"Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

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TTY - Kiss Me A Lot Official Video directed by Sam Esty Rayner

As I read the name Sam Esty Rayner I feared the worst ... and what can I say ... it's even worse than I'd imagined. The boy knows nothing (unfortunately). Watch for yourself ...

Spot the things who look familiar to you ... Just saying ...

Fatigue, worsened by physical exertion or stress / Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level / Recurrent flu-like illness / Sore throat / Hoarseness /
Tender or swollen lymph nodes (glands), especially in neck & underarms / Shortness of breath with little or no exertion / Frequent sighing / Tremor or trembling / Severe nasal allergies (new or worsened) / Cough / Night sweats / Low-grade fevers / Feeling cold often / Feeling hot often / Cold extremities (hands and feet) / Low body temperature (below 97.6) / Low blood pressure (below 110/70) / Heart palpitations / Dryness of eyes and/or mouth / Increased thirst / Symptoms worsened by temperature changes / Symptoms worsened by air travel / Symptoms worsened by stress


Headache / Tender points or trigger points / Muscle pain / Muscle twitching / Muscle weakness / Severe weakness of an arm or leg / Full or partial paralysis of an arm or leg /
Joint pain / TMJ syndrome / Chest pain


Eye pain / Changes in visual acuity (frequent changes in ability to see well) / Difficulty with accommodation (switching focus from one thing to another) / Blind spots in vision


Sensitivities to medications (unable to tolerate a “normal” dosage) / Sensitivities to odors (e.g., cleaning products, exhaust fumes, colognes, hair sprays) / Sensitivities to foods /
Alcohol intolerance / Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing


Frequent urination / Painful urination or bladder pain / Prostate pain / Impotence / Endometriosis / Worsening of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) / Decreased libido (sex drive)


Stomach ache; abdominal cramps / Nausea / Vomiting / Esophageal reflux (heartburn) / Frequent diarrhea / Frequent constipation / Bloating; intestinal gas / Decreased appetite /
Increased appetite / Food cravings / Weight gain ( _ lbs) / Weight loss ( _ lbs)


Lightheadedness; feeling”spaced out” / Inability to think clearly (“brain fog”) / Seizures / Seizure-like episodes / Syncope (fainting) or blackouts / Sensation that you might faint /
Vertigo or dizziness / Numbness or tingling sensations / Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears) / Photophobia (sensitivity to light) / Noise intolerance


Feeling spatially disoriented / Dysequilibrium (balance difficulty) / Staggering gait (clumsy walking; bumping into things) / Dropping things frequently / Difficulty judging distances (e.g. when driving; placing objects on surfaces) / “Not quite seeing” what you are looking at


Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) / Sleep disturbance: unrefreshing or non-restorative sleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty falling asleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty staying asleep (frequent awakenings) / Sleep disturbance: vivid or disturbing dreams or nightmares / Altered sleep/wake schedule (alertness/energy best late at night)


Difficulty with simple calculations (e.g., balancing checkbook) / Word-finding difficulty / Saying the wrong word / Difficulty expressing ideas in words / Difficulty moving your mouth to speak / Slowed speech / Stuttering; stammering / Impaired ability to concentrate / Easily distracted during a task / Difficulty paying attention / Difficulty following a conversation when background noise is present / Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence / Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence / Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next) / Difficulty with short-term memory / Difficulty with long-term memory / Forgetting how to do routine things / Difficulty understanding what you read / Switching left and right / Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak / Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write / Difficulty remembering names of objects / Difficulty remembering names of people / Difficulty recognizing faces / Poor judgment / Difficulty making decision / Difficulty following simple written instructions / Difficulty following complicated written instructions / Difficulty following simple oral (spoken) instructions / Difficulty following complicated oral (spoken) instructions / Difficulty integrating information (putting ideas together to form a complete picture or concept) / Difficulty following directions while driving / Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving / Feeling too disoriented to drive


Depressed mood / Suicidal thoughts / Suicide attempt(s) / Feeling worthless / Frequent crying / Feeling helpless and/or hopeless / Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities /
Increased appetite / Decreased appetite / Anxiety or fear with no obvious cause / Panic attacks / Irritability; overreaction / Rage attacks: anger outbursts with little or no cause /
Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings / Phobias (irrational fears) / Personality changes


Rashes or sores / Eczema or psoriasis / Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) / Hair loss / Mitral valve prolapse / Cancer / Dental problems / Periodontal (gum) disease

i have all of the above plus ginger hair
those of us who saw the signs clearly, are not surprised. he is skint, with no label to fund a video he is reduced to sam and his iphone. he no longer can afford to cancel shows on a whim, lacking the refund to the bookers. kristeen is gone, her b version, amanda palmer, is on.
i dont suppose this video will signal an explosion in the sales of the upcoming tour. its gone awry.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

those of us who saw the signs clearly, are not surprised. he is skint, with no label to fund a video he is reduced to sam and his iphone. he no longer can afford to cancel shows on a whim, lacking the refund to the bookers. kristeen is gone, her b version, amanda palmer, is on.
i dont suppose this video will signal an explosion in the sales of the upcoming tour. its gone awry.

