Strange/unexpected Moz references?

It's funny, if disconcerting, how frequently Autobiography casts other stars as behaving 'madly'...but not Morrissey himself: here's Robbie Williams, practically fizzing with excitement, sticking ransom-style notes on Morrissey's door; here's Sandie Shaw, perilously hanging from a balcony to gain Morrissey's attention (etc etc).
Camila capturing Carmen about to jump out of a plane for her birthday.

'Miserable' Keir Starmer is driving UK into depression - PM needs a new tune

Keir Starmer is supposed to be inspiring the country to better things. Instead, he's been spreading misery in the style of his hero Morrissey, lead singer of 1980s indie band The Smiths.

Another Keir/Morrissey article.
Someone getting re-acquainted with Morrissey's music

Interesting. That was how I became a fan - the Thumbnail came up on YouTube, I listened and was intrigued. By the weekend I was seeking out the autobiography to try and solve the mystery of how this beautiful music had passed me by.
Boz and Spike meet in Portugal (courtesy of R. R. Dewey FB).


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“So playful”: The Smiths song that made Johnny Marr feel self-conscious

Heaven knows Keir has made us miserable now but he'll get blame for winter deaths

Yet another one...
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