Philadelphia, PA - The Met Philadelphia (Dec. 3, 2022) post-show

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We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / I Am Veronica / Jim Jim Falls / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Bullfighter Dies / Knockabout World / Girlfriend In A Coma / Rebels Without Applause / I Live In Oblivion / The Loop / My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Half A Person / Irish Blood, English Heart / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Saint In A Stained Glass Window / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of @FROSTY

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Encore shirt.
Available through PETA.


Explains a bit of the previous gig's HSIN? lyric change?
tonight was absolutely solid. peta was even onsite with a table in the lobby.

he looked good - it was nice to see him come out in a button down without a blazer. those button downs are very flattering on him. it was also nice to see him come out in the i am an animal t-shirt for the encore - connecting some of those bonkers dots from njpac's hsin.

the sound was even better. he sounded great. the band sounded great. this band (referred to as "five bawdy boys of song" tonight - ha) does such a nice job together. it's a very cohesive presence this band. it really comes across.

he had a little speech about idiot culture taking over the world which was the lengthiest dialogue we got from him tonight. saying, "idiot culture has taken over politics, sport, and i'd say music, but there is no music industry, there is no music scene now. may it rest in peace. it's gone, it's gone. but if you feel crushed by idiot culture on television commercials, please remember in your alone-ness, you are not alone. and one day, maybe in about a thousand years, common sense will return."

another entertaining moment came when he was introducing giac by saying "as one or two of you know in the 1980s, i was the lead singer in a band called blodwyn pig and we released a song which sold very well, and got very high in the charts, and contrary to what some of you think, nobody, nobody would play it on the radio. how things haven't changed." where does he come up with this stuff? haha

"i live in oblivion" was straight up phenomenal. fight me on it. idc

after doing band intros, he came to himself and said "i shall remain nameless in order to protect the guilty."

he ended ppplmgwiw on his knees in a very moving rendition tonight.

the encore was particularly entertaining with some successful hugs and even a kiss. security appeared to be handling everyone evenhandedly.

it was a really good crowd tonight, too. very happy and grateful to have been a part of it.
The idiot culture * is how our era is known in the future ( according to the men who travel to the future is on you tube . Because of the social media telephone,. ticktock, tweeter, etc . Morrissey maybe took after watching the doc.
Certainly a possibility, I didn't think of that. Usually there's such jubilation from people right after a gig but both of them just looked so unhappy and with both of them extending their arms with the thumbs down, it was just really out there. So out there that I had to mention it in my show recap.

creepy. Lol.
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but in that spoken bit at the beginning, he is roughly quoting Natalie Wood's character, Louise, in the 1962 film Gypsy.
Thanks, Bill Xerox.

He also said, "I dare you, I dare you, I dare you" a few times before one song (first, I think?), and before Please, "what do you mean when you say mean"! Was someone saying something mean? Maybe. He cocked his head in thought then for a moment like Rodin's thinking man.

The animal shirt is cool. After the relative failure of COP 27, activists from bodies like the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature hope for more progress next week in Montreal at COP 15 which focuses instead on stopping biodiversity decline.

Here's to a fun hoolie for all out in Boston tonight at the last date of this tour! :guitar:
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Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but in that spoken bit at the beginning, he is roughly quoting Natalie Wood's character, Louise, in the 1962 film Gypsy.
Thanks, Bill Xerox.

He also said, "I dare you, I dare you, I dare you" a few times before one song (first, I think?), and before Please, "what do you mean when you say mean"! Was someone saying something mean? Maybe. He cocked his head in thought then for a moment like Rodin's thinking man.

The animal shirt is cool. After the relative failure of COP 27, activists from bodies like the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature hope for more progress next week in Montreal at COP 15 which focuses instead on stopping biodiversity decline.

Here's to a fun hoolie for all out in Boston tonight at the last date of this tour! :guitar:

Or he’s mimicking Lypsinka who is mimicking
Natalie Wood's character ….

1:36 in …
And references this movie scene, of course, with it's famous line...

I don’t know if PETA was influenced by the film.

But he doesn’t sing ‘I am not an animal’

Not to say that he’s not familiar with the film, because he is. But in HSIN? from the other night, he sang ‘I am an animal, so happy to be an animal … so happy…’

just in case journalists are taking notes.

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I don’t know if PETA was influenced by the film.

But he doesn’t sing ‘I am not an animal’

Not to say that he’s not familiar with the film, because he is. But in HSIN? from the other night, he sang ‘I am an animal, so happy to be an animal … so happy…’

just in case journalists are taking notes.

Kinda wouldn't mind if this became a thing and Moz
started doin' some more of these wild renditions.
I don’t know if PETA was influenced by the film.

But he doesn’t sing ‘I am not an animal’

Not to say that he’s not familiar with the film, because he is. But in HSIN? from the other night, he sang ‘I am an animal, so happy to be an animal … so happy…’

just in case journalists are taking notes.

At 4:30 he is showing part of his KC again...

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