Well, the biggest issue with this collection was always longevity of the links.
Here (hopefully) is a static link to all the songs in uncompressed form in their allotted folders - so you can download any or all of the particular tracks you are trying to find.
I will add the other collections (NHS 2012/14 which has some other bits and also Cuckoo, Nothing Ever etc...) when I get round to it as uploading 4+ gigs takes time.
There is no intention of stepping on toes here - simply a URL that will stop people asking for the same things over and over.
Once the initial issues of tearing the arse out of the bandwidth is over, it should serve as a place to direct people to instead of constant re-ups.
Folders 1-16 of the NHS 2018 collection:
Tracks available individually or as folder zips.
As for moving forward - I don't want to get in to the too many cooks scenario.
I'm happy to add to the static folders with anything people feel is appropriate and hopefully is formatted to just be slotted in to the existing folders to save hassle.
There is nothing worse than sifting through a mess of files trying to make sense of things!
If Mr. J is no longer interested in any aspect of this, then obviously coming to a consensus would be good moving forward.
Similarly, if DR is going to go through all the existing collections and update, then I'm happy to update them as they become available, but that type of thing needs agreeing upon.
The above link is just a start to help those without.
I will try and track down some of the bits and bobs mentioned above to then add after discussion. If there could be some idea about whether the whole thing is being re-done or if we are adding DR's stuff to the existing etc...
Please let me know the link works and links to the 16 aforementioned folders.
For fear of boring people:
None of this would be possible without the efforts of many, many kind people in sharing/encoding/collating/recording et al - that is a fact that is
never lost on me.
To all concerned -