IANADOAC 2nd week UK charts

I Am Not A Dog On A Chain has dropped from #3 in its first week in the Top 100 Albums to out in its second week.

Dropped from #1 to #16 in the Official Physical Albums Chart Top 100
Dropped from #1 to #8 in the Official Independent Albums Chart Top 50
Dropped from #2 to #26 in the Official Vinyl Albums Chart Top 40

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FFS, as they say, I remember when it was a surprise to see Mozzer make it into the top ten, and the albums have always followed this pattern. The fans anticipate, buy on release, the album goes high, or at least respectably high, in the charts, and immediately slips out of (chart) view.
Yes, and since he relies so heavily on physical sales, and the charts are for 85 % based on digital sales Moz suffers more than usual. Plus he has always dropped heavily in the second week. Especially when radio don’t play the single. So it doesn’t surprise me, tbh.

So, this weeks number 1 had 84% physical sales from the 34941 overall sales, that works out that about 29350 were physical sales. Morrissey had 6720 sales of which 95% were physical, which equates to 6380 ish physical sales.

You pointed out that the corona virus is impacting sales, why do you think it only seems to hamper Morrissey?

Unexpectedly, it is 5 Seconds Of Summer who are top of the charts this week, the late addition to their tally of a larger than usual number of direct sales helping them overcome what had grown to be a sizable deficit by the time of the final midweek flashes. The Australian group's fourth studio album Calm takes them to No.1 for the second time, debuting at the top with 34,941 sales of which all but 3,739 were paid purchases
I would have thought that coronavirus would affect Morrissey less than other artists. After all, aren't Morrissey fans supposed to spend all their lives moping around at home in their bedrooms? The coronavirus lockdown won't be affecting them at all!
These are unprecedented times, not seen since world war 2. Of course physical sales are the least of anyone’s concern. Amazing it made top-3. Let’s hope Johnny can one day make the UK top-3.

LOL. For The Weeknd these are not unprecented times
first two suspects on scene,black carrot and skinflint.might have known.this must be the only fansite on the net where they actually celebrate the album going down the charts.
It's all about radio airplay, folks, which I know many people still struggle to believe - it's the 2020s after all. Airplay powers album sales like nothing else. Albums only hang around if the songs are on the radio. This is Morrissey's worst ever airplay album ever with what has felt like a radio boycott (as the singles have been catchier than anything he's put out for yonks). Would be good to get the views of a radio station insider e.g. "every time we played Morrissey we were just getting too many complaints about his far right views/racism. Then, once he officially declared allegiance to a political group of far-right extremists, we just couldn't justify playing the songs anymore."
Still, no one is saying the album is crap. Even the trolls can't deny its elegance. Skinny has anointed himself as the defender of ethnic people yet hasn't got a single friend of ethnic descent. Surface, it appears has missed his calling as an accountant for musicians/performers. Must be a labour of love for him. Yet I sense his wife must be suffering from sexual neglect.
The rest of you trolls don't have anything of note to distinguish you apart, lets face it though, you're all pond life.
first two suspects on scene,black carrot and skinflint.might have known.this must be the only fansite on the net where they actually celebrate the album going down the charts.

I have the album and think its his best since YOR, I'm not celebrating at all, it actually saddens me that if he hadn't have spouted the ill informed crap he did a couple of years ago, it could have all been so different.
first two suspects on scene,black carrot and skinflint.might have known.this must be the only fansite on the net where they actually celebrate the album going down the charts.
Latest suspect on the scene: Gordy the Gopher.
And I must correct you on your poor vegetable knowledge: Radishes are brassicas whilst carrots are part of the Apiaceae family. 3/10 must try harder.
I have the album and think its his best since YOR, I'm not celebrating at all, it actually saddens me that if he hadn't have spouted the ill informed crap he did a couple of years ago, it could have all been so different.
It wasn’t so different in the past though, if you would look at his chart performances of past albums without a radio hit. They followed the same pattern.
Still, no one is saying the album is crap. Even the trolls can't deny its elegance. Skinny has anointed himself as the defender of ethnic people yet hasn't got a single friend of ethnic descent. Surface, it appears has missed his calling as an accountant for musicians/performers. Must be a labour of love for him. Yet I sense his wife must be suffering from sexual neglect.
The rest of you trolls don't have anything of note to distinguish you apart, lets face it though, you're all pond life.

And what do you bring to the party apart from throwing your opinions around about other people?
just reading the comments on here,people are celebrating this post like its Christmas morning or new years eve,some peoples boxers will need a boil wash in the morning.
people are dropping all around us and this seems more important,
Latest suspect on the scene: Gordy the Gopher.
And I must correct you on your poor vegetable knowledge: Radishes are brassicas whilst carrots are part of the Apiaceae family. 3/10 must try harder.
looks like a Victorian vibrator,its that old its thatched.
put a photo of yer ugly mug instead of your radish,give us all a laugh on this Friday night.
It wasn’t so different in the past though, if you would look at his chart performances of past albums without a radio hit. They followed the same pattern.

Good lord Thewlis, you seem to want to re write history. He has never had a failure like this. That's a fact. This could have been an album that sold thousands if he hadn't have been so bloody stupid with his comments.
just reading the comments on here,people are celebrating this post like its Christmas morning or new years eve,some peoples boxers will need a boil wash in the morning.
people are dropping all around us and this seems more important,

looks like a Victorian vibrator,its that old its thatched.
put a photo of yer ugly mug instead of your radish,give us all a laugh on this Friday night.
Hi Gordy...
Good lord Thewlis, you seem to want to re write history. He has never had a failure like this. That's a fact. This could have been an album that sold thousands if he hadn't have been so bloody stupid with his comments.
That’s a personal opinion, not a fact.
I prefer to stick to the facts if you don’t mind.
Top-3 album, number 1 on physical sales and a big drop in week 2 as usual for Moz-albums.
That’s all there is to it.
That’s a personal opinion, not a fact.
I prefer to stick to the facts if you don’t mind.
Top-3 album, number 1 on physical sales and a big drop in week 2 as usual for Moz-albums.
That’s all there is to it.

3 days in the UK charts, did not chart in the US, they are the facts Thewlis. He has never dropped completely out of the charts after 3 days before.

The Covid-19 crisis continues to have a huge market impact. Artist album sales slump another 4.7% week on week to 1,484,482. Physical sales are down a big 40.9% with just 154,478 discs passing across the counter last week. It means that digital sales account for a whopping 84.85% of the total.

Cry me a river
Good lord Thewlis, you seem to want to re write history. He has never had a failure like this. That's a fact. This could have been an album that sold thousands if he hadn't have been so bloody stupid with his comments.
the failure would have been if the album was never made.the fact he has made 4 albums in less than six years is a fantastic feat in itself.danny dyers last film took £7 in its opening weekend,now that's what you call a failure.you weren't the one person who went to see it were you.

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