Mancunion: Pretenders live in Manchester: "Punk poetry, new ventures, and love letters to The Smiths" (November 2, 2023)


Pretenders live in Manchester: Punk poetry, new ventures, and love letters to The Smiths.
By Jacob Ainsworth.


"Hynde’s knack for sparking reactions was still very much present, too. After wishing Manchester’s revered guitar hero Johnny Marr a happy birthday (communicated directly through a real-time phone call with his son Nile Marr, who was present in the audience), Hynde expressed her love for Marr’s estranged songwriter partner, Morrissey: “I love Johnny… I also love Morrissey… a bit controversial, I know.” The remark was greeted with the passionate cheers of those who see him as a landmark, life-changing songwriter, and the boos of those who see him as a misguided jingoist. Hynde couldn’t care less about her audience’s sudden split, drawling “I don’t care. I love you, Morrissey” before leading her band into a cover of Morrissey’s ‘Everyday Is Like Sunday’. The singer wore an infectious grin as she indulged in Morrissey’s Mancunian melancholy."


Footage of Everyday Is Like Sunday from said concert.

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Yeah, he will listen and will knock on the dwarf marr door for a reunion.
M doesn't need money, attention nor pity. Maybe the dwarf.

And by the way, take a look at this, maybe you will get a little glimpse of M point of view

Imagine sneering at someone, telling them to shut up and concentrate on their own music as though they'd shrivel up without your hallowed name - and then being forced to sit at home and watch whilst they do exactly that and release albums, tour, launch books, play at Glasto, attend speaking engagements and slots on Jools Holland etc etc, without one single mention of you.

It just proves the old saying that holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die - Moz only hurt and embarrassed himself and two years on, he's still in the same hopeless state with no label and a "lost album". The root of the letter was him crying pathetically that Johnny thinks he's an "eyesore monster" and doesn't praise him enough in the press - so tell me, which one of them is stuck in 1982?
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Imagine sneering at someone, telling them to shut up and concentrate on their own music as though they'd shrivel up without your hallowed name - and then being forced to sit at home and watch whilst they do exactly that and release albums, tour, launch books, play at Glasto, attend speaking engagements and slots on Jools Holland etc etc, without one single mention of you.

It just proves the old saying that holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die - Moz only hurt and embarrased himself and two years on, he's still in the same hopeless state with no label and a "lost album". The root of the letter was him crying pathetically that Johnny thinks he's an "eyesore monster" and doesn't praise him enough in the press - so tell me, which one them is stuck in 1982?

You are absolutely dead on. I wouldn't be surprised if Marr uses Moz's insulting letter to fuel himself onward in an "I'll show him!" type of motivation. It certainly looks like Marr is on his way to being a household name instead of just an indie guitar player. His new song is designed to appeal to a broad range of people and it's working. He says he may tour his orchestral show internationally. In any case, Marr is probably relieved to be rid of the burden of talking about Morrissey - coming from the man himself.
Morrissey's unrequited love for Marr has shaped his life.

The idea that Kirsty MacColl would support a right wing goon is laughable.

Hynde has defended Mozballs' Islamophobia in the past, coming up with her own right wing goonery to justify it.
I'm talking about Love, it's not all desire, or silly couple's love!! They love each other there's love period. I'm not talking about the love you're referring to... It's something deeper, and just because they don't talk doesn't mean they don't love each other
You are absolutely dead on. I wouldn't be surprised if Marr uses Moz's insulting letter to fuel himself onward in an "I'll show him!" type of motivation. It certainly looks like Marr is on his way to being a household name instead of just an indie guitar player. His new song is designed to appeal to a broad range of people and it's working. He says he may tour his orchestral show internationally. In any case, Marr is probably relieved to be rid of the burden of talking about Morrissey - coming from the man himself.
Success is the best revenge, and all that.
Don't get me wrong though, it's a sad state of affairs. Sad that they couldn't talk things out privately, sad that Morrissey's outburst cut him out of high-profile events which were huge celebrations of The Smiths legacy and which could have turned things around for him... sad because life is short, as Johnny said.

Moz needs to realise that you can't antagonise someone publicly (whether it's journos, record execs, Johnny, fans, anyone) and then expect them to turn around, immediately accept all fault and present you with roses. That's not how the real world works. They might go the high road and choose not to 'fight back' in public but they will make you pay in other ways, and the state of his career is evidence of that.
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Imagine sneering at someone, telling them to shut up and concentrate on their own music as though they'd shrivel up without your hallowed name - and then being forced to sit at home and watch whilst they do exactly that and release albums, tour, launch books, play at Glasto, attend speaking engagements and slots on Jools Holland etc etc, without one single mention of you.

It just proves the old saying that holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die - Moz only hurt and embarrassed himself and two years on, he's still in the same hopeless state with no label and a "lost album". The root of the letter was him crying pathetically that Johnny thinks he's an "eyesore monster" and doesn't praise him enough in the press - so tell me, which one of them is stuck in 1982?
Reading and understanding its what you need, first at all. And secondly, nonetheless M is touring around the world, sold outs, selling records, recording, etc. Without any label promotion or new album. And the recognition from... smart people. Despite the constant attacking he receives day-to-day. M has held his chin up and high and owes nothing to anyone.
That letter certainly served Morrissey well! Now even journalists barely mention him in articles on the Smiths. What a ridiculous rant that was. Shameful display of jealousy and vindictiveness.
And still gets the royalties from the smiths 🤣
Worldwide tours and even more. He doesn't need a record deal. Even though he is from the old school and rather a label to print it than by himself.
And still gets the royalties from the smiths 🤣
Worldwide tours and even more. He doesn't need a record deal. Even though he is from the old school and rather a label to print it than by himself.

Morrissey should thank Johnny for not letting the Smiths get cancelled as well. Worldwide tour seems to not be going too well at present.
Morrissey should thank Johnny for not letting the Smiths get cancelled as well. Worldwide tour seems to not be going too well at present.
Your cancel culture, as part of your generation, won't reach M or his legacy. And talking about legacy, if smiths legacy it's alive is because of M that kept it alive meanwhile the dwarf went under the floorboards. Even now the dwarf Marr is a suport act for bigger bands, has no dignity.
Your cancel culture, as part of your generation, won't reach M or his legacy. And talking about legacy, if smiths legacy it's alive is because of M that kept it alive meanwhile the dwarf went under the floorboards. Even now the dwarf Marr is a suport act for bigger bands, has no dignity.

I take it you haven’t seen his latest tour dates. You keep referring to Marr as a dwarf, Morrissey is only 2 inches taller.
Such a little thing makes such a big difference, to some.
I’m not sure if Chrissie Hynde sat for an interview with the Wall Street Journal recently or if this article is just quote-picking; it’s behind a paywall and the blurb is too short to tell. Maybe it’s viewable somewhere— @Famous when dead seems to have a talent for finding free versions of subscription material.

The WSJ would be an odd choice for her, but she’s been known to throw out sops to conservative media to please her parents, like when she gave Rush Limbaugh My City Was Gone because they were listeners.
I’m not sure if Chrissie Hynde sat for an interview with the Wall Street Journal recently or if this article is just quote-picking; it’s behind a paywall and the blurb is too short to tell. Maybe it’s viewable somewhere— @Famous when dead seems to have a talent for finding free versions of subscription material.

The WSJ would be an odd choice for her, but she’s been known to throw out sops to conservative media to please her parents, like when she gave Rush Limbaugh My City Was Gone because they were listeners.

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