Morrissey Central "HELLO HELL" (April 19, 2021)


April 19, 2021

"This is my first comment (and hopefully my last) on The Simpsons' episode - which I know has enraged many people. The hatred shown towards me from the creators of The Simpsons is obviously a taunting lawsuit, but one that requires more funding than I could possibly muster in order to make a challenge. Neither do I have a determined business squad of legal practitioners ready to pounce. I think this is generally understood and is the reason why I am so carelessly and noisily attacked. You are especially despised if your music affects people in a strong and beautiful way, since music is no longer required to. In fact, the worst thing you can do in 2021 is to lend a bit of strength to the lives of others. There is no place in modern music for anyone with strong emotions. Limitations have been placed on art, and no label will sign an artist who might answer back. Anyway, forgive me, we all know this because we can see how music - and the world in general, has become a mesmerizing mess, and we must let it go spinning along unbearably because free speech no longer exists. We all know this. In my case, nothing about my life has ever been matter-of-fact; nothing about my songs has ever been matter-of-fact … so why would they now be? Since my very first interview several decades ago I have lived with horrible accusations to such a degree that it is generally understood that 'this is how we write about Morrissey'. In other words, I'm quite used to it. I've had enough horror thrown at me that would kill off a herd of bison. Accusations usually come from someone with a crazed desire for importance; they don't operate at a very high level. Writing for The Simpsons, for example, evidently requires only complete ignorance. But all of these things are too easy for me to say. In a world obsessed with Hate Laws, there are none that protect me. Often, the scandal sheets (do we STILL refer to them as 'news'papers?) attempt to psychologically wound an artist, and then, hopefully stir up enough hatred against that artist so that s/he is physically wounded. False theories of race are now the most common (and boring) aspect of all criticism, and will continue to be so until accusations of racism are in themselves illicit. I have watched 'Smiths fans' being attacked by the UK press on the grounds that 'Smiths fans' are too backward to understand the person that I am; I have watched the modern Morrissey audience be ridiculed by the UK press with the belief that they, too, couldn't possibly know who I am, and I have lost several high-profile friends because they could no longer live with the night and day harassment from British journalists who are suicidally anguished because they cannot urge the people around me to drum up tell-tale incidents of racism. This battle fatigue I face alone, although I am very grateful to the writer Fiona Dodwell for her eloquent appraisals of the victimization that now automatically associates with my name, and on which The Simpsons latest episode feasts.
People continually ask me why I do not retaliate - especially following the Sky Sports open slander. The answer is explained in the first few lines of this comment. Life is difficult and you must face it on your own, and even with the impossible-to-imagine legal artillary, everything can be repaired … except the human heart.

It is easier for me not to go on. You know I couldn't last."

19 April 2021, Los Angeles.


Edit: That picture appears to be by Travis Shinn, from the same session that produced the inner sleeve pictures of Something Is Squeezing My Skull.

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Pity me. How the man has sunk.

He now cuts a pathetic picture, with so many words, yet so little to say.

Nobody understands me. All my friends have deserted me. Thanks Fiona.

What a mess.
I'm slightly worried about his finishing line:

"It is easier for me not to go on. You know I couldn't last."
Not the first doom laden sign off we've seen. I wouldn't worry. No one is toppin' themselves over the Simpsons.
Told you all. There's no way he'll challenge this legally, because there's no way he will risk a judge telling everyone they are legally allowed to call him racist.
Interesting that when he did take The Word to court he won and got an apology.
you mentioned the case in your post yesterday but strangely forgot to mention the outcome?
go figure ( put that in a crossword)
That was about the fictional cartoon character Quilloughby, not Morrissey.
so tell me then why do books that are works of fiction put the disclaimer at the start that any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental?
Because of the movie Rasputin and the Princess.

i wasnt asking where it came from, you dunce.

i was making the point that it doesnt matter whether the character was called morrissey or whether it was called quilloughby:

This is done mostly on realistic films and television programs to reduce the possibility of legal action for libel from any person who believes that they have been defamed by their portrayal in the work, whether portrayed under their real name or a different name.
British music hacks are the worst.

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Poor old Dorrissey - it must be sooooo hard being a multi-millionaire, residing in the Sunset Marquee!
It’s a shame he became so embittered and out of touch...I remember when he was witty and wise. Did you not read that rambling woe-is-me diatribe Hello Hell and not cringe inside? He sounds ridiculous...
The Katsis response has been run Radio Four’s 08:00 radio bulletin on the Today programme. The most listened to ABC1 demographic morning news bulletin on British radio
i wasnt asking where it came from, you dunce.

i was making the point that it doesnt matter whether the character was called morrissey or whether it was called quilloughby:

This is done mostly on realistic films and television programs to reduce the possibility of legal action for libel from any person who believes that they have been defamed by their portrayal in the work, whether portrayed under their real name or a different name.
You asked 'why' and you got given a reason. That you are either too inarticulate to express precisely what you wanted or too inadequate to deal with the information you received is your problem, not mine.
Now, why don't you run off and go back to your breatharian exercises?
If every famous person who was mocked in a satire comedy show sued the makers the courts would have been full for decades.

Most people just ignore it or laugh with it.

Spending a life ridiculing singers, politicians and anyone not liked by HRH Morrissey from the stage but one not liking it when one is mocked is irony in clear site.

If anything will make the people flocking to see this show when it airs is Morrissey's reaction to it.

The makers must be loving it.

In a world obsessed with hatred laws. Hhhmm. Because it is exactly the same thing. Satire around a famous person's behaviour or actions or words could hardly be expressed as hate compared to people physically attacked on the streets for being black or being gay or trans or being disabled.

I'm sure those people are sufficiently moved by the fact you consider such laws to protect people in that way as "boring".

Freedom of speech doesn't exist. Well I won't even answer that because surely you see the issue with that statement and this reaction to this show.

Continuing on the course of self destruction.
You asked 'why' and you got given a reason. That you are either too inarticulate to express precisely what you wanted or too inadequate to deal with the information you received is your problem, not mine.
Now, why don't you run off and go back to your breatharian exercises?
why are you even replying to me? i thought i made it clear i had no desire to engage with you.
what have i missed.i go for a kip,wake up and theres a 128 replys to a thread posted at 11 o clock last night.skinny only posted once,his keyboard must be broke from all the keyboard bashing from for M doing a runner up to the pearly gates,he wouldnt give these left wing roasters the satisfaction.vivamozz.


As I've told you all before, he can whine as much as he like, but he hasn't the guts to take it to court and risk everyone being legally able to call him a racist.

And, sweet mother of God, they actually went with the 'he can't be racist, he has black friends' line.

Good grief
Well you failed on that score, didn't you?
i gave my attention to verso for a couple of posts so i thought it was only fair i did the same with the other forum bore. im done now. as the always brilliant bun bun would say, toddle off now

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