"Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

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TTY - Kiss Me A Lot Official Video directed by Sam Esty Rayner

As I read the name Sam Esty Rayner I feared the worst ... and what can I say ... it's even worse than I'd imagined. The boy knows nothing (unfortunately). Watch for yourself ...

I find myself watching live clips over and over again to remind me that this is Moz. And the clip below is just from last year. Why can't his own family see this? It's quite tragic. How did he survive his family?

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I was surprised to see the scantily clad women, but much more surprised that it stuck with that "idea" and not much else.
It would've worked muuuch better if the next cutaway was men in drag (think Tim Curry in Rocky Horror or Conchita), then transgender (Thai ladyboy?), then All the Lazy Dykes-style tattooed lesbian. You get the idea…

Song is decent. Would've preferred street scenes in Italy or elsewhere in sunny Europe with the lads goofing around.
Bloody hell, with all the hysteria on here you would think he'd murdered someone. It's a video, simply a video, agree it's not very good but it's hardly the end of the world as some posters seem to think.

Of course it isn't the end of the world but it doesn't help him either. It certainly won't bring him new fans but it definitely will loose him some more (judging by the comments).
I was surprised to see the scantily clad women, but much more surprised that it stuck with that "idea" and not much else.
It would've worked muuuch better if the next cutaway was men in drag (think Tim Curry in Rocky Horror or Conchita), then transgender (Thai ladyboy?), then All the Lazy Dykes-style tattooed lesbian. You get the idea…

Song is decent. Would've preferred street scenes in Italy or elsewhere in sunny Europe with the lads goofing around.

Yes, and suddenly Moz's idea with the opening scene of West Side Story doesn't seem so silly anymore. Of course such a video wouldn't have been earthshattering either. We know Moz videos by now. But it would have fit his oddness, his sillyness, his sense of humour etc. Jesus ... everyone around here knows exactly what I mean.
Oh my. A plethora of disparaging remarks flooded my mind as i was watching this, but now i sit here stoney silent. What the acutal F**k have i just seen!! [Rendered speechless] :tears:
I find myself watching live clips over and over again to remind me that this is Moz. And the clip below is just from last year. Why can't his own family see this? It's quite tragic. How did he survive his family?

His own family see what? Him reacting normally to a very sad song he wrote when he was in a bad place? He's fine! You're acting like he's stumbling on stage with a needle in his arm.
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wow. just wow.
I actually said "what the fuk" and laughed audibly at many points in this video.
and, i get that most of the conversation is (rightfully) centered around the scantily-clad women, but how the hell is no-one talking about the ridiculous "mozzer" brass knuckles??!

Perhaps most of them didn´t view the end, because they can´t suffer what they have to see.
Great video IMO, cool and those Models are beauts!! I love Moz singing this, well done his nephew.
I would love to think that this is a satire of all those crappy pop videos with scantily clad women appearing for no other reason than titilation. I would like to think that, but there's nothing clever or satirical about this. It's just cheap, tacky, sexist throwaway rubbish and I'm struggling to see why Moz would sanction this.
The whole of this single release has been a bit of an embarassment really.
wow. just wow.
I actually said "what the fuk" and laughed audibly at many points in this video.
and, i get that most of the conversation is (rightfully) centered around the scantily-clad women, but how the hell is no-one talking about the ridiculous "mozzer" brass knuckles??!

Oh yeah the brass Knuckles bit was the cringiest part. And it had a lot of competition.
Of course it isn't the end of the world but it doesn't help him either. It certainly won't bring him new fans but it definitely will loose him some more (judging by the comments).

Reality is, hardly anyone will see it anyway, so don't think it will impact either way.
Even if the "chicks" are supposed to be in the video to be kissed, then surely not on their tits? The song says clearly "all over my face", actually it says "faaaaace" ...
At least the majority of us are agreeing on something for a change. That's the only positive thing I can say.
Reality is, hardly anyone will see it anyway, so don't think it will impact either way.

It's on YouTube and has currently already 12.986 views. In comparison his 9 year old video for You Have Killed Me has 17.294 views. And the comments are really bad which in itself doesn't have to be damaging if it goes simply like "the video is crap". But the comments are far beyond that ...
I wouldn't mind the obvious shoestring production if the video had reflected the light-hearted silliness of the song. Instead it looks like an awkward attempt at every vapid '80s video that indie music was supposed to be reacting against. Perhaps it is post-ironic.

On the plus side: Morrissey looks good - really rocks that lapel.

I was surprised to see the scantily clad women, but much more surprised that it stuck with that "idea" and not much else.
It would've worked muuuch better if the next cutaway was men in drag (think Tim Curry in Rocky Horror or Conchita), then transgender (Thai ladyboy?), then All the Lazy Dykes-style tattooed lesbian. You get the idea…

Exactly: that kind of diversity would have made it clever, fun, and (in the US at least) timely, too.
The bad thing about the video is that Moz can't even defend it by saying "It is consistent with my beliefs" because it isn't. The only way to backpedal the situation now would be for Sam to step forward and to explain (true or not) that he did it without Moz's knowledge.
200+ comments and not a single mention of the most offensive thing in this throwaway video.
Those bloody awful jeans, dear oh dear.

"Nothing to declare except for my jeans"
Another gem to add to what is clearly the best library of music videos in the history of the medium!
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200+ comments and not a single mention of the most offensive thing in this throwaway video.
Those bloody awful jeans, dear oh dear.

"Nothing to declare except for my jeans"

lol, so true! the man doesn't seem to recognize he's too short-legged for that cut he continues to insist on wearing.

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