Morrissey Central "HELLO HELL" (April 19, 2021)


April 19, 2021

"This is my first comment (and hopefully my last) on The Simpsons' episode - which I know has enraged many people. The hatred shown towards me from the creators of The Simpsons is obviously a taunting lawsuit, but one that requires more funding than I could possibly muster in order to make a challenge. Neither do I have a determined business squad of legal practitioners ready to pounce. I think this is generally understood and is the reason why I am so carelessly and noisily attacked. You are especially despised if your music affects people in a strong and beautiful way, since music is no longer required to. In fact, the worst thing you can do in 2021 is to lend a bit of strength to the lives of others. There is no place in modern music for anyone with strong emotions. Limitations have been placed on art, and no label will sign an artist who might answer back. Anyway, forgive me, we all know this because we can see how music - and the world in general, has become a mesmerizing mess, and we must let it go spinning along unbearably because free speech no longer exists. We all know this. In my case, nothing about my life has ever been matter-of-fact; nothing about my songs has ever been matter-of-fact … so why would they now be? Since my very first interview several decades ago I have lived with horrible accusations to such a degree that it is generally understood that 'this is how we write about Morrissey'. In other words, I'm quite used to it. I've had enough horror thrown at me that would kill off a herd of bison. Accusations usually come from someone with a crazed desire for importance; they don't operate at a very high level. Writing for The Simpsons, for example, evidently requires only complete ignorance. But all of these things are too easy for me to say. In a world obsessed with Hate Laws, there are none that protect me. Often, the scandal sheets (do we STILL refer to them as 'news'papers?) attempt to psychologically wound an artist, and then, hopefully stir up enough hatred against that artist so that s/he is physically wounded. False theories of race are now the most common (and boring) aspect of all criticism, and will continue to be so until accusations of racism are in themselves illicit. I have watched 'Smiths fans' being attacked by the UK press on the grounds that 'Smiths fans' are too backward to understand the person that I am; I have watched the modern Morrissey audience be ridiculed by the UK press with the belief that they, too, couldn't possibly know who I am, and I have lost several high-profile friends because they could no longer live with the night and day harassment from British journalists who are suicidally anguished because they cannot urge the people around me to drum up tell-tale incidents of racism. This battle fatigue I face alone, although I am very grateful to the writer Fiona Dodwell for her eloquent appraisals of the victimization that now automatically associates with my name, and on which The Simpsons latest episode feasts.
People continually ask me why I do not retaliate - especially following the Sky Sports open slander. The answer is explained in the first few lines of this comment. Life is difficult and you must face it on your own, and even with the impossible-to-imagine legal artillary, everything can be repaired … except the human heart.

It is easier for me not to go on. You know I couldn't last."

19 April 2021, Los Angeles.


Edit: That picture appears to be by Travis Shinn, from the same session that produced the inner sleeve pictures of Something Is Squeezing My Skull.

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I thought about that artille(a)ry sentence a lot yesterday. I came to the conclusion that he probably means legal (as in the opposite of 'illegal') "artillery fire". So in context: "...even [if you're under an unimaginable amount of fire and can't do anything about it, because it's not illegal what they're doing,] everything can be repaired... except the human heart"

The "You know I couldn't last" line makes a lot of sense when you look at the rest of the lyrics of the song, because it deals with the topic of being under attack by the press, critics etc.

The whispering
May hurt you
But the printed word
Might kill you

I was surprised he didn't include this one in live sets in recent years, because it seems so spot on...

I took the last lines as a sign of resignation and also of unwillingness to pursue the issue further, which is also indicated in the opening line "This is my first comment (and hopefully my last)".
and the irony is it may well be the printed word on his own website that might kill him
I can imagine that writing these defence letters is one of the most tedious and ugly parts of being in the public limelight. When you feel that you were treated in an unfair and inconsiderate manner by certain people who usually don't show their face, then it's only natural wanting to answer these weassely blows coming from the lame ducks in the pond who are trying to survive as the class clown. And for sure they will get their snorts and grunts from the slug-brained bottom-feeders and tossers in the back row. In such a situation it is indeed necessary to have the last word.

But then, in a social environment which seems to be fuelled only by hatred and the willingness to misconstrue, you do not want to fan the flames any further. I can understand that. Well, if both parties mustered up some courage, they could meet in a non-public setting with a mediator, but probably that's not a solution for the show biz, and especially not when dealing with the mentally and emotionally retarded.

Anyways, I am happy to read that Moz is strong enough to shake off the shit thrown at him over and over again. He is resilient or else he wouldnt have made it that far. His ability to rise again and to muster up enough love to be creative again is probably one of the main reasons for some of the haters to continue to attack him, besides their public insignificance. They are indeed envious. They have lost their capacity to love long ago. They also want to test his strength so that they can proceed to admire him secretly for exactly that psychological strength and undying creativity. Consequently, he cannot do anything wrong right now as long as he lives on, sings for us and once in a while maybe talks to us, if that's possible at all.
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I thought the impersination wasnt good.

I missed these long discernments and miss M.
You may speak for yourself on that.

Many people involve themselves in things to speak up against views etc. The role of an activist for example.

Some people, like yourself, would prefer to remove yourself from any such environment but many people believe that to be apathy and would prefer to express their own views.

Suggesting that every person who feels they want to speak up or be active against something is an unhealthy way to live is a little short sighted and personal to you.
hardly worth replying.
You may speak for yourself on that.

Many people involve themselves in things to speak up against views etc. The role of an activist for example.

Some people, like yourself, would prefer to remove yourself from any such environment but many people believe that to be apathy and would prefer to express their own views.

