Post Millennial: "Morrissey: How did the ultimate anti-establishment artist make it against all odds?" by Fiona Dodwell (October 17, 2020)

"We have become acclimatized to safe public figures who brand themselves as a commodity like a soft drink, palatable at first but devoid of any substantial nourishment."


UPDATE Oct. 18:

Posted by Nerak:

It's now linked on Central.

With a Linder photo.

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I bet not one single Chinese person has told you that Morrissey’s words offended them.

You recently joined this Morrissey fan-site. Why? You don’t seem to like him.

Do you really think you’re standing up to racism? Ha ha. Do you really think you’re making a difference by coming on here & arguing with fans of Morrissey? Poor deluded man.

I’ll say the same to you as I say to all others like you: if you really want to have an impact on racism then go to one of the many places in the world where slavery still exists and do something about it; popping up on here shining a spotlight on how non-racist you are is achieving absolutely nothing.

You'd lose that bet, SnottyWilkyPoo. I do indeed know a Chinese person who was offended by Morrissey's words -- and more than one. I also know Bengalis, Pakistanis, and Muslims who've been offended by Morrissey's words. And as it happens, I know plenty of whites offended by Morrissey's ignorant views -- many of whom have given up on him, and I can't say I blame them.

As for recently "joining" Morrissey-Solo, I've been here since the site first went live in 1997. I mostly refrained from jumping into the fray on the discussion boards, but decided it was time to speak up, as it troubles me that a former hero has fallen so far from grace. I've no doubt that he reads these boards, and I hope he considers what his dissenters have to say.
Johnny Marr has indeed been very successful. Just this year he's played on a UK No. 1 single, appeared on the Brits and worked on the new James Bond soundtrack.

He's also seen as an elder statesman of rock'n'roll, regularly being quoted on music, politics in music, the arts and creativity. That should have been Morrissey, but it's not.
LOL. Always the bridesmaid never the bride springs to mind. Twopay was sucked from obscurity by 'The Talented One'. He thinks today's 3 plus 3 = 7 society will elevate him beyond his ability. History will show otherwise. Sorry Junior. Get a job. And bow down you boys to who gave you a platform to be slightly somebody's.:thumb:
Well, the rent won’t pay itself.
You recently joined this Morrissey fan-site. Why? You don’t seem to like him.

You know who REALLY HATES this website? Morrissey. He's gone out of his way to attack David and on multiple occasions -- he even had embarrassing tee shirts made up for him and his band. *crinnngggge***-morrissey-solo-com-t-shirt-bradford-video-photo/
Well, that`s what we "old fans" have done for years! If we had "rushed" we would have done so very early on! We could have started after the Glastonbury gig, but "we" did not. Remember?

You're going along with the press framing now - which seems a waste after nearly 40 years.
Seriously? You're not familiar with that expression or what it means? Okay, then... It simply means that you have free will and can make your own choices. If you decided you'd no longer listen to a particular artist's music on account of troubling statements they made, that's absolutely your right. But I don't imagine you'd impose that view on others -- and nor would I (however, I draw the line at tyrants like Trump -- f*** that guy and his supporters, ugh). At no time have I asked people to stop listening to The Smiths & Moz. Have at it! I sure am. But I am asking the Ultra Orthodox Moz Worshippers on here to take off their blinders and see the man for who he really is. There's nothing wrong with impugning your heroes -- especially those who have seemingly abandoned the values that so endeared us to them in the first place, as Morrissey has (in my view, at least).

Also, I feel compelled to point out that your record collection -- and for that matter, book collection and movie collection -- is likely rife with artists/writers/actors/directors who've either said or done despicable things. Ya gonna burn all those? Didn't think so.

No I agree that it is possible for someone to separate the art from the artist.

As long as you understand that by continuing to buy his albums and go to his shows you are supporting him and in turn you are supporting his views.

He appreciates this I’m sure.
As long as you understand that by continuing to buy his albums and go to his shows you are supporting him and in turn you are supporting his views.

