.

'Morrissey would be ashamed to know you are a fan of his work...'
Ketamine Sun.

You could be right, you could be wrong (as John Lydon says). But personally I don't think Moz would dislike somebody for stating a fact - and it is a fact no matter how hateful and uncomfortable it may sound. The public of London know it and of course so do the police who twice already this year have refused to give descriptions (for two days each) of black-on-white murderers on the run in the London area for PC reasons (the other murder was a white man stabbed dead in January on a train in front of his 12 year old son by a random black man.)

There is a pattern here which concerns race rather than mental illness because of the fact that black people are virtually never stabbed by white people in London, whereas the opposite happens frequently - and seems to be a rising trend.

Moz believes in free speech and as you know has got into trouble many times over his views on how "The floodgates have opened, England is finished, it's a distant memory now" because of mass immigration.

I would love to sit down with Moz for tea and a conversation about England. A few people on this site (not you KS) are incapable of conversing civilly with anyone who does not share their own rigid opinions, but I can imagine Morrissey being a tolerant and understanding conversationalist.
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I can't stand Olly Murs and many others, but I don't spend my time going into fans websites to crucify him with my critics or write articles against him.

I'm so sick of this kind of journalism attacking Morrissey. Boring!!!! Those who don't like him, just turn around and live and let live.
But I ignore the negative propaganda because I know well the groups that run newspapers. The same people who initiated and financed every war since the days of Napoleon, and continue to lobby for yet more bloodshed.

What’s the matter, too much of a pussy to just write “Jews” in fear of being banned from the site?

People like you are really the worst. Dressing up your tired paranoia and prejudice in an erudite tone as if it’s some sort of considered intellectual stance. You’re no different than any old backwoods racist, you’ve just somehow deluded yourself into believing you’ve cracked a secret social code.

The community on the site has always been a little eccentric, but at least it used to just be a few kooks trading mp3s of “Striptease With a Difference” or whatever. The subhuman trash that now congregates here is a depressing reflection of the magnetic effect of Morrissey’s more ignorant opinions.
A new official UK government report into youth problems released yesterday says that black boys are more than 20 times more likely than white boys in the UK to partake in serious knife attacks and verbatim: "truth is being sacrificed on the altar of racial tranquility".

And to think I was only referring to London, not the whole of the UK...

An article about this report is in today's Telegraph headlined: 'It is wrong to ignore race's role in gang violence: Black youngsters are at the heart of the carnage on our streets.' The article is written by Trevor Phillips, a former race adviser who is black.

Knife crime is a massive issue in the UK in today's and tomorrows papers (7 youth murders in 9 days). And people up on here were implying I was prejudiced to state the fact that in London it's a mainly black problem.
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Folks, we need to focus or energy toward getting Michael Jackson's records forever barred from the radio. Led Zeppelin is another worthy target, what with the hog-tied children they maintained during their tours to act as sex-slaves.
A new UK government report into youth problems released yesterday says that black boys are more than 20 times more likely than white boys in the UK to partake in serious knife attacks and verbatim: "truth is being sacrificed on the altar of racial tranquility".

And to think I was only referring to London, not the whole of the UK...

An article about this official government report is in today's Telegraph headlined: 'It is wrong to ignore race's role in gang violence: Black youngsters are at the heart of the carnage on our streets.' The article is written by Trevor Phillips, a former race adviser who is black.

Knife crime is a massive issue in the UK in today's and tomorrows papers (7 youth murders in 9 days). And people up on here were implying I was prejudiced to state the fact that in London it's a mainly black problem.

I find these statistics very racist :lbf::lbf::lbf:
What’s the matter, too much of a pussy to just write “Jews” in fear of being banned from the site?

People like you are really the worst. Dressing up your tired paranoia and prejudice in an erudite tone as if it’s some sort of considered intellectual stance. You’re no different than any old backwoods racist, you’ve just somehow deluded yourself into believing you’ve cracked a secret social code.

The community on the site has always been a little eccentric, but at least it used to just be a few kooks trading mp3s of “Striptease With a Difference” or whatever. The subhuman trash that now congregates here is a depressing reflection of the magnetic effect of Morrissey’s more ignorant opinions.

How about opening up your mind to the opinions of others? Looking at things from both sides? Would that really be so difficult?

Instead you call me names and spit out a list of insults as if back in the schoolyard.
So do I... they're outrageous!

There clearly isn't enough diversity in them, we certainly need more trans people represented in these statistics and more women. These stats are obviously made up, as women represent 50% of the population they should be committing 50% of the stabbings. And where are the cisgender middle aged white men????? Everyone knows cisgendered middle aged white men are THE most evil portion of the population in the world. Come back to me when you have more of those types in these numbers and maybe I'll start to believe you.
There clearly isn't enough diversity in them, we certainly need more trans people represented in these statistics and more women. These stats are obviously made up, as women represent 50% of the population they should be committing 50% of the stabbings. And where are the cisgender middle aged white men????? Everyone knows cisgendered middle aged white men are THE most evil portion of the population in the world. Come back to me when you have more of those types in these numbers and maybe I'll start to believe you.
I'll come back to you when the government report has been fully amended to include every micro victim group in possible existence. Failing to do that, I will have the report censored in its entirety!
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How about opening up your mind to the opinions of others? Looking at things from both sides? Would that really be so difficult?

Instead you call me names and spit out a list of insults as if back in the schoolyard.
Opening myself up the “opinion” that Jews run the media and finance global warfare?
So stabbings were rampant say 50-60 years ago among the poorer parts of London?
can never tell whether a troll like you is being serious :crazy:
but yes, London was much more dangerous half a century ago, duh, look it up if you dare, but hey, don't want to mess with your cognitive dissonance :thumb:
can never tell whether a troll like you is being serious :crazy:
but yes, London was much more dangerous half a century ago, duh, look it up if you dare, but hey, don't want to mess with your cognitive dissonance :thumb:

I'm asking about stabbings Robert. STABBINGS. Now is there a link between crime and socio-economic circumstances? Duh, I doubt there is a single person on this forum that wouldn't agree that there is, but care to explain the rampant rise of stabbings to me. And while you're at it I asked some other questions of you in a previous thread. Do you remember what they were? I'd like an answer to those ones as well purleaze.
I'm asking about stabbings Robert. STABBINGS. Now is there a link between crime and socio-economic circumstances? Duh, I doubt there is a single person on this forum that wouldn't agree that there is, but care to explain the rampant rise of stabbings to me. And while you're at it I asked some other questions of you in a previous thread. Do you remember what they were? I'd like an answer to those ones as well purleaze.
is there a link between trolls like you and going back to allegations made by others? I doubt most on this forum would think that's hardly worth debating dude, but hey, thanks for the reminder of what ur all about :cool:
is there a link between trolls like you and going back to allegations made by others? I doubt most on this forum would think that's hardly worth debating dude, but hey, thanks for the reminder of what ur all about :cool:

Shall I relist the questions I had? They're pretty easy to answer, a simple yes or no would suffice. I also think newer members would benefit from getting a little more of your...............'flavour' shall we say.

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