"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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I'm pleased she is proud, but what the hell the system of government of another nation has to do with her or her ghastly devil child is another matter.

It would not have been too difficult to find a British child to make a fool of him or herself, and the image, such as it is, would have carried a lot more weight.
The title of the album and that cover makes this his most infantile work ever. He is trying to bring back the old days when he was young and took on the royals and everyone else. He is certainly going through some sort of life crisis.

It is like The Manics would be on drugs again making punkish songs about being outcasts when the fact is that they are now fat and old. They realise that but not Moz.
I predict that if the album art does need to be changed, then Moz and BMG are thinking that if they release the controversial cover and it'll cause a bit of a stir and get some press interest. They'll end up changing it but it will still gather some attention for the album.

They should make a black cover for the ones who refuse to stock the actual cover and keep the original one for online and other countries sales. Black as a symbol of mourning for democracy.
They should make a black cover for the ones who refuse to stock the actual cover and keep the original one for online and other countries sales. Black as a symbol of mourning for democracy.
Um, can I get one of those black covers, please and thanks?
Here we go again. Another bad cover and album title. Never mind terrorists chop people up. Now Moz can play martyr again and blame others for lack of sales.
I think this must be Morrissey playing the lets get some publicity game, there's no way that's a real cover it's dreadful,I don't mean poor I mean probably the worst cover of any album ever, laughably bad, and as a side note it never ceases to amaze me the depths the band members will stoop to for there coin, I know pride is a deadly sin but Christ If you think of the stunts over the years he's made them do, treating your child like this has to be a new low.
Im so unrelated to monarchy -- this Is 2017- have never understood why the British, Danish , Spanish , Norwegian people would still have a " queen " "king" but offensive cover ?
Jesus Christ ...
Offensive is poverty and corruption Jesus Christ can't believe My eyes grrrrrrr!!!

Totally agree with your words. Poverty and war are offensive, not an album cover.
Totally agree with your words. Poverty and war are offensive, not an album cover.

You two don't realise we are many that despise the royals but would not go about it in the childish manner that Moz does.

It is contraproductive but I guess your knowledge in politics is zero as you speak from the heart and not the brain.
That's a funny way of spelling Low in High-School. C'mon.

That wouldn't be creative and I just wanna see the students try and find his new album in the stores. I will sit across one of the stores drinking something and laughing.
Queen just saw the news and decided to call it a day.

"Cannot win over a man waving his arms about in airports like a clown."

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