"California Son" slips down to number 33 in second week on the UK Official Albums Chart

Official Albums Chart Top 100

Not too bad, it'll no doubt be out of the top 40 next week.
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The Dallas tour was basically “Kill Uncle” live wasn’t it? Some of the tracks we’re electric! I can’t really listen to the album / studio versions, they’re limp and lacking in energy. I’d still rather listen to it over WPINOYB & LIHS, partly cos’ I enjoy it more, and partly out of stubbornness, I just hate those last two albums! And after a 5 years hiatus from Years Of Refusal, I was so pumped for WP, but try as I did, and I did, I forced that album and those tracks on myself but could never get into it.

Hate is a strong word...reserved for me and my friends. ;):)

I still don't get the whole "after I listened to it over and over again I grew to love it" argument. When I first listened to all his solo work up to and including ROTT there was always something that immediately grabbed me.

I can't rank them like some have done on a separate thread as they are all interconnected in some strange way to me depending on the time of day and mood I'm in.
Let the hell fire rain down, but there are others who have pulled off excellent cover versions of popular songs extremely well. Two come immediately to mind.

Johnny Cash's Hurt and Tom Jones' Kiss. Both songs fit the persona of the singer and their interpretations were spot on and filled with their individualistic spirit. The lyrics matched their own style perfectly and their interpretations were a complement to the original versions.

Morrissey's choice of songs for his covers album leaves me perplexed, although others find them pleasing. This will be another addition to the ardent fans collection of releases and nothing more.

Don´t you think "Some say I got devil" fits his persona? I would say so.
Don´t you think "Some say I got devil" fits his persona? I would say so.

Maybe, but the music is so off-putting that I can't listen to it. Just down to individual taste I guess. Its got that Ennio Morricone sound of which I am not too fond.
Maybe, but the music is so off-putting that I can't listen to it. Just down to individual taste I guess. Its got that Ennio Morricone sound of which I am not too fond.

I agree with the first part. Disagree with the last,

Morricone has GOAT skills
Couldn't have put it better myself...

ROTT was the beginning of the end musically for Moz. He pushed away his pop rock sensibility for whatever this is.

It’s barbershop cruise ship junk with a Spanish flamenco twist. Please don’t compare it to il genio, Morricone
Hate is a strong word...reserved for me and my friends. ;):)

I still don't get the whole "after I listened to it over and over again I grew to love it" argument. When I first listened to all his solo work up to and including ROTT there was always something that immediately grabbed me.

I can't rank them like some have done on a separate thread as they are all interconnected in some strange way to me depending on the time of day and mood I'm in.


WTF?? All are interconnected?o_O

You reserve hate for you and friends (:eyes:)?
For you and Brummie (aka Skinny)?:crazy:
The Dallas tour was basically “Kill Uncle” live wasn’t it? Some of the tracks we’re electric! I can’t really listen to the album / studio versions, they’re limp and lacking in energy. I’d still rather listen to it over WPINOYB & LIHS, partly cos’ I enjoy it more, and partly out of stubbornness, I just hate those last two albums! And after a 5 years hiatus from Years Of Refusal, I was so pumped for WP, but try as I did, and I did, I forced that album and those tracks on myself but could never get into it.

'some of the tracks WE'RE electric' WTF??? Very suspicious Barbnabyism.
Low in High School is a great album. But you already know that.
Is it? Is it a “great” album? ...or are your ears so clogged with shit from being buried up the clown’s ass, that you’ve lost all ability to reason?
The Dallas tour was basically “Kill Uncle” live wasn’t it? Some of the tracks we’re electric! I can’t really listen to the album / studio versions, they’re limp and lacking in energy. I’d still rather listen to it over WPINOYB & LIHS, partly cos’ I enjoy it more, and partly out of stubbornness, I just hate those last two albums! And after a 5 years hiatus from Years Of Refusal, I was so pumped for WP, but try as I did, and I did, I forced that album and those tracks on myself but could never get into it.
I'm curious what it is you hate about those two albums?
Staircase at the University
I'm not a Man
Smiler with a Knife
Mount joy
Home is a question mark
My love I'd do anything
I wish you lonely
I bury the living
Are all great, you could argue the lyrical content of a few of them aren't very palatable. But instrumentally and melodically they're superb.
I think you've misjudged Years of Refusal too. Have you even heard it recently?
I bet you sit there licking your own fingers after a wank, you self indulgent prick


'some of the tracks we are electric':straightface:
thats not intelligible English you must be from some foreign Muslim continento_O

dont get too friendly with Barnaby unless you want to end up at the disco.:lbf:
I'm curious what it is you hate about those two albums?
Staircase at the University
I'm not a Man
Smiler with a Knife
Mount joy
Home is a question mark
My love I'd do anything
I wish you lonely
I bury the living
Are all great, you could argue the lyrical content of a few of them aren't very palatable. But instrumentally and melodically they're superb.
I think you've misjudged Years of Refusal too. Have you even heard it recently?

Look how you’re manipulating the track listing to make it sound better then it is
Look how you’re manipulating the track listing to make it sound better then it is
Just pointing out that each of the two albums you casually dismiss have some great songs. I genuinely feel bad for you that you don't enjoy that latter half of Morrissey's discography.

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