I do have serious misgivings about putting any more money in his pocket, but I haven't bought an album of his since "Ringleader," and I haven't seen him live in several years. Be that as it may, I disagree that purchasing an album or attending a show is tantamount to supporting his views. Likewise, I follow Trump on Twitter -- not because I support his views, but because it's important to me to keep tabs on his dangerous & divisive tweets. I'm sure you can think of your own examples -- artists whose work you've bought or appreciate, but with whom you have opposing views. It's not as if I'm making donations to For Britain or defending his bullshit. Quite the contrary, if you haven't noticed.
I do have serious misgivings about putting any more money in his pocket, but I haven't bought an album of his since "Ringleader," and I haven't seen him live in several years. Be that as it may, I disagree that purchasing an album or attending a show is tantamount to supporting his views. Likewise, I follow Trump on Twitter -- not because I support his views, but because it's important to me to keep tabs on his dangerous & divisive tweets. I'm sure you can think of your own examples -- artists whose work you've bought or appreciate, but with whom you have opposing views. It's not as if I'm making donations to For Britain or defending his bullshit. Quite the contrary, if you haven't noticed.

Every bit of support counts.

It helps keep him happy and healthy so that he may go on to observe the world and share his views about it, either through song, interview, central
or solo.

Thank you for supporting his views.
Every bit of support counts.
It helps keep him happy and healthy so that he may go on to observe the world and share his views about it, either through song, interview, central
or solo.
Thank you for supporting his views.

Wow. I see “Ketamine” is more than just a username for you. You sound like Morrissey’s Stepford wife, or that dramatic North Korean propaganda/news anchor. A bit of both, actually.

Sorry for making the little processor in your head crash.
Wow. I see “Ketamine” is more than just a username for you. You sound like Morrissey’s Stepford wife, or that dramatic North Korean propaganda/news anchor. A bit of both, actually.

Sorry for making the little processor in your head crash.

You do you, boo.

Morrissey appreciates your support

Every bit of support counts.

It helps keep him happy and healthy so that he may go on to observe the world and share his views about it, either through song, interview, central
or solo.

This touches me.
You'd lose that bet, SnottyWilkyPoo. I do indeed know a Chinese person who was offended by Morrissey's words -- and more than one. I also know Bengalis, Pakistanis, and Muslims who've been offended by Morrissey's words. And as it happens, I know plenty of whites offended by Morrissey's ignorant views -- many of whom have given up on him, and I can't say I blame them.

As for recently "joining" Morrissey-Solo, I've been here since the site first went live in 1997. I mostly refrained from jumping into the fray on the discussion boards, but decided it was time to speak up, as it troubles me that a former hero has fallen so far from grace. I've no doubt that he reads these boards, and I hope he considers what his dissenters have to say.

People are offended by many things all the time; doesn’t mean Morrissey is a horrible racist.

Your profile says you joined this June.

You decided it was time to speak up? Ha ha. As I said before: you’re achieving absolutely nothing. Go & find something useful to do with your time instead.
You know who REALLY HATES this website? Morrissey. He's gone out of his way to attack David and on multiple occasions -- he even had embarrassing tee shirts made up for him and his band. *crinnngggge

I know. & I don’t blame him. David T seems happy for this place to be a hateful cesspit for life’s rejects to bitch about Morrissey rather than go & sort their own lives out.
I know. & I don’t blame him. David T seems happy for this place to be a hateful cesspit for life’s rejects to bitch about Morrissey rather than go & sort their own lives out.

I actually think Morrissey owes a huge debt of gratitude to David. For most of us, it was the only source of news about Moz for years. There was no official Morrissey account for most of his solo career, no fanzine or blog as widely read. David has helped to keep Morrissey’s name on our lips during long stretches of silence from the man himself. All those quiet years between Maladjusted and You Are the Quarry — it was this site that kept people interested and coming back for more. For someone who champions his own free speech so much, it’s pathetic and hypocritical that Morrissey would try to shut down this site on account of those of us who would dare to criticize him. Ugh, what a daft prick he can be. Ace lyricist, though! 🤷🏻‍♂️

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