Pretenders live in Manchester: Punk poetry, new ventures, and love letters to The Smiths.
By Jacob Ainsworth.
"Hynde’s knack for sparking reactions was still very much present, too. After wishing Manchester’s revered guitar hero Johnny Marr a happy birthday (communicated directly through a real-time phone call with his son Nile Marr, who was present in the audience), Hynde expressed her love for Marr’s estranged songwriter partner, Morrissey: “I love Johnny… I also love Morrissey… a bit controversial, I know.” The remark was greeted with the passionate cheers of those who see him as a landmark, life-changing songwriter, and the boos of those who see him as a misguided jingoist. Hynde couldn’t care less about her audience’s sudden split, drawling “I don’t care. I love you, Morrissey” before leading her band into a cover of Morrissey’s ‘Everyday Is Like Sunday’. The singer wore an infectious grin as she indulged in Morrissey’s Mancunian melancholy."

Pretenders live in Manchester: Punk poetry, new ventures, and love letters to The Smiths - The Mancunion
Pretenders delight 02 Ritz with an energetic assertion of new material, fan-favourites, and passion for The Smiths
Footage of Everyday Is Like Sunday from said concert.
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