Will have to look up Killing Joke on YouTube. Tim Broad reminds me of someone I met several days ago on my evening walk when I hailed down a man who gave me a small smile as we were passing on the sidewalk, which was my green light to ask him if he’d heard of Morrissey and his song I’m Not A Man. He had hands similar to Tim Broad’s, and a subtle observant demeanour like Tim’s. I’ve been hoping to bump into him again, though his name isn’t Tim Broad and he hasn’t been killed by a disease such as AIDS yet which I just found out Tim died from at 38 if I remember correctly. I agree FWD, that he wore an interesting t-shirt.
(rough approximation)
Shirt features in the Broad-directed EDILS video.
Lucette Henderson - as worn by Morrissey at the end of the video.