Well he had no supporters a MSolo, with the constant bashing of him.
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Spot the things who look familiar to you ... Just saying ...

Fatigue, worsened by physical exertion or stress / Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level / Recurrent flu-like illness / Sore throat / Hoarseness /
Tender or swollen lymph nodes (glands), especially in neck & underarms / Shortness of breath with little or no exertion / Frequent sighing / Tremor or trembling / Severe nasal allergies (new or worsened) / Cough / Night sweats / Low-grade fevers / Feeling cold often / Feeling hot often / Cold extremities (hands and feet) / Low body temperature (below 97.6) / Low blood pressure (below 110/70) / Heart palpitations / Dryness of eyes and/or mouth / Increased thirst / Symptoms worsened by temperature changes / Symptoms worsened by air travel / Symptoms worsened by stress


Headache / Tender points or trigger points / Muscle pain / Muscle twitching / Muscle weakness / Severe weakness of an arm or leg / Full or partial paralysis of an arm or leg /
Joint pain / TMJ syndrome / Chest pain


Eye pain / Changes in visual acuity (frequent changes in ability to see well) / Difficulty with accommodation (switching focus from one thing to another) / Blind spots in vision


Sensitivities to medications (unable to tolerate a “normal” dosage) / Sensitivities to odors (e.g., cleaning products, exhaust fumes, colognes, hair sprays) / Sensitivities to foods /
Alcohol intolerance / Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing


Frequent urination / Painful urination or bladder pain / Prostate pain / Impotence / Endometriosis / Worsening of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) / Decreased libido (sex drive)


Stomach ache; abdominal cramps / Nausea / Vomiting / Esophageal reflux (heartburn) / Frequent diarrhea / Frequent constipation / Bloating; intestinal gas / Decreased appetite /
Increased appetite / Food cravings / Weight gain ( _ lbs) / Weight loss ( _ lbs)


Lightheadedness; feeling”spaced out” / Inability to think clearly (“brain fog”) / Seizures / Seizure-like episodes / Syncope (fainting) or blackouts / Sensation that you might faint /
Vertigo or dizziness / Numbness or tingling sensations / Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears) / Photophobia (sensitivity to light) / Noise intolerance


Feeling spatially disoriented / Dysequilibrium (balance difficulty) / Staggering gait (clumsy walking; bumping into things) / Dropping things frequently / Difficulty judging distances (e.g. when driving; placing objects on surfaces) / “Not quite seeing” what you are looking at


Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) / Sleep disturbance: unrefreshing or non-restorative sleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty falling asleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty staying asleep (frequent awakenings) / Sleep disturbance: vivid or disturbing dreams or nightmares / Altered sleep/wake schedule (alertness/energy best late at night)


Difficulty with simple calculations (e.g., balancing checkbook) / Word-finding difficulty / Saying the wrong word / Difficulty expressing ideas in words / Difficulty moving your mouth to speak / Slowed speech / Stuttering; stammering / Impaired ability to concentrate / Easily distracted during a task / Difficulty paying attention / Difficulty following a conversation when background noise is present / Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence / Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence / Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next) / Difficulty with short-term memory / Difficulty with long-term memory / Forgetting how to do routine things / Difficulty understanding what you read / Switching left and right / Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak / Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write / Difficulty remembering names of objects / Difficulty remembering names of people / Difficulty recognizing faces / Poor judgment / Difficulty making decision / Difficulty following simple written instructions / Difficulty following complicated written instructions / Difficulty following simple oral (spoken) instructions / Difficulty following complicated oral (spoken) instructions / Difficulty integrating information (putting ideas together to form a complete picture or concept) / Difficulty following directions while driving / Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving / Feeling too disoriented to drive


Depressed mood / Suicidal thoughts / Suicide attempt(s) / Feeling worthless / Frequent crying / Feeling helpless and/or hopeless / Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities /
Increased appetite / Decreased appetite / Anxiety or fear with no obvious cause / Panic attacks / Irritability; overreaction / Rage attacks: anger outbursts with little or no cause /
Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings / Phobias (irrational fears) / Personality changes


Rashes or sores / Eczema or psoriasis / Aphthous ulcers (canker sores) / Hair loss / Mitral valve prolapse / Cancer / Dental problems / Periodontal (gum) disease

That should be the health warning put up at the start of the video.

Maybe we've all made a fundamental error and its Sam "Etsy" Raynor.
In terms of Morrissey's career it seems that Sam's literally trying to 'Kill Uncle'.

But seriously this video was terrible.
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I have now completely separated
1980-1999 morrissey from 2000-now morrissey
They are two totally different people in my eyes
It better than being dissapointed

- - - Updated - - -

Im in love with the foremost:tears:
Oh 1980-1999
Mmmmh, let's see ...

Spot the things who look familiar to you ... Just saying ...

