I'm not really troubled by his comments and I tell you why. They follow a pattern we all should know by now. His two previous posts on TTY on the "seal subject" were one of his more reasonable, in my opinion. I'm rather surprised that he didn't already go under the belt with his second post because at the time the "millionaire/hobby" remark, which obviously is the trigger for this new post, had already been made. It's always like that. There are certain remarks (some we know about, some we don't know about) which get to him and which he can't let go, for the life of it. THEN he fires back. You won't find Moz randomly insulting people in the streets ("Tara ta Fatty"). Now, I don't say this is right, I don't say this is wrong. I simply point it out. As for his choice of insult. If you search for something hurtful, you often turn to things which YOU consider hurtful for YOURSELF. So, it doesn't surprise me. BUT, and this is a mistake that many people make, such behaviour does NOT mean that you generally hate, for example, fat people. Not at all. Unfortunately the human psyche is a bit more complex than that. I could go on forever BUT there is one thing we, once again, learned by this recent post. Moz is NOT as indifferent to people's remarks and opinions about him as he wants everybody to believe. I'm pretty sure he knows that all of this is a big flaw in his personality and certainly not something he is proud of. I know many won't agree with me on that BUT, for me, it's kind of admirable and brave to explore ALL aspects of your personality and, above all, show it in public. You essentially say "Here I am, as I am, with all of my facets. Take me, or leave me". The problem is, that it quickly becomes a vicious circle because, you ARE hurt by insults but provoke them by your own behaviour. Add to that the press who, naturally, report the bad more than the good or the general public who remember the bad things before the good (because they, themselves, have no flaws and problems, obviously) and you arrive where we are with Moz today. For me, all of that IS authentic and not fake but sadly this isn't required much today.