Morrissey Central "News!" - 2024 US tour dates announced today (August 5, 2024)


“There is currently something happening, a finesse and ferocity coming from Morrissey and the band that is unparalleled to anything I’ve seen in my tenure as Morrissey’s guitarist for over 21 years. It’s an infectious excitement coming from him directly manifesting through the band and into the audience leaving everyone in a euphoric state,” says Jesse Tobias. “As much as he and the band have historically been put against the ropes, doubted, disregarded and judged harshly while others are given a free pass, Morrissey and the band will liberate and astound everyone with our forthcoming releases and shows … that's if you are open to music as a method for change and genuine excitement.”

Artwork by Fernando Eiras.

PRESALE: Tuesday 6th August
GENERAL SALE: Friday 9th August
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Yankeeland otra vez!! Demasiados shows!! Me pregunto por qué no hace más shows espaciados por el mundo. ¿Por qué no retoma lo que abandona? Como Sudamérica donde vendió todo?, es decir, Argentina, Brasil... ¿Por qué siempre aterriza en EEUU? :Rodar los ojos: :inseguro::Rodar los ojos::Rodar los ojos:...
Which begs the question: which band? Presumably Tobias, Vandenberg, Grey, Galeano Toro and Matthew Ira Walker?

EDIT: Thanks @Light Housework for correcting my mangling of Juan's surname.
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Excellent news!!! I'm elated!

This is the closest to the old 'sea to shinning sea' US tours I've seen in a while. Not too, too many dates (I think & hope). I feel very lucky and excited that there are 5 drivable dates (>7 hours) my wheels are turning like mad!!

I'm happy for the fans that haven't had a nearby visit in a while!! Looks like some different cities!! 💕💕💕
Florid language!? "Forthcoming releases!?" It's another day in Morrissey public relations!

I'm glad that Morrissey is touring somewhere other than the West coast. My wallet needs a break. In all seriousness, this is good news. Back in the vegan-leather saddle.
If he joined in July 2004 he’s now entering his 21st year with Morrissey. Why would he embellish it? He probably knows better than us.
He did embellish. He joined in July 2004. That’s 20 years and one month. You’re technically correct that he’s entering on his 21st year, but it’s very generously put of you. And it’s not over 21 years. He was not part of the Morrissey band in 2002 or 2003.
He did embellish. He joined in July 2004. That’s 20 years and one month. You’re technically correct that he’s entering on his 21st year, but it’s very generously put of you. And it’s not over 21 years. He was not part of the Morrissey band in 2002 or 2003.
Presumably he had to be on the books before his first show, to rehearse. We don’t know when first contact was made.

Or maybe he’s mistaken or just deliberately bigging himself up. I dunno. Or care, really.
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