Fatigue, worsened by physical exertion or stress (possbily) / Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level (possibly) / Recurrent flu-like illness (definitely) / Sore throat (definitely) / Shortness of breath with little or no exertion (definitely) / Cough (definitely) / Low-grade fevers (possibly) / Increased thirst (possibly) / Symptoms worsened by temperature changes (possibly) / Symptoms worsened by air travel (possibly) / Symptoms worsened by stress (possibly)


Muscle pain (possibly) / Muscle weakness (possibly) / Joint pain (possibly) / Chest pain (possibly)


Sensitivities to odors (e.g., cleaning products, exhaust fumes, colognes, hair sprays) (possibly) / Sensitivities to foods (possibly) / Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing (possbily)


Esophageal reflux (heartburn) (definitely) / Decreased appetite (possibly) / Increased appetite (possibly) / Weight gain (definitely) / Weight loss (definitely)


Lightheadedness; feeling”spaced out” (possibly) / Inability to think clearly (“brain fog”) (possibly) / Syncope (fainting) or blackouts (possibly) / Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears) (possibly)


Dysequilibrium (balance difficulty) (possibly) / Staggering gait (clumsy walking; bumping into things) (possibly) / Difficulty judging distances (e.g. when driving; placing objects on surfaces) (possibly)

SLEEP (possibly one or several of the things below)

Hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) / Sleep disturbance: unrefreshing or non-restorative sleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty falling asleep / Sleep disturbance: difficulty staying asleep (frequent awakenings) / Sleep disturbance: vivid or disturbing dreams or nightmares / Altered sleep/wake schedule (alertness/energy best late at night)


Word-finding difficulty (definitely) / Saying the wrong word (definitely) / Stuttering; stammering (possibly) / Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence (definitely) / Difficulty with short-term memory (possibly) / Poor judgment (definitely) / Difficulty making decision (possibly) / Difficulty integrating information (putting ideas together to form a complete picture or concept) (possibly)


Depressed mood (possibly) / Suicidal thoughts (possibly) / Increased appetite (possibly) / Decreased appetite (possibly) / Anxiety or fear with no obvious cause (possibly) / Panic attacks (possibly) / Irritability; overreaction (definitely) / Rage attacks: anger outbursts with little or no cause (definitely) / Abrupt, unpredictable mood swings (definitely) / Personality changes (possibly)


Hair loss (definitely) / Cancer (possibly)
But in all honest, sam must surely understand that this is dreadful.
Im thinking this is satire, a joke or something else
He can not be that blind surely, such delusions of grandeur
morrisseys has never made a good video though only acceptable ones. not surprised that as he gets older he cares even less and no it doesnt make me feel any differently about him or the music. why would it?
I like the song very much. The girls in the video are very attractive; a bit of eye candy in a Mozzer vid has gotta be good. Good stuff, Moz.
A better editing job on the footage of Moz and the band, which actually fits the rhythm of the song and it might have turned out alright, by the standards we've come to expect anyway. But why no microphone. You can see stright away how uncomfortable Morrissey looks. It worked on TOTP in the 80s because he had a live audience in front of him to interact with.

And as for the half naked models well, "I'm truly disappointed".
Right so I had another go at watching it and had to quit 16 seconds in. I mean what is that shit at the start? And I hope they don't use budget as an excuse. Low budget video's like the one they did for 'Ganglord' look Felliniesque compared to this shite. At the 1.39 mark it appears as if Morrissey is looking for an exit door to run out of.

Still at least it has served a purpose in unifying the entire So-Low community. So universal is the agreement on this flaming turd you've produced we've seen the likes of Marred agreeing with Skinny's posts. You've done something very special here Sam :lbf:
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If this is Morrissey's way of self-destruction then I think it will work pretty well. It reminds me about this interview where he told the interviewer that his doctors apparently said to him "Are you trying to kill yourself?" (by going on and on and on despite illness) and he remarked "In fact, I think that was what I was doing." I think the essence of Morrissey is to be found in his song Smiler With Knife which, for me, is about the deep desire to die but just not being able to finish it yourself by commiting suicide. So you search for other ways to die, if necessary by the aid of third parties (Smiler With Knife).
Shameful. This should be pulled by Morrissey. What's the difference between this video and say something like the hair-metal-band video from the 80s that our famous feminist so despised? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. This just smacks of desperation and the drug reference!? Pitiful!
What I find quite said is the fact that he has so many artistic friends who could be of help on a personal and professional level but where are they? I honestly believe that Moz isn't in a very good place professionally (and I don't mean the album which is great) and personally even if, from time to time, it looks like eveything is okay again but it isn't, really. And I think whatever isn't right personally affects his career not the other way around. I thought at least his oldest friends would care about him. It doesn't seem so. Sorry.
Shameful. This should be pulled by Morrissey. What's the difference between this video and say something like the hair-metal-band video from the 80s that our famous feminist so despised? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. This just smacks of desperation and the drug reference!? Pitiful!

What was up with the pot smoking gesture?! Tacky.

He's trying. He doesn't have a deal and won't pay for a big video.
wow. just wow.
I actually said "what the fuk" and laughed audibly at many points in this video.
and, i get that most of the conversation is (rightfully) centered around the scantily-clad women, but how the hell is no-one talking about the ridiculous "mozzer" brass knuckles??!
Bloody hell, with all the hysteria on here you would think he'd murdered someone. It's a video, simply a video, agree it's not very good but it's hardly the end of the world as some posters seem to think.

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