The Smiths official FB as per 'On This Day' thread on the actual day of release:
a love song like no other
“Angie had just passed her driving test and her parents had loaned her this little VW Beetle that we used to sort of hang out in. I said, ‘Get me round to Mozzer’s!’ Cos he’s got a tape machine. So we got in the car like I was going to have a baby, you know?
Marr then sits like a child on his seat, cradling the birth of his new riff, “So I’m in the car, trying not to change this riff – cos you just change stuff, you know? So all the way though this 20-minute ride to Mozzer’s, I’m playing the riff.
“Angie always leaves me to it when I’m in that nutty headspace, but maybe because it was boring for her… she said ‘Make it sound like Iggy!’ She loves Iggy Pop. So I just took that Nile Rodgers thing and just played Iggy Pop chords. She said, ‘Yeah that’s cool!’ And I was like, Oh really!” Angie, The Smiths have a lot to thank you for.
So it’s a Sunday evening, we get to Morrissey’s house. I prayed that it was the one night of the year that he didn’t leave the house! He opened the door and I’m stood there with this guitar. He said ‘What’s happened?’ I said, ‘Check this out!’
“He knew me pretty well by this point, so he said OK, went and got this little tape machine. I was on the stairs in his hallway and I started putting it down. As I was putting it down, I thought, this song needs another bit – ‘Rebel Rebel’!”
And that became ‘Hand In Glove’, which was the best Smiths song at that point, I think. We were rehearsing, either the next day or the day after, and I showed Mike and Andy. I said, check this bit out. Andy, who’d played with me since being 14, goes ‘I’m sure that’s ‘Rebel Rebel’”
-Johnny Marr
agree marr,boz was phoning it in for years,he looked utterly miserable and looked as if he couldnt be arsed,M will have 2 young woman in the band,i say bring it on,least they will glam up the team photo.I only posted that exact line up because it harkens back to a sense of unity and damn good material. I can do without Boz also.
We don't need a second guitar but if we have to then Craig Gannon can step up. Spencer can be replaced by Woodie Taylor.
I do think the "I prayed that it was the one night of the year that he didn’t leave the house!" must be "I prayed that it wasn't the one night of the year when he'd leave the house".
It's what he says in this video (did they take it from here?) and it's the only way that it's funny really.
He has to dig at Moz cos he knows he was only 22% of the Smiths appeal. I mean it’s a great riff but who’d want to listen to that on repeat for 3 and half minutes?he has used that line loads of times,watched him do an interview about guitars and repeated the same line,for me its a dig at M and always gets a snigger from the crowd.
I do think the "I prayed that it was the one night of the year that he didn’t leave the house!" must be "I prayed that it wasn't the one night of the year when he'd leave the house".
It's what he says in this video (did they take it from here?) and it's the only way that it's funny really.
In full flight:
Wow that’s amazing, they even look youngerIs it just me or did they all look better, thinner back then?
I have criticisms to the way Johnny has talked about Moz, but here it just seemed like a joke to me? I didn't take it as a dig really.he has used that line loads of times,watched him do an interview about guitars and repeated the same line,for me its a dig at M and always gets a snigger from the crowd.
I agree - just sounds like a good humoured joke to me rather than a dig. And a pretty funny joke at that. In fact, it sounds like something Moz would say...I have criticisms to the way Johnny has talked about Moz, but here it just seemed like a joke to me? I didn't take it as a dig really.
It's amazing what you can find on Youtube. Hearing Hand in Glove as an instrumental for me really flags up the big problem with the track - how it was mixed. There were several versions, of course, but I don't think any of them got it quite right.He has to dig at Moz cos he knows he was only 22% of the Smiths appeal. I mean it’s a great riff but who’d want to listen to that on repeat for 3 and half minutes?
when you hear it for the first time its a joke but when he wheels it out every 6 months it sounds a bit more spiteful.just my take on it,each to their own.I have criticisms to the way Johnny has talked about Moz, but here it just seemed like a joke to me? I didn't take it as a dig really.
I laughed.I agree - just sounds like a good humoured joke to me rather than a dig. And a pretty funny joke at that. In fact, it sounds like something Moz would say...
I probably haven't heard it enough times for it to grate on me. It's probably a thought he kinda had then and it's just part of the story now.when you hear it for the first time its a joke but when he wheels it out every 6 months it sounds a bit more spiteful.just my take on it,each to their own.
What is the exact concert count?its quite extraordinary to think i posted that it was 14,615 days and he has done a thousand concerts which means he has had a concert every 14 days in the last forty years,cant say he isnt hardworkng.