Morrissey signed to Harvest (Capitol); to record in France with producer Joe Chiccarelli


Link posted by Uncleskinny:

Morrissey has signed a two-album deal with Capitol Music in Los Angeles, and is set to record a new album in France starting on February 1st -
15 January 2014

Morrissey has signed a two-album deal with Capitol Music in Los Angeles. He is set to record a new album in France starting on February 1st. Producer is Joe Chiccarelli, and musicians are Boz Boorer (guitar), Jesse Tobias (guitar), Gustavo Manzur (piano), Solomon Walker (bass guitar) and Matt Walker (drums). This will be Morrissey's first album since Years Of Refusal, which was recorded in 2008. Morrissey has been signed by Steve Barnett at Capitol Music.

Posted by mozzalini999 (original post):

Twitter alive with reports of a new deal. Check this out:

Globally-Acclaimed And Highly Influential Recording & Performing Artist To Record First New Album In Five Years For Release Later In 2014


HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Jan. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Harvest Records has signed globally-renowned artist Morrissey to a worldwide recording agreement, it was announced today by the label's General Managers Piero Giramonti and Jacqueline Saturn. Morrissey's first album under the deal will be released in the second half of this year.

Morrissey stated that he is "thrilled" with the agreement, and will commence recording of his new album – the artist's first since 2009's Years Of Refusal – later this month in France with producer Joe Chiccarelli. Joining Morrissey in France will be his longtime recording and touring band, including Boz Boorer (guitar), Jesse Tobias (guitar), Solomon Walker (bass), Matthew Walker (drums) and Gustavo Manzur (keyboards). Tour dates for 2014 will be announced soon.

According to Capitol Music Group Chairman and CEO Steve Barnett, "Morrissey is clearly one of music's most important and influential artists. He is the rare soul who has stayed consistently true to his artistic vision and ethical principles since he first exploded onto the scene in the 1980s. We are so happy that he has chosen Capitol Music Group as his home and that his forthcoming album on Harvest will bring new Morrissey music to the world."

CMG Executive Vice President Michelle Jubelirer added, "Morrissey is a truly singular artist whose music and live performances first captured a worldwide audience thirty years ago and never let go. He is uncompromising in his integrity, extremely devoted to his fans and an artist with a unique and needed voice in our culture. It's so great that Morrissey is with CMG, and, more important, that he is about to record his first new album in five years."

Link and translation via Google Translate posted by Intl_Playboy / Twitter:

Morrissey, il prossimo album uscirà per la nuova Harvest - Rockol

Google Translate to English, excerpt:

January 15, 2014
Ended the relationship with Decca, Morrissey remains linked to the major label Universal Music under a new record deal signed with the Harvest (Capitol group). This was announced by the general manager of the label, Piero Giramonti and Jacqueline Saturn, anticipating that the artist Manchester will begin recording a new album this month in France along with the musicians who work with him for some time and the producer Joe Chiccarelli.

"Morrissey is one of the most important and influential artists in the music scene," said the number one Capitol Music Group Steve Barnett. "It 's also one of the few to have remained substantially true to his artistic vision and his ethical principles since he exploded onto the scene in the '80s." For its part, "Moz" had words of appreciation for the Harvest, the historic brand created in the 70s by which they recorded for EMI Pink Floyd and Deep Purple and that Universal has recently relaunched and mean to make it a sort of indie arm inside the majors.

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Yay! I'm so happy :guitar:

This is great. And two albums means like 24 songs? And hopefully some b-sides and stuff too. It's nearly time; I was worried we had settled into a post-Maladjusted stage all over again.
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This will presumably be the first Morrissey album with no Alain Whyte songs since Kill Uncle.
A really wasted opportunity to record two albums with some fresh blood and fresh ideas, instead all we get in return is some old tracks we already know are crap and some tin-pot-four-chord-sausage-mashers from Boz-the-Song-Butcher !
I would rather sit under the stairs with chronic toothache and mumps than get excited about an album churned out by this muppet band. Is it any wonder the world won't listen ?


I can't help thinking you're right. Whats wrong with a little experimentation from time to time?

Gelato on guitars, Damien on drums and Tina on the triangle. With Jake providing the half-time oranges and 'vibes'.

It could have been more impotent (sic) than Fleetwood Mac's comeback, even with Christine McVie.
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A really wasted opportunity to record two albums with some fresh blood and fresh ideas, instead all we get in return is some old tracks we already know are crap and some tin-pot-four-chord-sausage-mashers from Boz-the-Song-Butcher !
I would rather sit under the stairs with chronic toothache and mumps than get excited about an album churned out by this muppet band. Is it any wonder the world won't listen ?


