Morrissey on "Berlin Live" ARTE tv stream (Oct. 11, 2017) reminder / reports


Alma Matters / I Wish You Lonely / Speedway / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Istanbul / Spent The Day In Bed / Home Is A Question Mark / My Love, I'd Do Anything For You / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / The Bullfighter Dies / All The Young People Must Fall In Love / When You Open Your Legs / Meat Is Murder / Back On The Chain Gang

setlist provided by Famous when dead

  • Download thread
  • Image from budti / Instagram. Link posted by an anonymous person.

  • Review: Morrissey live in Berlin – Der 100-Prozent-Mann by Sassan Niasseri - Rolling Stone. Link posted by an anonymous person.
  • Nachlese: Morrissey live in Berlin by Dirk Hartmann - INTRO. Link posted by lanterns.

Frida54 writes:

When I heard that Morrissey was going to at an Arte Channel secret Berlin show to be taped I signed up for their audience guest list and although all tickets were taken, I received this today...

Liebe Berlin live Community

Für alle, die keinen Platz für die Aufzeichnung mit Morrissey am 11.10 ergattern konnten, ein kleines Trostpflaster:

Arte Concert zeigt den gesamten Auftritt live im Internet.

Unter folgendem Link könnt ihr das Morrissey Konzert in Echtzeit ab ca. 18.50 Uhr mitverfolgen.
Solltet ihr morgen Abend schon was anderes vorhaben, wird der Stream unter diesem Link für 24 Stunden in der Mediathek abrufbar bleiben.

Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Ansehen und Mitsingen!

Google Translate to English:

For all those who could not get any space for the recording with Morrissey on the 11th, a small consoling patch:

Arte Concert shows the entire performance live on the Internet.

In the following link, you can follow the Morrissey concert in real time from about 6:50 pm.

Should you have something else tomorrow evening, the stream will be available for 24 hours in the media library under this link.

We wish you lots of fun while singing and singing!

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Really decent 65 minutes!!!!
Alma Matters.
I Wish You lonely (lyric change: 'Bergen' to 'Norway').
Spent The Day In Bed (UK charts mentioned prior plus lyrics added at end).
Home is a Question Mark.
Band introduction.
My Love I'd Do Anything For You.
Moz hands microphone to audience member who tells NAZIs & racists to 'f*** off'.
All The Young People...
When You Open Your Legs.
Meat Is Murder (extra lyrics).
Back in the Chain Gang.

“We’ve got a new single out ... it's currently at number 168 in the charts ... Good old England, always right behind me. With a shot-gun.”

Funny, but perhaps it’s not a case of England being against you Moz, perhaps your single just isn’t that good?
01 Alma Matters

02 I Wish You Lonely (new)

03 Speedway

04 I‘m Throwing My Arms Around Paris

05 Istanbul

06 Spent The Day In Bed (new)

07 Home Is A Question Mark (new)

08 My Love, I‘d Do Anything For You (new)

09 World Peace Is None Of Your Business

10 The Bullfighter Dies

11 All The Young People Must Fall In Love (new)

12 When You Open Your Legs (new)

13 Meat Is Murder

14 Back On The Chain Gang (cover-song of The Pretenders, new)
"f*** AFD, f*** Nazis" from the crowd
Yeah I wonder if they even actually know what the AFD is about! They are very nice people and actually care! Typical brain washing of their media in Germany.
oh, i'm flying high, even here at my pc, such a great, perfect show. everything was an a++: music, voice, cameras, venue and crowd, light effects all rolled together in what was a fabulous evening, it almost felt like being there. moz, come back to germany soon, we lift you up to heaven !
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That was very enjoyable. Compared to the other performances promoting the album, the band sounded better, the sound mixing and stuff was better and apart from the odd time morrissey's voice went out, he sounded better and seemed more confident. I quite liked the new debut'd song "my love, id do anything for you".
f*** you, and f*** your Nazi sympathies.
Why does everything always have to come down to 'Nazis'? The AFD have been badly treated and every group/party attracts idiots. They are a friend of Britain which is more than can be said for the rest of Germany...
oh, i'm flying high, even here at my pc, such a great, perfect show. everything was a++: music, voice, cameras, venue and crowd, light effects all rolled together in what was a fabulous evening, it almost felt like being there. moz, come back to germany soon, we lift you up to heaven !

It was perfect.
oh, i'm flying high, even here at my pc, such a great, perfect show. everything was a++: music, voice, cameras, venue and crowd, light effects all rolled together in what was a fabulous evening, it almost felt like being there. moz, come back to germany soon, we lift you up to heaven !

Well said! Perfect show!!!

I really wait for the tour announcement!!!
His voice is still top-notch, he enjoys himself on stage, he doesn't use any tv screen to read his lyrics. Each word is sung with his heart and his soul. Thank God, he is not like Bjork or Dave Gahan. He doesn't treat his audience as sheeps.

A warm crowd, passionate, what more can we ask in these sinister times ! In the here and the how...
Why does everything always have to come down to 'Nazis'? The AFD have been badly treated and every group/party attracts idiots. They are a friend of Britain which is more than can be said for the rest of Germany...

That's because they are Putin-funded state-breakers, just like UKIP, who failed in the UK. Chock full of racist scum.
That's because they are Putin-funded state-breakers, just like UKIP, who failed in the UK. Chock full of racist scum.
Jesus H Christ! WAKE UP!

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