Morrissey Central "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP TIME ?" (October 20, 2021)



1970s Morrissey with Elizabeth (Mother), Dorothy (aunt), and Bridget Dwyer (grandmother).


(Title used previously).
Let me add, the Steven in the picture, is the Steven that Johnny never rang.
That is the alternative universe Steve.
That Steven in the picture would still be that same Steven five years on, doing reading and writing in his bedroom, and watching Soaps, no work prospects, no lovers, and his Mother and Grandmother would still love him just the same.
Morrissey is aware of that Steven and what could've been.
I get very sad looking at this photo, because I feel like his Mother and Grandmother (and Sister) were the only ones in his life who ever loved him for who he was, not what he became, or what he could do for them.
I don't agree, don't be sad, that was another time and his mother was surely the person who loved him the most, but there are many people around the world who love Morrissey for who he is today, just as he is today. Moz is a winner because he achieved his dreams, he wanted to sing and make money, both things were a desire and his faith in himself led him to achieve it, he is a winner because he is an original singer with his own style and talent,.But talent is not enough. it is the love for music that made him get that great career, despite being depressed, he fought and what he dreamed of was fulfilled, he has a lot of strength but sometimes he is also mistreated, and when he is depressed the music saves him. Moz gets up and goes to bed thinking about music, I'm sure
Morrissey didn't get his career out of thin air. he had to fight to get what he wanted and despite feeling depressed,!!! I'm sure it was his mother who helped him the most, I read in autobio that since the child he knew he wanted to sing, when he was alone in his room he was creating his career he was working to become Morrissey, he was intelligent, he was not a fool locked in a room, he dreamed and was inspired by the people he admired and thus Moz was born,.
Morrissey is what he is because he believed in himself, and few make it. That is why he is not a mediocre, he is very intelligent and he is very strong much more than he himself believes. Although he has his emotional weaknesses, he wins. Moz breathes music .Guaranteed!!!!!
Viva Moz carajo!!!!
It’s an Irish Family photo. So it’s most likely to be a Claddagh Ring. I had one at about the same age. Still do in fact.
When it's worn on the right hand with the heart facing outwards, the wearer is open to courting, they say. His ring is far too small for his finger, so maybe it is his grandma's or it came with the cracker. Or he got it as a child.

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1970s Morrissey with Elizabeth (Mother), Dorothy (aunt), and Bridget Dwyer (grandmother).


(Title used previously).

The 3 candlestick candelabra is very fancy in comparison to the log with spray on snow we used to have. The dominance of brown in the decor is very old-times. When I took off 4 layers of wallpaper in our livingroom the last layer had a pattern and colour very similar to the curtains in the photo. Very 70s. My dad smoked major in the green packet. The Christmas jumper that time was the new one he got as a present and was always brown or green, I couldn't see Morrissey ever wearing a reindeer jumper somehow. Christmas with parents and extended family has even more meaning now that they're gone than it did at the time. More truthful times than today, it brings an ache to my throat. A lovely insight into home at Christmas.
This photograph makes me think of the song "There's one cigarette burning through...Where there use to be two... Still reminds me of you... You're gone and it's too late now..." Mr. M's sorrow is still prevalent and felt. :praying:
This is amazing. It’s very generous of him to share these private memories with us. But surely this is the 80s? I mean, judging by auntie’s hair. And also M’s almost-quiff.
After looking at the lovely Manchester photo. That is not Morrissey but his dad. Check out the wedding ring? Just saying! Much love Jac

After looking at the lovely Manchester photo. That is not Morrissey but his dad. Check out the wedding ring? Just saying! Much love Jac
If the picture was taken in the late 70s, as some here suggest, Morrissey’s parents were already divorced and so his add (Peter) was already gone. But the ring is intriguing. Wedding ring blues.

After looking at the lovely Manchester photo. That is not Morrissey but his dad. Check out the wedding ring? Just saying! Much love Jac
Are you out of your mind?
When it's worn on the right hand with the heart facing outwards, the wearer is open to courting, they say. His ring is far too small for his finger, so maybe it is his grandma's or it came with the cracker. Or he got it as a child.
My first Claddagh Ring was given to me by my Great Aunt when I visited her in her cottage in Mayo, where my family come from. It belonged to her late husband. When I wore it back in Manchester as a young teenager, the crown part would catch on things, once nearly taking my finger off. So I turned it around. I didn’t care about which way round was meant to symbolise whatever. Nor what hand, for that matter!

As I’d spend my summers in Mayo each year, I decided to leave the ring there, so that I could wear it whenever I went to my Great Aunts. Decades later my wife, also originating from Mayo, bought me one which I wear today, heart pointing inwards, Wedding Ring on other hand.
My first Claddagh Ring was given to me by my Great Aunt when I visited her in her cottage in Mayo, where my family come from. It belonged to her late husband. When I wore it back in Manchester as a young teenager, the crown part would catch on things, once nearly taking my finger off. So I turned it around. I didn’t care about which way round was meant to symbolise whatever. Nor what hand, for that matter!

As I’d spend my summers in Mayo each year, I decided to leave the ring there, so that I could wear it whenever I went to my Great Aunts. Decades later my wife, also originating from Mayo, bought me one which I wear today, heart pointing inwards, Wedding Ring on other hand.
I've never heard of the Claddagh Ring, but I can see now that it has to be very important for the Irish people. If I ever go back to Ireland, I'll certainly keep my eyes open.
So why is he lying that these are 70s?

Hint. True in his case or not, but somehow for those boys/girls who did not find themselves well with age-mates those very kind evenings with parents or aunts were alternative form of "socializing".
If the picture was taken in the late 70s, as some here suggest, Morrissey’s parents were already divorced and so his add (Peter) was already gone.

But the ring is intriguing. Wedding ring blues.

He married himself at a very young age, he’s still together.

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