Show me one instance where I've used a word I don't understand.
that massive post of verbal defecation you spout here: might be a good place to start
Also, I'd be interested in knowing how you are qualified to say how I speak in real life...
certain it's the same way you talk on here. Piece of worthless shit online, piece of worthless shit offline. Pretty easy assessment
You can't even spell the word 'bequeath'...the word you are mocking me for using, you moronic pile of waste...despite the fact that it was already spelled out for you, correctly, in the post you are referencing.
I forgot an "a". You misconstrued the whole context of the word. No comparison whatsoever. Epic failure on your part when you're trying to prove someone else is a failure
Perhaps, if we're lucky, you'll leave your parents' house one day, and get hit by a bus.
Left when I was 18, like a big boy. Can see you posting from your mom's basement though, while your sick kid naps. Hopefully it won't turn out half as worthless as you did
You were saying, smithsmorrissey...?
proved that person wrong, too. Nothing further to add didn't. You didn't know it was a line from a song...
no, very certain I did.
or you wouldn't have gotten all hung up on your accusation of me using the word out of context. Don't backpedal now, moron.
or maybe I just wanted to watch you have another meltdown for my amusement, like you did when replying to this post. Mission accomplished
So much for your planned excuse that your first misspelling of the word was a you've misspelled it twice more.
still not nearly as bad as you falling on your face when trying to insult Kewpie.
That's like running up to the special needs kid to steal her lunch money, falling over your own two feet on the way and knocking all your own teeth out
And, making things worse, I assume your browser has spellcheck...not that anyone could tell from your posts.
Nope, no spell check. I leave that to you since it's the only line of defense you seem to have
And you truly are a dolt of unfathomable proportions...
Lolz well, if it's coming from you then it must be true
you concede that I was referencing a Fall quote wherein I merely substituted the word 'FAIL' for 'suede,' otherwise retaining the original context of Mark E. Smith's lyric (in this case, FAIL being a modern slang noun, used with relative elasticity and sometimes as a descriptor, just as 'suede' is a noun in the song signifying what the person is -in the original writer's words- "bequeathed" and "entrenched' in) ...yet you continue to masturbate your Down Syndrometastic assessment that I am guilty of an improper use of context regarding my statement.
No, you're wrong. I checked
and Syndrometastic isn't a word, either.
And furthermore, you mechanical monstrosity, one could still say that even apart from the song quote I was still correct in my syntax, as I noticed Kewpie's glaring error of writing 'Sherlock' as 'Sharlock' and so I bestowed upon her the inherent FAIL in her writing...I granted her the FAIL she deserved, and was owed, not that it came from me per se, as personal property would, but that it was my right to give to her that evaluation because she is clearly an idiot, whereas I am not...
Oh, you're clearly an idiot, make no mistake about it
why else would you feel the need to defend yourself in blind rage like this if you weren't?
and so when she wrote what she did, her words borne of great stupidity, I took it upon myself to act accordingly and bequeath to her the FAIL she deserved to be saddled with.
Thank god somebody is here on this planet to undertake that massive responsibility. The human race can sleep eaaaasy tonight
Bequeath can often imply one's personal property being passed to someone else but it does not have to be used this way; it also means any transaction where somebody gives something to someone who has it coming to this case Kewpie, for her retardation, had an assessment of FAIL coming to her by someone more intelligent...which she was granted. I bequeathed to her the assessment of FAIL.
you already said all this. God, you're f***ing stupid
But go on...please keep telling me how much smarter you are than I am, because it's raining outside and my vacation ends tomorrow, and I could use a good laugh.
I'd start laughing with the fact that you apparently spent your vacation inside, arguing with people on So-low. That's embarrassing. You could be hanging out with your kid, f***ing your girlfriend to Mazzy Star, or learning how to use the word 'bequeath' in the proper context