Morrissey Central "WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD" (February 6, 2022)


YT video titled:
"Protesters Attempted Red Pilling Of RCMP Officers."

Video description:
"Protesters in Alberta were confronted by RCMP officers that were obviously sent out to discourage and lower their morale. One of the officers remained silent while the other demeaned the protesters by shouting: "how long can you stay?" Replies were numerous but the consensus was basically forever. "

Dennis Hendrickson's YT channel describes itself as:
"Covering important breaking news. We are an alternative source of media. Our goal is to pull out the truth as best we can and point out hypocrisy when we see it. We want you as a media consumer to put your thoughtful opinions into our content as well. We feel it's only fair to let you, the American people have a say in what's being broadcast and have a say in what's real and what is not. "


On February 7, the video was made private and removed from view.
Morrissey Central should be closed down. It’s utterly embarrassing, and it makes True To You look like the epitome of advanced web design. Morrissey can obviously not be trusted to handle any kind of social media or self-promotion. In hindsight, I really wish he had retired after YATQ. It could have sealed his career as legendary, and possibly saved him from becoming the major embarrassment that he is today.
Video is no longer available, so another meaningless post on M Central that has no meaning for any intelligent person has gone down in history.

When the obituaries are the high point and where Morrissey himself shows some kind of positivity it's a problem.
I suppose some people like the famous people in t-shirts stuff, but i doubt that has anything to do with him.
What a silly billy.
Wonder if Quest sent a mail saying, stop that tit of a nephew of yours posting shit on MC.

Johnny needs to tell his son something similar - stop tweeting shit about my past band mate.
you are so wrong, buddy. you have no idea.

let's just get one thing straight okay: the confederate flag is an american thing. no canadian gives a shit about the confederate flag. it's just not on our radar AT ALL.
Morrissey clearly understands the symbolism of the confederate flag.
I never said she was anti-vax, you idiot.

nor am I.


Yes, People Have the Power and the right to make their own choices!
I’m not for mandates, believe it or not. People can choose, as long as they’re not putting others in harm’s way. It really is that simple.

YT video titled:
"Protesters Attempted Red Pilling Of RCMP Officers."

Video description:
"Protesters in Alberta were confronted by RCMP officers that were obviously sent out to discourage and lower their morale. One of the officers remained silent while the other demeaned the protesters by shouting: "how long can you stay?" Replies were numerous but the consensus was basically forever. "

Dennis Hendrickson's YT channel describes itself as:
"Covering important breaking news. We are an alternative source of media. Our goal is to pull out the truth as best we can and point out hypocrisy when we see it. We want you as a media consumer to put your thoughtful opinions into our content as well. We feel it's only fair to let you, the American people have a say in what's being broadcast and have a say in what's real and what is not. "


So nice to see Morrissey continue to stand up for the truth. There are some artists that have enough courage to do so. So many are afraid to ruffle feathers or are completely brainwashed.
Tell us more about “fake hate crimes”. By which I assume you mean actual hate crimes where you also hate the victims?

no more like fungus that is not fungus. non fungus fungi.
(another nuclear fuel scientist we have here)

Perhaps Moz could do a Bez and go on Dancing On Ice to increase his popularity’s a slippery slope but so is everything else.
Great - now the press will call him an anti-vaxxer along with everything else.

Why does he do this?
How is this going to help him get a record deal, or radio play, or anything at all that he wants in his music career?

Why are his friends/colleagues/relatives just watching him mentally unravel?
Cause he's brave and doesn't care.
Being called anti-vaxxer is a badge of honour these days.

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