YATQ 20th Anniversary Special: Jan 26th - Kia Forum, CA / 27th, 2024 - Honda Center, CA (December 1, 2023)


MORRISSEY will perform YOU ARE THE QUARRY in its entirety. Celebrating the landmark album's 20th anniversary, two globally exclusive performances in Southern California: Honda Center in Anaheim on Friday, January 26 and Kia Forum in Los Angeles on Saturday, January 27. Tickets on sale Friday, December 8 at 10AM PT


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Got the gear in storage in the US, the musicians in the US, hardly any fees to fork out on that front….. make twicefold what would’ve been Perth. Cigarette after sex much?
Hearing rumours of a Southpaw Grammar play-through in Nottingham next March.
That'd be pointless, Alain is already doing it in Ireland. :LOL:

Oh yeah because he definitely scheduled these posts himself. Pure spite.
Oh because you think any info pertaining to Morrissey activity is scheduled? Interesting: could have sworn it was constant improvisation / ineffective damage limitation and tactless communication by a collection of brain-dead jackasses!

...I guess koalas know best!
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I've never seen "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum", but if Morrissey broke his foot on his way from his home-hotel to the venue, that'd be funny.

People in Perth would laugh for sure.
The band/crew must be loving this. A jaunt around the world at MOZI’s expense, barely having to work. And, if the backing track story is true, barely having to work even when they are working.

You just know those two women are going to be all over the music websites, telling their tales of woe once this pathetic excuse for a tour ends.
I was looking into going to the Dublin gig this weekend
Well not only Alain plays SG but if you buy him a pint he won't even charge you for his gig. (Don't tell the good people of L.A, they think they got themseves a bargain.)
The band/crew must be loving this. A jaunt around the world at MOZI’s expense, barely having to work. And, if the backing track story is true, barely having to work even when they are working.

You just know those two women are going to be all over the music websites, telling their tales of woe once this pathetic excuse for a tour ends.
Maybe “those two women” will co-write some gorgeous songs, and stay with Morrissey for a long time.
Maybe “those two women” will co-write some gorgeous songs, and stay with Morrissey for a long time.

Dear GOD I hope not!
That would be the worst thing next to Moz dying!
They both can hardly play their instruments and the songs on the setlist as it as without the help of backing tracks! It's bad enough that his current career is slowly going down like a sinking ship... with the cancellations, postponements, weak live band, and unreleased albums piling up.

A Quarry reunion with Alain, Boz and Gary would be legendary and save this sinking ship!
I would even bring back Gustavo and If Spencer can't make it, then I guess keep Brendan... the only salvageable current "band" member.

Not really interested in a Quarry show with this current mediocre lineup that never played on the album and can hardly play the same setlist for a couple of tours now.
The band/crew must be loving this. A jaunt around the world at MOZI’s expense

M:- This sightseeing tour is costing me an arm and a leg!
C: You can say that again!

If they were older I'd suspect those young musicians to be in on Operation Booyah ( see before), but as it is I hope they're just collateral damage. Well if you can call sunbathing in Australia damage.
Okay if they were all in the know at least I think that guy Juan wasn't...
Why? Because in this band he stands out like Daryl Dixon in a windowful of mannequins. 💙

And I bet even more so in a video! But I'll never know ( I was planning to just watch vids from Perth).
Feel sorry for anyone in Perth, but holy shit I can't wait for this!!
So it's kinda, like, you're two people.
Guess which one we don't want to know? :straightface:.
That's brilliant! Hopefully he'll come to Ireland again and the LP will be available at merch bar (and I don't mean a signed album for €16,000).
That's brilliant! Hopefully he'll come to Ireland again
Depends. Is there a town called "Ireland" in California?
Moz should do like Peter Hook did when he played every Joy Division song (albums, singles, b-sides) in one night. Imagine a night featuring every Moz solo song! It would be a long night! But seriously, Moz should do the Quarry b-sides as well as the album, maybe that's what he's planning. Otherwise he should do Quarry/Ringleader or Quarry/Southpaw double bills.
Quarry marked the end of the classic MOZ sound and the start of jesse's amateur sounding chug rock era!

After Quarry came out is when jesse join the band and everything started slowly going down hill musically. 20 years later and jesse has proven to be Moz's weakest guitarist and collaborator.... it would be so great if he finally cuts him loose after 20 years of mediocre service and bring back the lads... that would be so great!

Quarry was an album dominated by Alain whyte co writes!
Makes no sense if he isn't apart of the Quarry Anniversary shows!

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