Strange/unexpected Moz references?

Will have to look up Killing Joke on YouTube. Tim Broad reminds me of someone I met several days ago on my evening walk when I hailed down a man who gave me a small smile as we were passing on the sidewalk, which was my green light to ask him if he’d heard of Morrissey and his song I’m Not A Man. He had hands similar to Tim Broad’s, and a subtle observant demeanour like Tim’s. I’ve been hoping to bump into him again, though his name isn’t Tim Broad and he hasn’t been killed by a disease such as AIDS yet which I just found out Tim died from at 38 if I remember correctly. I agree FWD, that he wore an interesting t-shirt.


(rough approximation)

Shirt features in the Broad-directed EDILS video.
Lucette Henderson - as worn by Morrissey at the end of the video.
It's so great to see him at last - and wearing the T-shirt from the video!
I wonder if ScottishTeeVee have the next episode to upload - presumably with EDISL. Being judged by who I wonder?


Via ScottishTeeVee YT.

I have rated this archive YT channel for a long time, but this is a bit of a revelation.
Tim Broad in discussion about music tracks and the music industry.
Note his t-shirt.

Jaz Coleman of Killing Joke with video producer Tim Broad reviewing the weeks new releases on the Night Network video view, may 28th 1988. Tim Broad was a British film director, best known for his music videos for the singer Morrissey. In a 1990 interview, he was described as Morrissey's closest friend. Broad directed the video for The Smiths' songs "Girlfriend in a Coma" and "Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before", and subsequently a number of videos for Morrissey, seven of which were released on the compilation Hulmerist.He also directed the videos for the Mike + The Mechanics' songs "The Living Years" and "Nobody Knows", Marc Almond's "Tears Run Rings" and several songs by The Jesus and Mary Chain.Broad died of an HIV-related illness in 1993 at the age of 38.Recorded from analogue terrestrial broadcast, mono audio. tape number 0300

@davidt and I scoured the archives everywhere for a decent image of Tim - he was beyond elusive.
This popping up 36 years later is amazing.

A few months ago, after reading a mention somewhere, I also went searching for a portrait of Tim Broad, and found it very strange that no results came up. He seems like a refined intelligent angelic kind of person there. Terrible loss, at such a young age, with such talent and presence 💐

I believe the tee-shirt image is the same as at 3:20 here. -
A few months ago, after reading a mention somewhere, I also went searching for a portrait of Tim Broad, and found it very strange that no results came up. He seems like a refined intelligent angelic kind of person there. Terrible loss, at such a young age, with such talent and presence 💐
Agree, terrible loss.
I'll pop this in because of the latest 'old house' Central post, and Morrissey's special bond with James Baldwin.

This is the house in France Baldwin lived in. The story of it, and more, is given in this commemorative piece


Could the top photo of the mural by Rico Gatson at the 167th Street subway station, New York have inspired the cover for California Son? But I guess a lot of images could have suggested that. Still...

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Alain cites them as an influence on Certain People I Know via Twitter listening party:

Post in thread 'Morrissey A-Z: "Certain People I Know"'
Couldn’t find any sign of them on YouTube.
I'll pop this in because of the latest 'old house' Central post, and Morrissey's special bond with James Baldwin...
Radio 4 has been doing a series of programmes to mark his 100th. I did catch some of their presentation of Giovanni's Room.
Definitely a strong bond - it says alot that Morrissey starts all his shows with his image.
Wonder if people catch on to who he was and what he says.

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