Morrissey: Covers and Critics - new article by Fiona Dodwell

Saw new positive article

Morrissey: Covers and Critics - Tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


The predictable newspaper articles come forward whenever Morrissey does anything, usually from the same stale suspects, where there seems to be an agenda to direct people from the music and towards half-baked criticisms and tired quotes from the mouths that journalists seem desperate to find berating words from.

Just recently, The Guardian have tried to undermine California Son before it has even had a chance to hit record shops and streaming sites: the journalists there were already standing with their pens and swords, ready to swoop in to attempt to make empty digs at the artist.

However, it no longer matters, do they not see that? For the articles have been coming from the pens of bitter journalists towards Morrissey almost as long as he has been releasing music – it's evident from the behaviour of the media in general that they do not like anybody who does not fit into their docile box of acceptable opinions and behaviours. They will have a long wait, it seems, if they expect him to change.

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YES a lot of what he says is taken out of context and twisted into clickbait so the media can make money.

But, M has gone on record time after time about his hatred for Trump. Say all you want but there’s no way around that truth.
Everything he spews is designed as click-bait. How do you think he keeps daft wee c***s like yourself engaged.

It’s certainly not the music.
Anyone who attempts to defend Morrissey’s statements and beliefs is an imbecile. It’s like trying to reason with Trump supporters.
I admire Donald Trump. Every time I see him on TV I'm always struck by how charismatic he is. I can't even imagine a better character running a country like the USA.

You are just following the guidelines of the media - which is owned by one single group with an agenda of their own. Why not try exercising the dormant landscapes of your mind and looking at things from other people's point of view for a change. This man was voted in by the American public. Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why he was chosen by so many people? Open your mind.
Here is Jodie Chesney, 17 years old and a Scout. On Friday evening she was socialising with her friends in a park in Harold Hill, East London when, in an unprovoked attack, a young stranger marched up to her and plunged a knife so hard into her back that it broke. She died.

The main culprits for using knives in London (all areas) are young black males. They stab other black males in London daily for fun - and sometimes stab white males too. The police issued an appeal for witnesses, yet gave no description of the attacker whatsoever. Despite this, I knew, as did anyone else with a working brain that the culprit would turn out to be a young black male (even despite Harold Hill being a predominantly white area) ...

And lo and behold, a full two days later (an hour ago), with rain and a near-hurricane blowing outside on the London streets (and with social cohesion and other PC directives in mind) the Met Police finally issued a description of the dangerous murderer who for almost 48 hours been roaming freely among us... and surprise surprise, it's a young black male.

How did I and most other Londoners online already know this? Am I an evil prejudiced racist? Or do I simply notice patterns, time and time again? Have I throughout my life simply noticed that some cultures are more aggressive than others and, by and large, will never fit into a relatively peaceful culture such as Britain's?

You’re definitely gleaning your crime stats from selective sources. Stabby c***s come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Not sure what you’re trying to get at here - but your focus on race is definitely what the good folks at Oxford refer to as “racist”.

...more twat-speak from another clown.
I admire Donald Trump. Every time I see him on TV I'm always struck by how charismatic he is. I can't even imagine a better character running a country like the USA.

You are just following the guidelines of the media - which is owned by one single group with an agenda of their own. Why not try exercising the dormant landscapes of your mind and looking at things from other people's point of view for a change. This man was voted in by the American public. Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why he was chosen by so many people? Open your mind.

Literally NOBODY with half a f***ing-wit wonders, son.

You’re definitely gleaning your crime stats from selective sources. Stabby c***s come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Not sure what you’re trying to get at here - but your focus on race is definitely what the good folks at Oxford refer to as “racist”.

...more twat-speak from another clown.

I'm talking about street stabbings and shootings in London - a town of many colours. Perpetrators virtually always young black males. Victims mostly black, sometimes not.

To some people facts are 'racist' but sadly I can't help you with the symptoms of your cognitive dissonance.
I admire Donald Trump. Every time I see him on TV I'm always struck by how charismatic he is. I can't even imagine a better character running a country like the USA.

You are just following the guidelines of the media - which is owned by one single group with an agenda of their own. Why not try exercising the dormant landscapes of your mind and looking at things from other people's point of view for a change. This man was voted in by the American public. Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why he was chosen by so many people? Open your mind.
I'm talking about street stabbings and shootings in London - a town of many colours. Perpetrators virtually always young black males. Victims mostly black, sometimes not.

To some people facts are 'racist' but sadly I can't help you with the symptoms of your cognitive dissonance.
By your complete and utter lack of empirical data and basic reasoning, I guess it’s just time for all of you pasty white , half-toothed, in-bred, colonizing bitches to reap what what you’ve sown for the past few centuries.


Yours sincerely,

The Colonies. ;)
As I correctly recall, he did not win the popular vote; therfor, the majority of Americans didn’t vote for him.

Regardless, if you find trump charismatic than that says a lot about your character. Or lack there of....

I admire Donald Trump. Every time I see him on TV I'm always struck by how charismatic he is. I can't even imagine a better character running a country like the USA.

You are just following the guidelines of the media - which is owned by one single group with an agenda of their own. Why not try exercising the dormant landscapes of your mind and looking at things from other people's point of view for a change. This man was voted in by the American public. Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why he was chosen by so many people? Open your mind.
How did I and most other Londoners online already know this? Am I an evil prejudiced racist? Or do I simply notice patterns, time and time again? Have I throughout my life simply noticed that some cultures are more aggressive than others and, by and large, will never fit into a relatively peaceful culture such as Britain's?


