Thanks very much for the suggestions.
Is there anywhere to find the live tracks from The Smiths all in one place? The ones released to promote the box set but not on the box set?
I won't put Live In Boston on there because it's basically it's own standalone album; not really anomalous or anything.
I won't include any instrumental songs from Low In High School because to me they have nothing to do with Morrissey. The only thing good to me about the new album is his voice/vocal melodies; the music is incredibly dull and/or blisteringly pretentious. It's not like we're talking about Oscillate Wildly or I Misses You or something, where you have these gorgeous instrumentals written by a truly gifted musician and fleshed out by an actual fully realized, cohesive band. The instrumental versions of the new LP are, to me, just tapes of a bunch of interchangeable, replaceable session hacks trying to impress Morrissey. Without him, those songs don't exist in my opinion.
The Queen Is Dead Live :