Johnny Marr interview: ‘I had to defend myself against Morrissey’ -

Johnny Marr interview - The Times

Johnny Marr tells his side.


A month on the guitarist explains his decision to come out fighting. “When you’re attacked out of the blue, particularly in public, you have to defend yourself. The letter was designed to be insulting, wasn’t it? That has to have been the idea. If it’s something that’s not based in fact, you have to react in kind, which is just” — he curls his lip — “with ridicule.” Tellingly, he doesn’t use the M word.


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The 6k sales for Morrissey last album were after a week, Johnnys are after 3 days. probably won’t sell many more though.
Marr's sales were 9,300 by Wednesday. He should easily exceed 10,000 and it looks like he might overtake Bovril Lasagne and grab a top 3 place.
It seems the more Morrissey's career fails, the more Marr's succeeds...
Marr's sales were 9,300 by Wednesday. He should easily exceed 10,000 and it looks like he might overtake Bovril Lasagne and grab a top 3 place.
It seems the more Morrissey's career fails, the more Marr's succeeds...

Hmm, should we expect another open letter from Morrissey? "Johnny, please stop selling more records than me. It's apparent that you are using me to make people purchase your music. I don't know why hearing the name 'Morrissey' would cause people to charge your albums to their credit cards, but I know of no other reason why they would. By the way, is there any way you can get me on the bill with the Killers?"
Marr's sales were 9,300 by Wednesday. He should easily exceed 10,000 and it looks like he might overtake Bovril Lasagne and grab a top 3 place.
It seems the more Morrissey's career fails, the more Marr's succeeds...
the correct figure is 7020 total(n)
he needs to huff and puff get Jr and Ms out knocking on doors
to hit 7050:)

what a Katastrofa:censored:

Marr's sales were 9,300 by Wednesday. He should easily exceed 10,000 and it looks like he might overtake Bovril Lasagne and grab a top 3 place.
It seems the more Morrissey's career fails, the more Marr's succeeds...
Lucky for Marr lockdown was over or he might not have sold the 6k Morrissey did with no record store signings, or backstabbing newspaper interviews.
the correct figure is 7020 total(n)
he needs to huff and puff get Jr and Ms out knocking on doors
to hit 7050:)

what a Katastrofa:censored:

His record company doesn't even have enough faith in his album to support a tour for him, he has been made an opening act instead because they know he can only play tiny places on his own. He probably got a small advance, if any, for Peevish Screams Pt 1-4
Marr's sales were 9,300 by Wednesday. He should easily exceed 10,000


You could round up 10,000 idiots in any average-sized UK town. So even the idiots haven't turned out in force to buy Marr's sub-Inspiral Carpets b-sides muzak.

You could round up 10,000 idiots in any average-sized UK town. So even the idiots haven't turned out in force to buy Marr's sub-Inspiral Carpets b-sides muzak.

"Morrissey’s first album release as a sexagenarian (he was 60 on 22 May) is his 12th solo studio set and first ever covers album, California Son, which debuts at No.4 (8,340 sales).

After a three year absence, Morrissey returns to the albums chart with his 13th studio offering. I Am Not A Dog On A Chain is the follow-up to 2017’s Low In High School and slides neatly into place at No.3 with 6,720 sales.

You could round up 10,000 idiots in any average-sized UK town. So even the idiots haven't turned out in force to buy Marr's sub-Inspiral Carpets b-sides muzak.

you have to look at the legit worldwide charts.:)
ignore LePep fake news chart bogus propaganda(n)

"Dog On A Chain debuts on the charts at No 3, selling 17,300 units worldwide"


in the legitimate charts, the new LePepe cd is at 7025(n)

His record company doesn't even have enough faith in his album to support a tour for him, he has been made an opening act instead because they know he can only play tiny places on his own. He probably got a small advance, if any, for Peevish Screams Pt 1-4


the record company got an advance from LePepe to put out that sucky cd. 'distribution deal' where the deadbeat act (:handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:) pays US(the sharpies at the record label) to 'distribute' their otherwise untouchable material😎
before it was the unknown label "New Voodoo Records and Tapes" headquartered in his basement🛠️

LePep with his tacky narcissism will go to any extent to make the few simple minded 'fans' he has that he is some sort of fake superstar:crazy:


the record company got an advance from LePepe to put out that sucky cd. 'distribution deal' where the deadbeat act :)handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:) pays US(the sharpies at the record label) to 'distribute' their otherwise untouchable material😎
before it was the unknown label "New Voodoo Records and Tapes" headquartered in his basement🛠️

LePep with his tacky narcissism will go to any extent to make the few simple minded 'fans' he has that he is some sort of fake superstar:crazy:

Not sure why you are insulting his fans. The music isn't really that bad, he's just not as interesting as Morrissey.
Not sure why you are insulting his fans. The music isn't really that bad, he's just not as interesting as Morrissey.


they are simple minded spammers.(n)
cant figure out how to make a forum so they spam here(n)
they have dole mentality where they think they deserve everything(n)
without working:blushing:

O FFS LePepe has an enormous inferiority complex :lbf:
the only thing the dumb :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: has is charity from the left wing commie media . because, factually, he can barely even play the dumb🎸

Hmmmm, left wing Commie? Who's the one praising Putin?? Hint, it's Trump and the right-wing media! Dumb ****!!
I think this is more about Marr than Morrissey and I think Morrissey alluded to that in his open letter; this has nothing to do with him, none of it. This is why I think Morrissey is and will be ok. I think he put Johnny behind when Johnny left the Smiths. Morrissey had one rough night, got up, dusted himself off and went on with his life. refusing any an all offers to ever reunite the Smiths. This is not Johnny's choice, it's Morrissey's, he holds all the cards here and he is not playing. This enrages Johnny, who is very controlling, but completely blew it when he lost control of this. He is such a hothead, he ruined the rest of his life.

