Morrissey swearing

This could be old news , but I think I remember back in the day hearing online a live performance of The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores.

When the song ended, he said "f*** em, f*** em"
If you want some really tenuous Smiths swearing, there's the classic bit in Irvine Meadows show where Johnny calls the security 'Neanderthal f***ing idiots.' :p
I don't think he ever used a swear word in an interview (at least that I encountered) until this 1992 interview when he used "pile of shit."
From the same interview --
How do you define evil?
"Well, if I said McDonald's you'd yawn and sit on a chair over there and read a book. But I do see McDonald's as the core of modern evil, because it is the death industry. I just feel rage that they will promote themselves from every possible angle but they will not show the process by which the hamburger is made, they will not show the cow's throats being slit, the bull trying to commit suicide by banging his head against the stone floor."

Are those leather shoes you're wearing?
"Yes, and this is a leather belt."

Explain, please. Don't you feel complicit?

"I don't recall at any time asking people to stop eating dead animals or to stop wearing leather. I think if you ask people to do everything, they become so confused that they do absolutely nothing."

Do you ever feel guilt?
"No, I don't. It's absolutely useless.

What a hypocritical c_nt.
‘Shit’ is used on ‘How can Anyone Possibly Know…’. It was a word also used by me, immediately after hearing the song.

I gather I’m in a minority, but I really like Tony the Pony.
I heard he swears a lot in real life. but make of that what you want
Depends. When he sings 'oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head', is he referring to a biological mother, or is he using the word 'mother' in the Samuel L Jackson sense, as short for 'motherf***er'? That would bring quite a different feel to the song. :paranoid:

‘Shit’ is used on ‘How can Anyone Possibly Know…’. It was a word also used by me, immediately after hearing the song.

I gather I’m in a minority, but I really like Tony the Pony.
i always liked the fact morrissey didnt curse. it was further proof he could make deep emotional statements with beautiful writing. . lately, they are more in use, their increase inversely proportional to the quality of the later songs. i just keep listing to the bounty of masterpieces, and dont focus on the later stuff. how can anyone possible know is a gem compared to even later tripe. ps i LOVE tony the pony. the vibe , the sound, the breaking away from the smiths morrissey. first time i heard it i was hooked.
Depends. When he sings 'oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head', is he referring to a biological mother, or is he using the word 'mother' in the Samuel L Jackson sense, as short for 'motherf***er'? That would bring quite a different feel to the song. :paranoid:

its maternal mother. the other way would make the song crap. its said a dying man always cries for his mother at the end. the most powerful line in the song. never ever once did i think for a second what you suggest. get your head out of the ghetto.
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