I just (FINALLY) plowed through a HUGE box of R.E.M. cassette tapes I had, and found quite a few "Radio Shows"/"Interview" type things that I did NOT already have digitally!
My Sony tape deck is in need of some new belts before I do any transfers, but wanted to throw these out here and see if anyone ALREADY HAS DIGITAL VERSIONS OF THESE so I don't waste my time...
"REM RadioHour Complete" 1996-11-3
"Interview w/Jim Ladd - show #33-13" 1985
Rockline 1991-4-1
Rockline 1998-12-7
BBC Radio One 1994-9-26
Saturday Night Live 1994-11-12
Rockline 1994-12-12
"On The Edge" radio show 1995-7-16
"In The Studio show383" Oct 1995
Tibet House Benefit Carnegie Hall, NY 1996-2-19
Tibet Freedom Concert Randalls Island, NY 1997-6-8
Tibet Freedom Concert RFK Stadium + Interview 1998-6-13
Agora Ballroom SOUNDCHECK Hartford, CO 1984-7-20
**Does anyone have the full show from this date?? I do NOT**