SMITHS-MORRISSEY NITE @ The echoplex in LA (Feb. 20)

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Sun. Feb. 20 at the echoplex in L.A. The Part Time Punks are presenting SMITHS-MORRISSEY NITE with an acoustic performance from Jose Maldonado lead singer of the best Smiths-Moz cover band in the world "The Sweet & Tender Hooligans"
see you there.

"Only If You Are Really Interested" - new book by Nicholas P. Greco (Spring/Summer 2011)

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An anonymous person sends the link:

"Only If You Are Really Interested" - McFarland
Celebrity, Gender, Desire and the World of Morrissey

by Nicholas P. Greco

Not Yet Published, Available Spring/Summer 2011

About the Book
One of the keys to the enduring popularity of the British singer Morrissey is his carefully crafted enigmatic persona. This critical book examines the role of enigma in the celebrity’s public life, exploring how a level of mystery is maintained through television interviews, videos, reviews and concerts, as well as through his music and lyrics. Of particular interest is the way in which enigma stimulates interest and desire in his audience, and how the artist manipulates traditional modes of masculinity and the conventions of pop music to further cultivate enigma.

About the Author
Nicholas P. Greco is an assistant professor of communications and media at...

Morrissey and Marr support the League Against Cruel Sports

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From Winston Smith:

As the League Against Cruel Sports celebrates the sixth anniversary of the Hunting Act public figures, including Morrissey and Johnny Marr, have expressed their support...

Morrissey -
"The moral climate surely tells all intelligent people that the key to the extent of any person’s humanity is in their relationship to – and protection – of animals.

People who hunt are under delusions of possession and property and divine right, and their debasement of human standards is always evident in their outrage at ever being questioned about their activities.

The countryside, quite remarkably, does not need the Hunting Act to be repealed"

Johnny Marr -

"Sports which involve causing injury to animals are not only cruel but unnecessary and outdated. I'm sure that given the opportunity then the majority of people would choose to outlaw it.

I feel that those who think it's ok to abuse animals for so called sport are ignorant."...

Dum Dum Girls cover of "There Is A Light..." mentioned on

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Dum Dum Girls cover The Smiths on Raveonettes-produced EP

Dum Dum Girls have reinterpreted The Smiths' classic 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' on their new EP.

Released on February 28, the four-track 'He Gets Me High' EP was produced by frontwoman Dee Dee alongside Sune Rose Wagner of The Raveonettes, plus 1960s songwriter and Sire Records co-founder Richard Gottehrer.

More details including a link to the cover on YouTube in the forum thread:

Dum Dum Girls to release ep including cover of "There is a Light that Never Goes Out"

Related item: Dum Dum Girls announce "There Is A Light..." cover on new EP - Nov. 26, 2010

Sarah Bolger's favorite band - The Smiths

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Link / excerpt first posted at

Teenage Dreams: Sarah Bolger on her surprising religious side - The Independent


Bolger is open and natural to talk to. She says "pardon me" quite a lot, and it is endearing. She is 19-going-on-40 some moments, and just a teenager the next moment: when she is asking for a Pepsi at the bar and talking about her dog and saying how much she loves music. Her favourite band is The Smiths. Her favourite Smiths' song is There Is A Light That Never Goes Out. "And if a 10-ton truck kills the both of us,/To die by your side,/Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine," she sings.

"I love the romanticism of it," she explains. "I am a...​

"Parks & Recreation" includes Smiths reference (NBC, Feb. 3, 2011)

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Last Thursday (02/03/11) on NBC's tv programe Parks & Recreation, there was a scene between Chris Pratt ("Andy") and Aubrey Plaza's ("April'') Guatemalan boyfriend who was listening to his Ipod, when "Andy" asked what he was listening, he responded The Smiths!! he then was asked to join "Andy's" band "Mouse Rat" very funny.

The dialogue:

Andy: What are you listening to?
Eduardo: The Smiths ... very depressing.
Andy: April's making you listen to that? She's really into that indie stuff. I'm more of a Dave Matthews guy myself.​

Edwyn Collins feat. Boz Boorer live on German TV 2011

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Edwyn Collins feat. Boz Boorer on keyboards and saxophone live on the late night show "Harald Schmidt" in Cologne on first progamme of German TV "Das Erste" on February 10th 2011.

Related item: Boz Boorer touring with Edwyn Collins (UK & Europe, Nov. / Dec. 2010)

Andy Rourke chats to Huffington Post

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Salvatore Bono, blogger with The Huffington Post, has conducted a low-yield if affable interview with Andy Rourke:

Catching Up With Andy Rourke of The Smiths

- When it comes to icons of the indie world, none are bigger and get more credit than The Smiths. During their time together from 1982-1987, the band transformed the decade's musical scene with their swagger, style and sound. Today, decades later, their music continues to do the same. The band has not played together since their famous split, and fans have waited for them to reunite through famous feuds and fights, though it looks as if it may never happen.

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what is that website ? this is true - Thats very ambitious for Morrissey...

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