"California Son" drops out of Billboard 200 second week

Morrissey's album of cover songs, California Son, has dropped out of the Billboard 200 in its second week of release.

The collection debuted at #95 on the Billboard 200 chart dated June 8, 2019 but failed to hang onto a top 200 position in the week of June 15.

Weekly chart can be seen here:

In the Top Album Sales chart it drops from #7 to #33:

It has dropped from #3 to out of the top 25 Vinyl Albums chart:

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so wrongly claiming Germany is rape capital 'cause of "immigrants" isn't racist? So the fact Morrissey is for a party that is anti-Muslim (and if you know anything about the party you know they are ) isn't racist?

You see the weight of data proves that moz is anti Muslim and so a racist. Personally, I don't care but of course, he is, if the weight of evidence was on anyone else, you would say " f*** that racist " .
You can say "Muslim" isn't a race but you know its a weak defence.
If you follow his gay friend James Maker over the years he has also said anti-Muslim things .

First Moz supports Nigel Farage a complete ass , who is pro Trump and used to mix with a proper English racist party The National Front. Then he starts spouting Trump like idea's about Germany being "rape capital " and also poking fun at the Muslim mayor of London (Trump also mocks the mayor of London)
Moz is now very Pro Israel (mainly for his "careers " sake but still) the Jews, of course, loath Muslims and what does moz sing about on his last Lp( leaving aside the covers lp?) oh yes Israel and Tel Aviv

So moz likes to support Nigel Farage , racist . He mocks the Muslim mayor of London and supports a party that is anti muslim. Racist.
He also suddenly after 30 years in the business starts singing about his love for Israel, at the same time he gets a Jewish manager.
For Britain are also funded by Israel (so is Tommy Robson) . Lots of us think Moz is now just another shill for Israel which is why all this Britain First stuff started. The fact that he is now just another shill is worse than him being a racist to some of us .

Actual evidence has been there for some time re Moz's racism. In fact since his letters to his pen pal (pre smiths) where he plainly says "I don't like Pakistanis ". So you see racist . The fact you say you have the skin color of a chocolate drop doesn't mean shit . Just 'cause a black person doesn't think someone is racist doesn't mean shit

You can argue with whats said but its true. Just look at his fans he's left with , not very intelligent people from America's . The kid with the big car . cap and tshirt . That type . nothing against the kid but shit moz you had it all, now you have that type and dumb ass racists on here.

Its a shame.

Gay's shouldn't be keen on Islam........they tend to kill them. They certainly don't have modern-day Christianitys charity towards them (which is an issue un-to itself). Farage isn't a fascist, he an old-skool patriot that may have hung around with some dodgy types in his youth. Which most of us did at some point.
The Mayor of London is ripe for comodic value because he's a prime bell end. He's also a former lawer that used to defend terrorists that has no answer to the knife-crime epidemic happening in London. Muslims are committing the vast majority of gang rapes and grooming of mainly English girls in this country and the vast majority of terrorism. Only a self-hating white liberal would not find that alarming. The Jews don't hate all Muslims, they hate the ones that want to kill them. That's a generalization that has no merit in facts. I'm not American and I've been a fan from 86 onwards and I'm not an idiot. You need to stop having a world-view dripping in assumptions.
Gay's shouldn't be keen on Islam........they tend to kill them. They certainly don't have modern-day Christianitys charity towards them (which is an issue un-to itself). Farage isn't a fascist, he an old-skool patriot that may have hung around with some dodgy types in his youth. Which most of us did at some point.
The Mayor of London is ripe for comodic value because he's a prime bell end. He's also a former lawer that used to defend terrorists that has no answer to the knife-crime epidemic happening in London. Muslims are committing the vast majority of gang rapes and grooming of mainly English girls in this country and the vast majority of terrorism. Only a self-hating white liberal would not find that alarming. The Jews don't hate all Muslims, they hate the ones that want to kill them. That's a generalization that has no merit in facts. I'm not American and I've been a fan from 86 onwards and I'm not an idiot. You need to stop having a world-view dripping in assumptions.

