Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City, Mexico due September 10, 2023 - rescheduled for October 31, 2023.

"Translated from Spanish by Google
Morrissey... Cancelled.

An anonymous hamster
correspondent reported to us a while ago that something was wrong with the setup.
We investigated and now we confirm:
Morrissey says he is sick and it is cancelled!
We are waiting for an official announcement from 0CESA, but for the fans we hope that something can be resolved."

Started as word of mouth rumour.
More substantial 'sources' above.
No word if postponed or cancelled outright - or just misinterpreted rumours.

This is tentative information, if any ticket holders have direct sources of information, please let us know.
More details as things become clearer.
The thread status of rumour will be updated the moment an official Morrissey announcement is made.
Hoping this information is wrong and concertgoers aren't disappointed.

Update (September 10, 2013):
Now confirmed as not going ahead - rumour tag removed.
Rescheduled date given of October 31, 2023.

He doesn’t have to tell anyone of any biological illness he suffers from but he has openly admitted one throughout his life, clinical depression. Depression doesn’t give a shit what you’ve got in the diary, singing to adoring fans or working down the baked bean factory. He could have a cold for all I know but you sound like a sanctimonious prick.
“Might I ask
“I suspect
“If I’m correct
“ I’m open to hearing
Oh just f*** off.
Does Nottingham make him ‘clinically depressed’? because he has failed make it there despite two recent and consecutive commitments to play the theatre.
For people who think this is all fine and dandy, and representative of Morrissey’s disposal to regular illness: Might I ask how they’d like to rationalise away the equally numerous commitments to ‘reschedule’, which are almost inevitably unfulfilled?

I suspect that he never had any intention of making good on most of the ‘new’ dates he never appeared for.

And that would seem to support the suspicion that he’s actually indifferent about the inconvenience and costs he might cause fans. Often twice, for a single event.

If I’m correct, the only thing Morrissey would be reasonably diagnosed with is an unwelcome character flaw (one I’m personally happy to overlook, but not deny).

But as I say, I’m open to hearing about a biological illness that compels people to make diary promises that they have no intention of keeping.
Does anyone have actual data on that? (Rescheduled dates actually announced with a specific date for it, which then goes unfulfilled?)
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Does Nottingham make him ‘clinically depressed’? because he has failed make it there despite two recent and consecutive commitments to play the theatre.

Doesn’t matter where you are, when that black dog comes howling for you, you just got to draw the blinds and surrender. You just count yourself lucky he doesn’t come howling for you.
Doesn’t matter where you are, when that black dog comes howling for you, you just got to draw the blinds and surrender. You just count yourself lucky he doesn’t come howling for you.
Well exactly, the quick response to make a quip in reference to Nottingham proves they’ve never experienced it themselves.
Does anyone have actual data on that? (Reschedules dates actually announced with a acaecidos day, which then goes unfulfilled?)
I have a few dents in my bank account, from many years back. I’m now a little more ‘careful’ about which concerts I choose to attend.

Ultimately, just a few days ago some here were recognising that he seemed on the threshold of turning a corner in terms of his popular reputation.

And I immediately began to think he’s going to start working overtime on f***ing it all up.
Doesn’t matter where you are, when that black dog comes howling for you, you just got to draw the blinds and surrender. You just count yourself lucky he doesn’t come howling for you.
I do count myself lucky; I’m going to cancel all appointments, phone Noel Gallagher, and go out on a bender just to celebrate.
Or with What Difference Does It Make
I bloody love What Difference Does It Make? One of my favourite Smiths songs, i mean the single version and not the Hatful version (an inferior version ive always thought), but never came across great live. I know Moz hates it but its a belter of a tune.
I bloody love What Difference Does It Make? One of my favourite Smiths songs, i mean the single version and not the Hatful version (an inferior version ive always thought), but never came across great live. I know Moz hates it but its a belter of a tune.

I remember Alain posted himself playing that just before he rejoined the band. I thought surely M was going to do it. Maybe it was in the plans (?).
Morrissey moved into my head during one of my periods of enhanced intuition and his autobiography helped me make a life changing decision. Wishing him a speedy return to health, and as intuition is still high I will be sending good vibes.
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Morrissey came into my head during one of my periods of enhanced intuition and his autobiography helped me make a life changing decision. Wishing him a speedy return to health, and as intuition is still high I will be sending good vibes.
namaste GIF by Jaz Dhami
This "Morrissey is an alcoholic" crap is nonsense. He's always enjoyed a few drinks but is very careful not to overdo it because of his voice and how it affects his depression. The reason he cancels so often is because of his pathetic diet. His immune system is weak from not getting enough protein. He needs a large carnitas burrito!
A very strong rumor in Mexico is that he apparently left the country on Thursday morning. Does anyone know something?

Yep. I heard he went down to Peru early to
trip balls at a ayahuasca session he booked!

art moving GIF by Psyklon
Todos los fans le desean lo mejor a Moz y le envían energía curativa para superarse y seguir compartiendo su talento como siempre lo hace, con emoción y sentimiento expresados en su voz única e incomparable. Moz no te preocupes por lo que dicen los demás, cuida tu salud y cuídate. Tu salud es lo primero, te admiraro y te envío energía curativa.❤️ ❤️
No habría mucho covid si la gente dejara de ser ovejas y tirara sus testers nasales a la basura. Tuve una gripe común que era mucho peor que el covid que tuve. Lo mismo para todos los que conozco. Una estafa para ganar dinero y una buena palanca perezosa para permitir que gobiernos inútiles nos encierren. Moz probablemente esté resfriado.
The "coronavirus" viruses exist a thousand years ago, like those of the flu, it is likely that they have become more virulent, as can happen with other germs, for many causes but generating many deaths that is undeniable, the reasons why it appeared we do not know. But it is true that the lockdown affected the economy worldwide. Regardless of what affects Moz, what matters is its speedy recovery. Maybe Moz ate something inappropriate, in Mexico they make very spicy foods, and we already know that Moz has contraindicated spicy. And the food they sell on the street, whatever the country, is not safe
Does anyone have actual data on that? (Rescheduled dates actually announced with a specific date for it, which then goes unfulfilled?)

Lot of info here, doesn't include the latest one yet.

Oh, you're ignorant, huh!! I mean those who insist that Morrissey is an alcoholic. Those of us who know something about his conditions, what he personally told of his esophageal pathology know or for those who don't know I tell you that Morrissey would be dead long ago if he drank. Now to those who don't want Moz: stop talking if you don't know, stop talking about Boludeces. Surely he ate something inappropriate or caught a cold

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