From a purely statistical POV you were more than likely to be right as I would assume that when it comes to stabbings in London the greatest majority of them would be perpetrated by POC. The same could be said of homicides or assaults in America. If your presumption was that it was likely 'a black guy' before you knew ANY of the facts of the case you'd also be likely to be correct based purely on the fact that blacks in America commit a disproportional number of crimes based on % of population.

Looking beyond the stats as to why it happens, I would assume socio-economic factors play a large role, in some cases cultural elements are at play (I've heard some interesting theories as to the role that gangsta rap has to play in America,) sighle family households and illiteracy also play a large role and I think you'd also have to take in account a bit of the Charles Murray Bell Curve as well, although shock, horror that is a very politically incorrect thing to say.
I admire Donald Trump. Every time I see him on TV I'm always struck by how charismatic he is. I can't even imagine a better character running a country like the USA.

You are just following the guidelines of the media - which is owned by one single group with an agenda of their own. Why not try exercising the dormant landscapes of your mind and looking at things from other people's point of view for a change. This man was voted in by the American public. Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why he was chosen by so many people? Open your mind.

OMG, this is the most repulsive thing I've ever heard! Congratulations, you are the stupidest person on this forum and that's saying something!
You’re definitely gleaning your crime stats from selective sources. Stabby c***s come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Not sure what you’re trying to get at here - but your focus on race is definitely what the good folks at Oxford refer to as “racist”.

...more twat-speak from another clown.

Stabby c***s are mainly black but dont let facts get in the way of your right on bullshit.
Here is Jodie Chesney, 17 years old and a Scout. On Friday evening she was socialising with her friends in a park in Harold Hill, East London when, in an unprovoked attack, a young stranger marched up to her and plunged a knife so hard into her back that it broke. She died.

The main culprits for using knives in London (all areas) are young black males. They stab other black males in London daily for fun - and sometimes stab white males too. The police issued an appeal for witnesses, yet gave no description of the attacker whatsoever. Despite this, I knew, as did anyone else with a working brain that the culprit would turn out to be a young black male (even despite Harold Hill being a predominantly white area) ...

And lo and behold, a full two days later (an hour ago), with rain and a near-hurricane blowing outside on the London streets (and with social cohesion and other PC directives in mind) the Met Police finally issued a description of the dangerous murderer who for almost 48 hours been roaming freely among us... and surprise surprise, it's a young black male.

How did I and most other Londoners online already know this? Am I an evil prejudiced racist? Or do I simply notice patterns, time and time again? Have I throughout my life simply noticed that some cultures are more aggressive than others and, by and large, will never fit into a relatively peaceful culture such as Britain's?

As a father of children growing up in south London I abhor how these stabby bastards are turning our neighborhoods into danger zones a curse on every one of them and their families and the politicians who refuse to sort this shit out :skull:
In London there's a pattern here... nothing to do with mental issues but race.

Every street stabbing or shooting in London is perpetrated by a young black male.

This time, as the victim is a white teenage girl with no gang connections, the police withheld a description of the suspect for two days, leaving the public in danger of a killer who is still out there. Why? Because of PC reasons. I find that even more shocking than the murder itself - of which yes, shit happens regularly, especially where I live.

But when Political Correctness becomes more important than the safety of the public, serious questions and debates about race and enforced multiculturalism need to take place.
“...enforced multiculturalism”.

Words of wisdom from a spoon-fed, ignorant sack of shit that descends from very very scum who invented the concept. :)
When I heard that a white girl had been stabbed in the back by a complete stranger with such ferocity that the knife broke inside her, I knew.

When I heard the area was Harold Hill, a white area on the fringes of London (but with growing 'diversity' mainly from Africa) I knew.

When the police refused to release a description of the attacker (for two days until this evening - and the killer still out there) I knew.

This is a very big story in London (and the UK) right now. Especially as our mayor (and current prime minister) both ordered the reduction of stop-and-searches on black youths because of 'racism' - even though virtually all known violent street-gangs in London are black.
Stabby c***s are mainly black but dont let facts get in the way of your right on bullshit.
Not a single bit of empirical evidence to back up this angry, racist diatribe.

Congratulations, li’l shooter. You’ve won today’s Internet Ignorant Sack of Shit Award.

Carry on.
When I heard that a white girl had been stabbed in the back by a complete stranger with such ferocity that the knife broke inside her, I knew.

When I heard the area was Harold Hill, a white area on the fringes of London (but with growing 'diversity' mainly from Africa) I knew.

When the police refused to release a description of the attacker (for two days until this evening - and the killer still out there) I knew.

This is a very big story in London (and the UK) right now. Especially as our mayor (and current prime minister) both ordered the reduction of stop-and-searches on black youths because of 'racism' - even though virtually all known violent street-gangs in London are black.
Yeah. Black.

You’re a f***ing clown.

“...enforced multiculturalism”.

Words of wisdom from a spoon-fed, ignorant sack of shit that descends from very very scum who invented the concept. :)
There was never a referendum in Britain about opening the floodgates. Why? Because back in '48 the public would have voted a resounding No. Did Britain win a war all to get the dregs of humanity taking over their streets.

So yes, multiculturalism was enforced. Look into Winston Churchill's right hand man in the matter. Surprise surprise, he was a Zionist.

They have a long-term plan and continue to execute this pernicious plan to perfection.
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