Roman Holiday
Burn down the disco
The asymmetrical nature of what happened on 7th October wasn't the issue though that Douglas Murray was raising - but the fact that the killing of Jews was celebrated so publicly. It is frankly disturbing that in the 21st century hatred of Jews has become so blatant again.
Why should it come as any surprise that Hamas are Jew-haters who celebrate the killing of Jews? Back before Israel was even a state, the Palestinians were anti-Semitic owing to unchecked Jewish immigration and predatory land grabs. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was hobnobbing with Hitler. And this is where the Zionists foolishly decided to set up their Jewish homeland. Talk about disturbing, now we have to watch as the formerly genocided and displaced become the genociders and displacers in order to carry on their misguided project.
That Hamas would celebrate the killing of Jews is no more disturbing than anyone else celebrating the killing of their mortal enemy, unless one considers the Jews to have some special or privileged status, which I don't, but perhaps Murray does. Are the videos of IDF soldiers celebrating and laughing at their carnage in Gaza somehow less disturbing?