Fiona Dodwell / "Muslims stand with Morrissey" (December 5, 2019)



"The upcoming Morrissey exhibition, "To Morrissey, With Love," shows us that the perpetually offended are wasting their time...

There has been a constant carousel of headlines about Morrissey in recent years, and unfortunately much of them have not been about the music - which is still captivating his audience across the globe. Instead of the lavish praise kindly afforded to some performers in the music industry (merely for just being there and turning up, it seems) Morrissey has faced constant criticisms, usually created by those who have misunderstood the man and his meanings – or perhaps, more sinisterly, those who want to paint him in this light for the sake of selling a story. "


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Americans don't count....for anything. Thicker than pig shit.

God bless us, every one.

...even the glass-housed, pebble-throwing slugs - who’re surrounded by the inevitable but can’t see the outcome for the anger.

Your own fear and loathing will kill you, if you’re not careful.

All the best, love. Xo
I love Karen I love Sharon on the window screen
With never the need to fight or to question a single thing.

Scotland Karen or Canada Sharon?


Politics or hoka hoka's.
^This post made my day.

Hoka, all day. Hoka, all night.
I’ll pop in for a pint or dram and chat with both! Bringing my friends Saaida (Yemen) Sofia (Morocco) and Siobhan (You follow?)
I thought you were English. Now you’re “European”.

You come from a part of the world that’s geographically considered “Europe” but have fought that, tooth and nail - for centuries - to deny any relation. YOU’RE f***ing BRITISH! Ask your dad or your gran.

You voted to join a union, when it seemed to suit your needs. Now, you’ve voted to leave the union because you’re unable to deal with then ramifications of a shit-storm YOU created.

...and now it’s “US”, with regard to Europe.

Please pick a lane, Rudy. You’re bobbing and weaving like a f***ing Lada in a hail storm.

Go away you silly yank. You know nothing.
Go away you silly yank. You know nothing.
S’all you’ve got?

Not a single shred to back your comments, or answer my basic questions on your own comments?

You are tinier than I had first thought, from the now, overused vibrato.

They just want you to shut up. It's a slightly different thing.
No no. It’s not that I want them to shut up. I quite enjoy this. I just just want them to “put-up”. Back the nonsense, kids. Not a cognitively sound point among the lot. It’s like dealing with a second generation gaggle of cave-dwelling f***-tards.

These l’il tally-wags are running ragged in pyjamas that have them tripping over their own feet.

It’s kinda cute. ...and at least I know where they are.
Because you don't really get it. What they were about, the culture, Britain, the think you do, but you don't.

Don’t dislocate your index and pinky, reaching for a come-back that’s well above your pay-grade, l’il shooter. ;)
European ancestry and not got a clue about it except for when they get drunk and sentimental.

"Oh I have roots in Scotland help ma kilt".
f***ing “European”. Please, son. Europe wants NOTHING to do with you. ...and you’d want nothing to do with them, if you could defend yourselves without massive aid from the people you’re yapping on a about.

Simmer the f*** down, Nancy.

Some people’s ancestors were quick, witty and tough as nails. They had the balls to go and made the best of new opportunities.

Not yours though, huh? Still wallowing and bitching from the mire. Lol!
Reelfountain (Nerak) ;) is back with a vengeance - just look at her go.:ahhh:

What a loon.:rofl:

Every word is tinged with :barf:
this conversation has took a strange turn,too serious for me im off.
this conversation has took a strange turn,too serious for me im off.

Yep on here there's a pattern wrt threads:
  • Opening post
  • Skinny receives alarm notification (day or night) in the bed-sit
  • Skinny logs in, copies 'n' pastes hatred from extensive archive catalogue of evil response(s) - must mention key words: (Narcissist, racist, apologist, or any other 'ist' he can lay his hands on...oh & 'bigot'...these are all ready to hand)
  • Skinny logs out, then logs back in as one of multiple pseudonyms, &/or an 'anonymous' ID; keyboard at the ready, fingers poised, waiting eagerly
  • Moz defenders defend/counter with 'facts' & common sense
  • Vile insult stuff part 1
  • Mandatory racist related stuff - generally 'out of context' stuff which crosses many geographical boundaries, including Caribbean related proverbs/localised sayings
  • Vile insult stuff part 2
  • Serious comments & factual info argument part 1, which are largely ignored
  • Skinny pseudonym/anon evil defence & copies n pastes archive 'out of context' counter argument
  • Vile insults part 3
  • Mods start censoring any attack aimed at Skinny
  • Serious comments & factual info argument part 2, which are (again) largely ignored
  • Boredom
  • Thread dies
  • Rinse & repeat until next time
Go away you silly yank. You know nothing.
Many ‘fans’ bought Morrissey as a brand. They didn’t have to understand what he was singing about because simply buying the records was apparently a legible sign with social efficacy. In effect, Morrissey did the intellectual and emotional work for these cultural consumers, so they remained ignorant and cold teenagers. The student referenced in Pulp’s ‘Common People’ typifies such monsters (and those who wondered what became of her now know she got a job at The Guardian).

Thankfully, and necessarily, he’s now spelling it out for them. Obviously this is misinterpreted as “he’s changed”. The alternative reading is too painful for these ‘fans’ to bear.

You are quite right. Many didn’t understand him. And now their T-shirts seem to be broken. What they wanted was a Morrissey with a Warranty. Not a human being.

My T-shirts still work great and I’m getting fresh mileage out of them as prick repellents.
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Damage assessment in full flight. What a hypocritical racist narcissist will do for fame and money! Turd without a doubt and getting his lackeys to polish. Whilst sitting in his ivory tower not interacting with anyone let alone a Muslim. Next up, photos of his face with animals and various deceased superstars - or anyone he doesn't have to pay or who will answer back - to elude to him looking like a lovely big star. I 100% don't buy.
"We don't see things the way they are, we see things the way we are"
Yep on here there's a pattern wrt threads:
  • Opening post
  • Skinny receives alarm notification (day or night) in the bed-sit
  • Skinny logs in, copies 'n' pastes hatred from extensive archive catalogue of evil response(s) - must mention key words: (Narcissist, racist, apologist, or any other 'ist' he can lay his hands on...oh & 'bigot'...these are all ready to hand)
  • Skinny logs out, then logs back in as one of multiple pseudonyms, &/or an 'anonymous' ID; keyboard at the ready, fingers poised, waiting eagerly
  • Moz defenders defend/counter with 'facts' & common sense
  • Vile insult stuff part 1
  • Mandatory racist related stuff - generally 'out of context' stuff which crosses many geographical boundaries, including Caribbean related proverbs/localised sayings
  • Vile insult stuff part 2
  • Serious comments & factual info argument part 1, which are largely ignored
  • Skinny pseudonym/anon evil defence & copies n pastes archive 'out of context' counter argument
  • Vile insults part 3
  • Mods start censoring any attack aimed at Skinny
  • Serious comments & factual info argument part 2, which are (again) largely ignored
  • Boredom
  • Thread dies
  • Rinse & repeat until next time

Very well researched empirical analysis.:cool:
I see that @Nerak - formerly known as @reelfountain - still hasn’t given a reply to the most recent point made on the Thelma Houston thread. By just doing that, you’ve confirmed yourself to be one and the same. An open secret known to many.
What’s up, our little piece of chicken? Far too shook to say what you truly think, now that you stand exposed for who we know you to be? You can’t say you were never warned in the past, Karen. We’ll just leave at that for now, ok?

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