"The Smiths are Dead" - Commodore 64 game released

For people who are interested, the game is now available.
The game is available in English, Spanish & Catalan and it can be played with a Commodore 64 or an emulator and you have all the information in this links:
English: https://commodore-plus.itch.io/the-smiths-are-dead-en-c64-oric
Spanish: https://commodore-plus.itch.io/los-smiths-estn-muertos-es-c64-oric
Catalan: https://commodore-plus.itch.io/los-smiths-estn-muertos-cat-c64-oric

The game is a text adventure in which you put yourself in the skin of Morrissey and covers the period between the separation of The Smiths and the release of Viva Hate.
The plot: You are Morrissey and Gail, your manager, has lost the Suedehead sheet music which is divided into 4 pieces. You must travel and gather them to be able to record your first single.

You can download the game completely free of charge




A small physical edition has also been made for collectors:



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