Suggesting that every person who feels they want to speak up or be active against something is an unhealthy way to live is a little short sighted and personal to you.


many peeps around the cul de sac involve themselves in all type of things just to avoid having a job:mad:
He always returns to this idea that any critical journalist is 'crazed' or lying.

What about when they quote him accurately, and produce the tapes to prove it?

Free speech is gone, he says. Well, he's been free to praise the Thatcherite fox-hunter Farage and parrot UKIP falsities, and hasn't faced arrest or censure. He still gets to release his albums, make demands of venue catering, and pen long statements on his website (though somebody has apparently restricted his human right to paragraph breaks).

'There is no place in modern music for anyone with strong emotions'. This is just whiny, major boomer energy. The music of singer-songwriter Angel Olsen, to pluck one talented name at random, is supposedly weaker in spirit than Kiss Me a Lot or Dagenham Dave.

I say all this as a huge fan of Morrissey's music (I've been thoroughly enjoying the A-Z as a lurker).
He’s not just talking about himself with free speech, look around you- it is being censored. We’re you asleep the last few years. And he’s being cheeky about the music industry, there’s a very small percentage who have deep emotions but since the advancement of technology and cellphone/computer addiction etc. music lost something. If the worlds satisfied in a blue screen coma, it’s not going to write music like The Smiths... plain and simple.
Woke Simpson’s making him out to be racist when the truth is he’s the only one in his position with balls enough to speak out against the bullshit political agendas. Yeah he’s a bit doom and gloom but isn’t that why ya love him? No one does it better
Such a poor, hard-done-by, self-aggrandizing, finger-pointing, Kerrygold-eating, cashmere-wearing, concert cancelling, loud-mouthed, elevator-pap spewing pussy.

Nobody wishes ill of you. We just wish you’d pack up your “poor me” trunk and go away.

Good luck with the new album.

*...and that goes for the rest of you stuck c***$ as well.
Well you need therapy don’t you
You come across as someone who doesn't like Morrissey or at least has no respect for him. Your profile photo says it all.

Sid Vicious didn't care about animal rights there were rumours he even killed a cat. Sid Vicious wasn't a vegan or vegetarian. Then there was the Nazi symbolism stuff which I found sick.

The makers of The Simpsons are ignorant people. They are not whiter than white themselves. There is lots of dodgy stuff out there about them. Michael Jackson fans have already been researching them since 2019. Sid Vicious was a troubled soul who came from a very troubled background his mother was a very strange woman and then there was the drug addiction and heroin. I don't understand what went on with Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen. Sid Vicious was born in 1957 the same generation as Morrissey but they are very different people! Morrissey was born 1959. Michael Jackson was born 1958. Michael Jackson was a great animal lover and a gentle soul. Morrissey is a gentle soul he wouldn't hurt a fly. Shooting sausage is something Morrissey would never do. If the sausages were not veggie sausages or vegan then they were probably made of pork that is from a pig a great animal. Morrissey cares deeply about animal rights. What is hot dog cannons I have never heard of that? Morrissey and the late Michael Jackson are both victims of The Simpsons cartoon. They were both friends with the late Dick Gregory.
"Shooting sausage is something Morrissey would never do" is the best sentence that's ever been written on this message board.
I don’t think portraying sex with underage girls is cartoon material. Do you?
You've never heard of anime? Anyhow, I wrote "mentioning"--mentioning ≠ portraying; do you lack reading comprehension, or is putting words in other's mouths your go-to tactic? Mentioning racism is cartoon material? Family Guy has a sexual predator character. It's about their hypocrisy: Ted adopting a girl to skirt statutory rape laws is okay and not to be excoriated by The Simpsons writers, but Moz running his gob in interviews with unscrupulous, smear-merchant "journalists" is the worst thing ever? I think a dingo ate the logic center of your pea brain.
I can imagine that writing these defence letters is one of the most tedious and ugly parts of being in the public limelight. When you feel that you were treated in an unfair and inconsiderate manner by certain people who usually don't show their face, then it's only natural wanting to answer these weassely blows coming from the lame ducks in the pond who are trying to survive as the class clown. And for sure they will get their snorts and grunts from the slug-brained bottom-feeders and tossers in the back row. In such a situation it is indeed necessary to have the last word.

But then, in a social environment which seems to be fuelled only by hatred and the willingness to misconstrue, you do not want to fan the flames any further. I can understand that. Well, if both parties mustered up some courage, they could meet in a non-public setting with a mediator, but probably that's not a solution for the show biz, and especially not when dealing with the mentally and emotionally retarded.

Anyways, I am happy to read that Moz is strong enough to shake off the shit thrown at him over and over again. He is resilient or else he wouldnt have made it that far. His ability to rise again and to muster up enough love to be creative again is probably one of the main reasons for some of the haters to continue to attack him, besides their public insignificance. They are indeed envious. They have lost their capacity to love long ago. They also want to test his strength so that they can proceed to admire him secretly for exactly that psychological strength and undying creativity. Consequently, he cannot do anything wrong right now as long as he lives on, sings for us and once in a while maybe talks to us, if that's possible at all.
It is satire. I'm not sure you understand what that is.

Was it wrong for Charlie Hebdo to mock Mohammad using satirical cartoons?

Who decides when satire is ok and when it isn't

Is Morrissey standing on a stage and wishing death on people ok?

Is Morrissey calling every Chinese person a subspecies ok, kind and emotionally mentally balanced?

"let he who is without sin cast the first stone....."

Although I am not quite sure which side of your argument refers to "mentally and emotionally retarded".

"Public insignificance". Well that is subjective isn't it really. It could be said the successful Simpsons brand has more public significance but as I say it is subjective.

The guy who wrote the script by the way isn't hiding. He has spoken openly about it and everyone knows who he is.

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