Jesus, not all Muslims want to kill gays. No more than dumb macho catholic mexicans or orthodox jews or the extreme wing of Christianity.

England has always been a knife crime country dating back to mods and rockers and beyond and the rise in crimes are due to massive underfunding by their Tory government. So the mayor has no chance of stopping knife crime, just as the people before didnt.
You don't look white to me mate, I don't think you are English. You certainly have a very basic understanding of their culture

Farage wasn't a 'youth' you daft prick he was in his 20s and is still mates with some of that sort now.

Of course I've made generalizations, I'm making a general point.
But you say about my generalizations yet make two of your own, Muslims wanting to kill jews and Muslims wanting to kill gays.
You aren't very good at this, stick to rimming Reel Around The Bellend

And what about morrisseys Pakistani comment? Could have been put down to youth but given what's come after, I'd say its a firm trend.

The guy is a racist, course he f***ing is
Why can't you lot accept it. Enjoy the music but accept it.
Oh dearie, dearie, dearie me. So 'California Son' plummets from the UK & US album charts like Icarus from in less than a fortnight. "Quite extraordinary", to quote David Coleman.
You can't say you weren't told, it does need to be said. Plenty of us saw this coming. As the Sargeant-Major off 'It Ain't Half Hot, Mum' used to say, "Oh dear. How sad. Never mind". :rolleyes:
It’s not even 70s you dim creature, let alone wimpy or schlock
It is most definitely 70's and it is wimpy schlock. It is a useless collection of bad songs which sucked upon original release and suck now with this unwanted release. Glad you like it though (not really).
Jesus, not all Muslims want to kill gays. No more than dumb macho catholic mexicans or orthodox jews or the extreme wing of Christianity.

England has always been a knife crime country dating back to mods and rockers and beyond and the rise in crimes are due to massive underfunding by their Tory government. So the mayor has no chance of stopping knife crime, just as the people before didnt.
You don't look white to me mate, I don't think you are English. You certainly have a very basic understanding of their culture

Farage wasn't a 'youth' you daft prick he was in his 20s and is still mates with some of that sort now.

Of course I've made generalizations, I'm making a general point.
But you say about my generalizations yet make two of your own, Muslims wanting to kill jews and Muslims wanting to kill gays.
You aren't very good at this, stick to rimming Reel Around The Bellend

And what about morrisseys Pakistani comment? Could have been put down to youth but given what's come after, I'd say its a firm trend.

The guy is a racist, course he f***ing is
Why can't you lot accept it. Enjoy the music but accept it.

If Muslims are so hateful of homosexuals, why was it that the likes of T.E. Lawrence, Kenneth Williams, Joe Orton and others too numerous to mention sought sanctuary to be themselves in Arabic countries for, when being gay was still a criminal offence in the UK pre-1967?
Britain has armed and funded the Wahaabist Saudis - the main sponsors and promoters of global jihad - for well over a century. The Mujahideen of Afghanistan - who mutated into the Taliban - were armed by Britain and the US in the 1980's when they took on and ultimately drove the Soviets from their homeland. We gave Saddam Hussein the poison gas with which he massacred Kurds in 1988. I was at college with those that survived and fled Iraq in the early 90's. What they told me made my blood run cold.
What an irony in itself that T.E. Lawrence - him of Arabia - trained and fought with those whom the Adolf & Evas-come-latelys in residence love to use as examples of the Muslims they repetitively and boringly site. Yet he was openly gay, took lovers and strangely enough not killed by them. How do you explain that? Won't somebody tell?
He met his end in a motorcycle accident....in the UK. Funny, that. o_O
And what about morrisseys Pakistani comment? Could have been put down to youth but given what's come after, I'd say its a firm trend.

The guy is a racist, course he f***ing is
Why can't you lot accept it. Enjoy the music but accept it.