It's easy to see Johnny is an abuser and a bully and he probably is at home too, the proof is in Nile's behavior. He learned to abuse, so he abuses. That household must have been a nightmare to grow up in. All of his mentions of Angie are nothing more than to remind us he is a homphobe, that came through loud and clear in this last article.
If Johnny were a homophobe, he'd never have had anything to do with The Smiths or Morrissey! Give me a BREAK!! 😂🤣
It's the second interview, Johnny has given The reply he gave on Twatter and IG, were basic bitch replies.
"I'm above it"
However, the first actual interview he gave, was actually really quite nice and filled me full of hope

This interview, which he knows full well will get a wider audience is a nasty bit of work
Im not sure johnny even believes that which he says. Its almost as if he let himself get wound up by haters and so took it out on M

You know, I tend to think that's what he was like in the Smiths with M. Johnny knew M loved him and he had love for M and mainly he protected M but I get the impression he used and abused M's feelings.
Laughing at him with the lads, calling him Dorrissey etc etc , Knowing that M needed him as a buffer.
Knowing that he can blame M for everything, an easy target. I think it was prob like that with Junky jake and M as well.
When they are together its all close and bonding, as soon as another "lad" entered the room Johnny prob swanned off, making M feel lonely and isolated and a spectre of ridicule

Johnny is Biden, pretending he has no idea why M (Putin) has reacted like this, forgetting he has been extracting the urine for decades.
My point about right wingers supporting Communist dictators, just like Trump, exactly. That last line!

Marr would never have had to leave The Smiths if it weren't for Morrissey overworking Johnny and M acting like the insufferable diva he is and feeding his massively narcissistic needy ego by cancelling expensive video shoots at the last minute, etc. Johnny had had ENOUGH!!
If Johnny were a homophobe, he'd never have had anything to do with The Smiths or Morrissey! Give me a BREAK!! 😂🤣

My point about right wingers supporting Communist dictators, just like Trump, exactly. That last line!

Marr would never have had to leave The Smiths if it weren't for Morrissey overworking Johnny and M acting like the insufferable diva he is and feeding his massively narcissistic needy ego by cancelling expensive video shoots at the last minute, etc. Johnny had had ENOUGH!!

dont you read where the tiny LePepe quit because he couldnt abide any 'more Oscar Wilde':straightface:

he became macho man, despite having schnoggled dudes 45 min at a time back in the day.
the dumb twatto has given 2 billion interviews and not a peep about
Putin? do the math(n)
commies always stick by commies(n)



the record company got an advance from LePepe to put out that sucky cd. 'distribution deal' where the deadbeat act :)handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:) pays US(the sharpies at the record label) to 'distribute' their otherwise untouchable material😎
before it was the unknown label "New Voodoo Records and Tapes" headquartered in his basement🛠️

LePep with his tacky narcissism will go to any extent to make the few simple minded 'fans' he has that he is some sort of fake superstar:crazy:

Well, yes, he could have paid them since I doubt many copies will be sold and I can get it for free on Amazon. LePepe and Jr are at New Voodoo :lbf: now burning CDs to give away 'distribute' with McMuffins
dont you read where the tiny LePepe quit because he couldnt abide any 'more Oscar Wilde':straightface:

he became macho man, despite having schnoggled dudes 45 min at a time back in the day.
the dumb twatto has given 2 billion interviews and not a peep about
Putin? do the math(n)
commies always stick by commies(n)


Commies, drunks, the unemployed?

Do you actually know
Anyone who goes out and
Makes a living ???

Perhaps someone who pays
Into our tax system ???

No you don’t .....
You constantly slag everyone off
On here with your gibberish,
Dribbling drivel
And you are supported by 3-4
Other head bangers
Who find your nonsense

You have done nothing
With your life...

You have been nowhere

Along with you Army if fools .

Who are Hitler supporters,
Men haters,
And judgmental
“I know everything about Moz”
Frantic fame Fannies .
Wow, John Maher is really going out of his way to make himself seem like a little nancy boy.
Can’t wait to read about the end of Morrissey in the coming months. He’s run his mouth for too long and the time has come for him to pay for his sins. All supporters of the fascist Moz will suffer the same fate. 2022 the Year of Marr and the end of Moz.
Can’t wait to read about the end of Morrissey in the coming months. He’s run his mouth for too long and the time has come for him to pay for his sins. All supporters of the fascist Moz will suffer the same fate. 2022 the Year of Marr and the end of Moz.
Ok Nile, now off to bed son, it’s well past your bed time

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