All UK/European gigs postponed due to "logistical circumstances beyond our control" - management

As I mentioned earlier today, this has now come to pass.

'Logistical issues'.

From @gigsandtours / Twitter:

NEWS// Morrissey tour statement.

Due to logistical circumstances beyond our control, the UK/European Morrissey concerts scheduled for July will be postponed.

We deeply regret any inconvenience to the fans and promise to reschedule UK and European dates as soon as possible.

All original purchasers from official ticket outlets will have the full ticket fee refunded, including booking fee, to their credit/debit cards. Refunds from ticket agents will be actioned from midday on Monday 2nd July.

The LIHS World Tour will continue, starting back up in Mexico City on November 23rd.

Watch for more dates to be added soon!

The LIHS World Tour has been Morrissey’s most successful tour to date, having achieved record business for the artist in both the U.S. and the UK.

We thank all the fans for their support. -

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The question is though, how could he get those three questions wrong?
He's the type that wants to get involved in just anything to massage his ego but these people always end up doing things half right. Socialists are people that never got the memo that they are not wanted or invited yet they crash any event they can cause they were told as kids that they are special.
So to them robbing the rich off money through tax comes natural and they look at you with hollow eyes if you question that.
The day is coming my friend when more and more people will agree with Morrissey's views.

That makes me very happy.
That's happening all the time and I cannot believe how fast the tide has turned although to be fair events in Europe in the last few years have of course made people take note.
Yes it is. I can't remember her name, but there was a moderator here that would drop down and remind people to stay on topic, or go to the pigsty. A thread could be started to discuss Morrissey's favorite flavor of ice cream and if it were thought to be vanilla thirty pages later it would be about him being a Nazi racist because he holds complete disdain for chocolate.

The point of this thread was the cancellation of his most recent tour. I think the level of disappointment should be directly correlated to the set list. I wish we could see if it was to be the biblical tablets of songs etched in stone for so many years, or if he was planning to relax the quarantine placed on most of his back catalog. If you have seen him in the past few years singing the almost identical set list, then this tour wouldn't be much of a loss.

I don't think it is fair, or more to the point realistic that he will ever achieve the quality of music that was produced in the past. He is in his fifties after all and pretty much far removed from being relevant musically or otherwise in today's musical landscape, which is bleak at best. Nothing wrong with that. He had his time, we were there from the beginning, and are here now to appreciate what he has accomplished. I wish more focus could be placed on this rather than the unraveling of it all. To each their own.
You need to ask yourself why your followers choose to let you remain nailed to that damn cross. Maybe that tells you a little when it comes to what they really feel about you.
A good christian walks into a church and takes you down from it.
FFS give it a fing break, Skinny/Surface.:crazy: Ayatollah Hasalam is a total loser. Nothin going DH.
No man is an island? LOL thats FASCISM/COMMIE POLLO 101. I take it you all want Moz to go to the Mosque like Skinny/Surface/Cheswick all of you do. Submit to Allah.:turban:
What does POLLO 101 mean?

Sorry but I genuinely don't know what this means.
I thought they were about good deals and finally getting that country cottage with the exposed beams and belfast sink!

How many non-whites have you seen in those shows over the years?

Take USA and americans buying up houses in Alaska. It is not because they want to live there but know they have to when the shit hits the fan.

I keep an eye on our nazis here and they all live in the countryside now in houses and they are all growing things and so todays nazi is a mix of the old nazi plus some hippie lifestyle added to it.
Arent you a bit too old for this Bernie Sanders nonsense? You must be older than Skinny/Surface, and thats pretty old.:lbf:
Thats true because he is an Islamist and a Communist.:crazy: FFS get with the game plan dont be stupid.:straightface:
Bernie Sanders is LOSER who never had a job.:eek: Just like the Clintons living off handouts.

Bernie Sanders promotes the social reformist ideas i lean towards. It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with thinking.

I suspect Morrissey didn’t endorse Bernie because he cared two bits about his platform, but because Margaret Thatcher scared him into believing a woman other than his mother could ever be in charge.
You need to ask yourself why your followers choose to let you remain nailed to that damn cross. Maybe that tells you a little when it comes to what they really feel about you.
A good christian walks into a church and takes you down from it.

The past is the past and the cross remains a constant reminder to those living today that intolerance in whatever form it reveals itself should never be ignored or unchallenged. I am happy to remain there as long as one soul is saved from repeating the sins of the past. Even though you died as well you still are able to voice your opinions so we have that in common.
Bernie Sanders promotes the social reformist ideas i lean towards. It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with thinking.

I suspect Morrissey didn’t endorse Bernie because he cared two bits about his platform, but because Margaret Thatcher scared him into believing a woman other than his mother could ever be in charge.

Yeah reform on someone elses dime while he spends 4o years slurping off tax money.:crazy:
Moz didnt endorse Bernie because Bernie and his wife are Commie deadbeats who wouldnt know how to manage a 7-11.:straightface:
I lived in south east London (a heavily diverse area) for 25 years. I loved it. I don't live there anymore (I moved to the Netherlands 18 months ago to get away from people like you) but when I was back last week I popped into my old local pub. As a white male I certainly wasn't in the minority in there.

*awaits childish response about how that's cos the ragheads dont drink booze innit*

Here's my childish response.

This happened earlier today in my town:

The attacker who stabbed his victim repeatedly looked 'no older than 9 years old'

They later arrested an 11 year old.
I lived in south east London (a heavily diverse area) for 25 years. I loved it. I don't live there anymore (I moved to the Netherlands 18 months ago to get away from people like you) but when I was back last week I popped into my old local pub. As a white male I certainly wasn't in the minority in there.

*awaits childish response about how that's cos the ragheads dont drink booze innit*
Another thing, in the 2011 census London was declared 44% white.

That means whites are in a minority in London. So the pub you went to does not reflect this diversity.

It was later discovered that only four out of five households in the mainly Muslim councils of Newham and Tower Hamlets filled out their census forms. Fact. What does this suggest for London's true overall figure?

Also since 2011 hundreds of thousands more migrants have moved to London, and many more whites have upped and left and do so on a daily basis.

The true figure of London's British whiteness is likely to be 20% - so this pub you're talking about is obviously either enjoying it's last days serving to a few ancient old farts who won't be around much longer, or it's probably already been demolished and turned into a mosque (like one of my old regular pubs was).
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