Well said! Hoffychops' own family were immigrants themselves (his surname's a major clue in itself). How many of his forebears caught grief because of that, it needs asking? As for Mozzalini's dislike of Asians being widely known, we have to thank Johnny Rogan for his excellent detective work and research to be found in "....The Severed Alliance" for that being aired in public.
When his subject called for him to "....die in a pile-up on the M3", Morrissey was acknowledging a home truth he very much didn't want to be revealed.
It is most definitely 70's and it is wimpy schlock. It is a useless collection of bad songs which sucked upon original release and suck now with this unwanted release. Glad you like it though (not really).

You think you know everything don’t you? Just pat yourself on the back and continue to wax your complete nonsense.
It is most definitely 70's and it is wimpy schlock. It is a useless collection of bad songs which sucked upon original release and suck now with this unwanted release. Glad you like it though (not really).
It’s Over 1964
Wedding Bell Blues 1967
Lady Willpower 1968

You are wrong on all accounts.
so wrongly claiming Germany is rape capital 'cause of "immigrants" isn't racist? So the fact Morrissey is for a party that is anti-Muslim (and if you know anything about the party you know they are ) isn't racist?

You see the weight of data proves that moz is anti Muslim and so a racist. Personally, I don't care but of course, he is, if the weight of evidence was on anyone else, you would say " f*** that racist " .
You can say "Muslim" isn't a race but you know its a weak defence.
If you follow his gay friend James Maker over the years he has also said anti-Muslim things.

It is so weak you don’t have any argument against it.

Most of my friends are anti Roman-catholics, what does it make of them?
Jesus, not all Muslims want to kill gays. No more than dumb macho catholic mexicans or orthodox jews or the extreme wing of Christianity.

England has always been a knife crime country dating back to mods and rockers and beyond and the rise in crimes are due to massive underfunding by their Tory government. So the mayor has no chance of stopping knife crime, just as the people before didnt.
You don't look white to me mate, I don't think you are English. You certainly have a very basic understanding of their culture

Farage wasn't a 'youth' you daft prick he was in his 20s and is still mates with some of that sort now.

Of course I've made generalizations, I'm making a general point.
But you say about my generalizations yet make two of your own, Muslims wanting to kill jews and Muslims wanting to kill gays.
You aren't very good at this, stick to rimming Reel Around The Bellend

And what about morrisseys Pakistani comment? Could have been put down to youth but given what's come after, I'd say its a firm trend.

The guy is a racist, course he f***ing is
Why can't you lot accept it. Enjoy the music but accept it.
If Muslims are so hateful of homosexuals, why was it that the likes of T.E. Lawrence, Kenneth Williams, Joe Orton and others too numerous to mention sought sanctuary to be themselves in Arabic countries for, when being gay was still a criminal offence in the UK pre-1967?
Britain has armed and funded the Wahaabist Saudis - the main sponsors and promoters of global jihad - for well over a century. The Mujahideen of Afghanistan - who mutated into the Taliban - were armed by Britain and the US in the 1980's when they took on and ultimately drove the Soviets from their homeland. We gave Saddam Hussein the poison gas with which he massacred Kurds in 1988. I was at college with those that survived and fled Iraq in the early 90's. What they told me made my blood run cold.
What an irony in itself that T.E. Lawrence - him of Arabia - trained and fought with those whom the Adolf & Evas-come-latelys in residence love to use as examples of the Muslims they repetitively and boringly site. Yet he was openly gay, took lovers and strangely enough not killed by them. How do you explain that? Won't somebody tell?
He met his end in a motorcycle accident....in the UK. Funny, that. o_O

There's no definite proof T.E Lawrence was homosexual.........that's supposition. Lawrence was slightly different to the others...........he was fighting a war against the Turks.......whilst the others toddled over to Tangiers to get their knobs sucked. Why are you going to back to the 80's and Afghanistan? If Afghanistan was the Russians homeland, then i'm Daffy Duck.
Well said! Hoffychops' own family were immigrants themselves (his surname's a major clue in itself). How many of his forebears caught grief because of that, it needs asking? As for Mozzalini's dislike of Asians being widely known, we have to thank Johnny Rogan for his excellent detective work and research to be found in "....The Severed Alliance" for that being aired in public.
When his subject called for him to "....die in a pile-up on the M3", Morrissey was acknowledging a home truth he very much didn't want to be revealed.