Not that you're worth responding to, but there will be plenty of time to bitch and moan about how awful the songs are after the album comes out and we've actually, you know, heard the songs and evaluated them. And it very well could be the case that they'll suck.

But in the meantime, as we have no idea (by and large) what's in store, let's try to be at least cautiously optimistic. After all, he's surprised us before.
I can't help thinking you're right. Whats wrong with a little experimentation from time to time?

Gelato on guitars, Damien on drums and and Tina on the triangle. With Jake providing the half-time oranges and 'vibes'.

It could have been more impotent (sic) than Fleetwood Mac's comeback, even with Christine McVie.


Morrissey and the Autobio Band
I fully agree that his ouput of late has been less than inspiring, but even a poor Morrissey song knocks most other "artists'" work into a cocked hat. I for one, am pretty excited at the pospect of new tunes.
I don't expect everyone to be as excited, but for the likes of Butcher to continue spouting his vicious and hateful attacks is just pathetic. I still, perhaps naively, assume these forums are for Morrissey fans. You, Butcher are clearly not a fan. Why don't you sod off and spit your boring pathetic bile elsewhere.
"I know its gonna happen someday"! Cant wait for the new album. :thumb:
Wonderful news!! Big congrats to Morrissey!!!:clap:

He waited, did it his way and ended up with what he wanted, a major label and a two album deal at that! That last part floored me! I knew he had a plan;) He should be very pleased.

Joe Chiccarelli seems like a good choice, he has produced some good albums and won a bunch of Grammys. I have a good feeling about this record. It's do or die, and I think Moz knows this.
I really hope that he doesn't throw a few songs together just to put these albums out. The last two albums were grade C material. Songs with trashy guitar cords don't suit Morrisseys voice. A good 12 song album with at least 5 legit singles. It's been at least 4 years since his last effort, this better be good!
This is great news! But I have 2 questions:

1) is matt walker really back as Morrissey's drummer?
2) is Morrissey not going to release the record he made back in 2011? The album that was to include "Scandinavia," "Action is my middle name," and "People are the Same Everywhere? That would be a shame :(
Pretty sure Morrissey said in an interview that Action, People and Kid's A Looker won't appear on albums, that's why they were released as session b-sides.

Not sure what will become of Scandinavia or Art-Hounds, though. The former might be a b-side and the latter on the album proper. That being the case, it will be 90% new material.
Art-Hounds could be a solid album track. Scandinavia I'd love to hear studio produced, but certainly a b-side.
People are already dismissing the band contributions before hearing and thing -- and before Gustav has made his songwriting debut, lol. Both Alain and Boz came up with some timeless music for Arsenal and Vauxhall after they had been dismissed as rockabilly no-talents. Who knew Spencer could write something as gorgeous as Lost and Wide to Receive?
Be patient!
Congrats though I had the idea something was going on on that subject

I hope Morrissey and the band will invite other musicians, Morrissey surely knows He must come with a great album.

This means touring too, not for me anymore

Anyway Great news in the new year 2014

'and they say he's mentall'... Faust France
Marred - I think you need to look up this whole concept of 'this will be the first x since x', as you CLEARLY do not understand it. Are you one of those ghastly foreigners?

This will presumably be the first Morrissey album with no Alain Whyte songs since Kill Uncle.

Bear in mind though, that Alain wrote an absolute shed-load of songs for Morrissey when he was working with him. Who knows how many songs Moz has stashed away from over the years?
After the split with Stephen Street in 1989, co-authored songs which had presumably been 'in the closet' were still being issued as late as 1991 ('Journalists Who Lie').
'Satan Rejected My Soul' was originally supposed to be on 'Southpaw Grammar', but ended up being held back for 'Maladjusted' two years later.
I wouldn't be surprised if Morrissey hasn't used ALL the material Alain had submitted for 'Years of Refusal', so hopefully one or two tracks might yet emerge.
I say 'hopefully' as I'm not convinced about the song-writing abilities of Jesse.
There are no Alain Whyte songs on Kill Uncle.

- marred

That's what I (sort of) said. Would you prefer this will presumably be the first Morrissey LP in 23 years not to feature any Alain Whyte songwriting credits?

God give me patience
Just no more conversation
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'People' and 'Kid's a looker' are the duff ones for me but 'Action and' the jewel in the crown 'Art Hounds' will be worth it. I didn't like 'Years of Refusal', 'Ring Leader' has a place in my heart because it had a European feel to it, I thought it was different and a more challenging listen than the 'Quarry' although 'Quarry' has grown on me now.
I don't know why people get bogged down in these 'good album/bad album' debates. Every Morrissey album to date has been a combination of good songs, okay ones and crap ones - with the odd brilliant song along the way. And I expect the next two will follow suit.
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