Morrissey Central "Bobby Progress" - top 20 downloads (January 24, 2020)

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He's always written songs inspired by films.

If FWD is right (& I think he is) then Bobby is about the singer Morrissey most wanted to be & the drug use that killed him.

So it's a rise & fall. You really want something, you get it, it kills you.

It's pretty relatable even if you're not in showbiz.
Cough... *FWD suggested why Hatfield could be a strong contender given his formative influence... cough... cough...
Which text book on narcissism are you referring to? And have you actually read it?

There has been a wonderful shakeout of the Morrissey fan base. I’m really looking forward to the Wembley show, without these living dead. They’ve been trying to block out the sun for far too many years. They’ve never known anything of Morrissey as they’ve been far too wrapped up with their own selfish needs and desires.

I'm 99% convinced Benny is Benetta & has a crush on him.
Morning retard, have you just finished being spoon fed your breakfast?

Oh have come out of today's posts looking like a repugnant, mindless moron. It might be for the best if you gave Solo a rest for a while. It's unpleasant watching someone who once had respect and who posted really interesting, engaging comments become a sub-Skinny, repetitive, Chapman-esque, witless idiot.

For the sake of your young ones, who you clearly adore, please stop.
Oh have come out of today's posts looking like a repugnant, mindless moron. It might be for the best if you gave Solo a rest for a while. It's unpleasant watching someone who once had respect and who posted really interesting, engaging comments become a sub-Skinny, repetitive, Chapman-esque, witless idiot.

For the sake of your young ones, who you clearly adore, please stop.

All this is fair comment, I thought surface had some respectability, given his depth of knowledge & clear love of music.

He's just a skinny drone these days which is a shame, & embarrassing. Over time I've seen him make serious posts but then he degenerates into idiocy skinny 'pack following' commentary which then makes his other posts look insincere & fake. Shame.
Great example of what a silly, sad c*** he has become. No reference to what/where this chart is but in reality he is nowhere to be seen in the official UK top 100 download chart nor the Spotify top 200. Makes me realise I made the right choice today, getting tickets for The National at Brixton Academy who sold out 2 nights in 5 mins bit odd though that they haven't made a song and dance over that fact on their website, or is it only Morrissey who does that sort of shit?

You asked me the other day, in another post, where you'd made negative comments about Moz. I'd previously called you a hater, to which you responded that you didn't hate Moz, but you just didn't like him as much as you did.

But now you show your true colours.

Prime example here surface in your above comment which is frankly shameful.

'Great example of what a silly, sad c*** he has become.'

Well you should hang your head in shame. I hope your 16 yr old daughter gets to read your (her Dad's) post.

Hope you feel proud of yourself.
I'm sure she'll be proud to have a Dad like you. Well done.
Because as judge weeks said, he’s devious and continues to be so by putting stuff like this on Morrissey Central. How long before he claims Leeds is sold out when the top tier hasn’t even been out on sale??

Another idiotic post surface.
Quoting this 'devious truculent & unreliable' is one of your favourites.
I've seen you quote it many times.
Not a hater? Really?
Embarrassment? You are, certainly.
Please stop it, there's no need for it.
Morning retard, have you just finished being spoon fed your breakfast?

Skinny please quit posting as Surface the Mindless Moron. Enough is enough. Nobody can be quite so moronic.

You have Nerak the Neurotic Ninny
and Evennow the Backwoods Hillbilly from Iowa (bad slip with "whilst"
nobody in hillbilly country would even know how to pronounce "whilst") that
is enough troll madness.
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He has no radio play and no downloads.


I can’t f***ing STAND Pearl Jam. New track is wicked. Good for them!
Benny the British Bender is his real name, or sometimes aka Bum Boy Benny, Batty Boy Benny, Bare Back Benny...also answers to 'wanker'.
...said the snaggle-toothed Melvis fan, from behind the screen - from the safety of his mommy’s basement.

It’s beyond weird and has really become tiresome, this new flock of Morrissey fans who toss around insults based on sexual orientation.

Grow the f*** up and get some iron in your diet, ya sad, homophobic sack of shit.
Today on here has been a battle against the Morrissey haters, WE have won this battle today, looking at all the posts today it’s very evident that the Moz fans have had enough and have poked the haters in the eye ball. Even boy86 aka the jam eater hasn’t... yes hasn’t replied to my message this morning..... I’m now being ignored by a troll .... This is a huge victory for us all today. We have the new single, album, and dates to look forward to, with spring just around the corner It’s been a triumphant day so we shall rejoice this evening, and pick up tomorrow from where we left off from tonight... VIVA MORRISSEY VIVA LEEDS VIVA US LOVERS.... OUR TIME IS NOW
All this is fair comment, I thought surface had some respectability, given his depth of knowledge & clear love of music.

He's just a skinny drone these days which is a shame, & embarrassing. Over time I've seen him make serious posts but then he degenerates into idiocy skinny 'pack following' commentary which then makes his other posts look insincere & fake. Shame.
He’s degenerative because you disagree with him?

Go eat a bag of dicks and then crawl back up Melvis’ asshole with the rest of your ilk.

You, Gordo, Hovis, K-hole and the other felchers need to stay in your wee lane. The grown-ups are trying to have a chat here.

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