No, my own family were not all immigrants actually. My grandfather was. One person. My family on my fathers side never got any grief because they saw themselves as English growing up and went on to fight in WW2 against the Germans. As to Moz's dislike of Asians, there was widespread dislike of Asians in the 70's partly because they were such an insulated culture. You know shit about shit.
Jesus, not all Muslims want to kill gays. No more than dumb macho catholic mexicans or orthodox jews or the extreme wing of Christianity.

England has always been a knife crime country dating back to mods and rockers and beyond and the rise in crimes are due to massive underfunding by their Tory government. So the mayor has no chance of stopping knife crime, just as the people before didnt.
You don't look white to me mate, I don't think you are English. You certainly have a very basic understanding of their culture

Farage wasn't a 'youth' you daft prick he was in his 20s and is still mates with some of that sort now.

Of course I've made generalizations, I'm making a general point.
But you say about my generalizations yet make two of your own, Muslims wanting to kill jews and Muslims wanting to kill gays.
You aren't very good at this, stick to rimming Reel Around The Bellend

And what about morrisseys Pakistani comment? Could have been put down to youth but given what's come after, I'd say its a firm trend.

The guy is a racist, course he f***ing is
Why can't you lot accept it. Enjoy the music but accept it.

How many cases of Catholics or Christians (real practising Christians, not just random white people) have deliberately gone out to murder homosexuals? England has always been a knife crime country? In a sense, yes, but how far are you going back? The 16th century? Sure there was knife crime in the 20th century but not to this level and it's nearly all committed by one group - namely blacks from African families and mentioning Tory cuts is a non-sequitar. If there wasn't the level of immigration happening, these murder figures would be cut significantly. You're another idiot that knows absolutely nothing about what's going on this country.
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If Muslims are so hateful of homosexuals, why was it that the likes of T.E. Lawrence, Kenneth Williams, Joe Orton and others too numerous to mention sought sanctuary to be themselves in Arabic countries for, when being gay was still a criminal offence in the UK pre-1967?
Britain has armed and funded the Wahaabist Saudis - the main sponsors and promoters of global jihad - for well over a century. The Mujahideen of Afghanistan - who mutated into the Taliban - were armed by Britain and the US in the 1980's when they took on and ultimately drove the Soviets from their homeland. We gave Saddam Hussein the poison gas with which he massacred Kurds in 1988. I was at college with those that survived and fled Iraq in the early 90's. What they told me made my blood run cold.
What an irony in itself that T.E. Lawrence - him of Arabia - trained and fought with those whom the Adolf & Evas-come-latelys in residence love to use as examples of the Muslims they repetitively and boringly site. Yet he was openly gay, took lovers and strangely enough not killed by them. How do you explain that? Won't somebody tell?
He met his end in a motorcycle accident....in the UK. Funny, that. o_O

Maybe because they didnt KNOW they were gay?:rolleyes:

L of A was openly gay LOL:crazy:

You should check your brain for cracks FFs:lbf:
And I am not sure why it comes as some kind of surprise to some that it left the top 200 so quickly. The fervent Moz fans and collectors of everything ever released by the man made their purchases in week one. After the Tonight Show appearance, and forget the pin, just the song itself would be enough to prevent any casual fan from purchasing the record. He made the record he wanted, and got the result that fit the product he presented...nothing more.



thank you for insightful contribution.:clap:
He’s like a lot of lost overweight Englishman, gets dumped, career never worked out, high blood pressure, nobody noticed him etc etc so he comments on a winner, gets his disappointment out of him. Can’t think why else after being sacked he’s still here lol.:rock::crazy:;)

Very informative.:rock:

Poor twat. Standing in the dole line surrounded by:turban:
must have over heated the bald dome.;)
I'm sure it's not the gayest song. I'll make you a mixtape.

You may want to use Johnnie Ray’s record collection to make that mix tape.

Anyway, ‘Johnnie Ray’ may want to change his user name, if he really has something against things being ‘gay’.

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