Sam Esty Rayner / YouTube: Upcoming Morrissey Interview (Premieres November 28, 2022, 5:00 AM GMT)

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Premieres Nov 27/28, 2022
In his first filmed interview since 2015, Morrissey speaks on his best album to date. Recorded October 9, 2022 at The London Palladium during his triumphant U.K tour. Directed by Sam Esty Rayner Photography.

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I think it's Fiona doing the interview... There was a photo of the two of them sitting together in the Palladium...
Could be, the date matches

Screenshot 2022-11-27 3.17.55 AM.png

SER FB, IG & Twitter & Central IG "advert".

Would guess:
Either done & posted now as posturing with Capitol regarding them being in 'control' of (and therefore withholding) his "best album".
An ill-timed gush-fest about an album that isn't yet coming out [insert woe is me et al] - which would be daft, but nothing surprises anymore.

Still, it might just be an interview to help promote something for which circumstances have now changed (undermined a bit by a UK release of Rebels, but hey ho).

This probably leans more towards positive album release news rather than the drama of unlit bonfires - we shall see.
I'm just talking about the marketing here, and not Moz himself, who I love dearly.
If you are using amateur journalists and film makers to create your content, push your marketing then it's a fast track to zero creditability. Even if people are not experts in media, etc they can feel that it's cheap and second rate. He's torching his credibility completely. Not with the die hard fans, but with the 'record buying public. And I'm sure what he wants more than ever is to remain relevant and increase his fanbase, he's still an angrily ambitious man. But the content on Sam's godawful website and his awful photography, and Fiona's sheep like embarrassing deification is not serious marketing content.
And you assume it's because he's afraid?
Don't pretend to be dumber than you are. For at least 5 years, real journalists have been twisting every word he says in an interview in order to damage his reputation. It is part of the general education on planet Morrissey. Why should this "witch hunt" change anytime soon?
An interview with Mrs. Dodwell or the hired nephew? Go ahead and celebrate it!
Don't pretend to be dumber than you are. For at least 5 years, real journalists have been twisting every word he says in an interview in order to damage his reputation. It is part of the general education on planet Morrissey. Why should this "witch hunt" change anytime soon?
An interview with Mrs. Dodwell or the hired nephew? Go ahead and celebrate it!
I agree on his wariness and only wanting to speak to people who he feels safe around. But...any credible artist appears on the respected media outlets to promote an album; chat shows, radio, even a curated Q & A session organised by a big internet presence. This all comes across as very amateur and is projecting the totally wrong image.
To be fair, the use of SER's YT isn't necessarily the kiss of death, especially if there's media interest.
He has less than 6k subs and him flogging photos yields ~1.5k views.
That said, the Christmas State Of The Union Address now has 160k views & Blue Dreamers Eyes has 168k - which isn't bad given his channel size (Kiss Me A Lot video wins highest views - 579k!).
Maybe it's Fiona interviewing him. That should have a lower potential for controversy at the moment. :pray:
Yoga mat at the ready, Karen? Ready to perform some mental gymnastics?
I think you can relax though. I reckon it will be kept fairly anodyne and non-controversial. The interview he did with his nephew last year made it clear he's totally disillusioned with politics, even if it was just a toe that he stuck in the water back in 2019. He may say something about 'cancel culture' and the attempt to shut him up, he may say something about the terrible state of the world as we get to the end of 2022, something everyone could agree on, but I reckon he will do his best to avoid saying anything too controversial. I expect something similar to the Larry King interview he did back in 2015, although much shorter than that - an interview that, apart from the segment on Barrett's, is remarkably unmemorable. Morrissey is doing well if the most controversial thing he says is about his health. I'm sure The Guardian and others will be ready to pounce on the slightest morsel of heresy though, if they can find it. And we know they will do their best to look.
I agree on his wariness and only wanting to speak to people who he feels safe around. But...any credible artist appears on the respected media outlets to promote an album; chat shows, radio, even a curated Q & A session organised by a big internet presence. This all comes across as very amateur and is projecting the totally wrong image.
It's about having some sort of 'control' over the message and the image. Right back to the 'Flirting with Disaster' story in The NME back in 1992 there has been an obvious attempt by some journalists to 'get' Morrissey and destroy his career. And you also have to admit that even a very balanced and objective interviewer (if there is such a person) would feel obliged to ask him probing questions that would be really difficult and problematic for him to discuss publicly. He knows it. We know it. He would be fine I'm sure with a channel or an interviewer that has an explicitly 'anti-woke' agenda, but that may not fit the bill of the 'respected media outlets' that you suggest. But any more mainstream and 'woke' channel - forget it. The loss of control over the final output would worry him, and probably rightly so.
Since when was Morrissey a politician and has to be interrogated by bitter journalists? He’s had a lifetime of cross examination and can now choose how he wants to communicate and live HIS life on his own terms. If you don’t like it, don't look.
I’ve spoken to John Robb at length about Manchester music. Whilst not uncritical, he’s generally an admirer of Morrissey. There is actually a lot of goodwill out their for Morrissey still; thankfully more than he can use up.
Yoga mat at the ready, Karen? Ready to perform some mental gymnastics?
I think you can relax though. I reckon it will be kept fairly anodyne and non-controversial. The interview he did with his nephew last year made it clear he's totally disillusioned with politics, even if it was just a toe that he stuck in the water back in 2019. He may say something about 'cancel culture' and the attempt to shut him up, he may say something about the terrible state of the world as we get to the end of 2022, something everyone could agree on, but I reckon he will do his best to avoid saying anything too controversial. I expect something similar to the Larry King interview he did back in 2015, although much shorter than that - an interview that, apart from the segment on Barrett's, is remarkably unmemorable. Morrissey is doing well if the most controversial thing he says is about his health. I'm sure The Guardian and others will be ready to pounce on the slightest morsel of heresy though, if they can find it. And we know they will do their best to look.

No matter what he says in that interview you'll be going on about "anti-woooooooke".
So another interview where Morrissey writes the questions and answers and tries to make himself sound as vicitimized as possible. Maybe Sam will tell some potty and genitalia jokes and there will be a special appearances by "Little Moz" and Fi.
Why the hell is his management and record company allowing this. Surely John Robb could do this, the right way.
Don't watch it then, you're going to hate it and criticise it no matter the content.
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