Morrissey on BBC 6 Music Live 2017 (Oct. 2, 2017, Maida Vale, London) - reminder / reports


You Have Killed Me / I Wish You Lonely / Spent The Day In Bed / Speedway / Istanbul / Ganglord / Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On The Stage / Back On The Chain Gang / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / The Bullfighter Dies / When You Open Your Legs / Jack The Ripper / Home Is A Question Mark / All The Young People Must Fall In Love / My Love, I'd Do Anything for You (not played) / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris (not played)

Setlist provided by @NeilW70 / Twitter.

  • BBC 6 Music Live video highlights (10 songs, UK only) - BBC iPlayer. Link posted by Jim_Royle.
  • Photos posted at BBC Radio 6 Music / Facebook (4 total)


  • From @NeilW70 / Twitter. Link posted by BrummieBoy.

    Full #morrissey setlist at #maidavale. Looks like three more songs after went off air. Photo credit to @Dr_Paul_Thomas

  • Link posted by an anonymous person:

Just a reminder poached from the BBC site for people wanting to watch/hear the show:

How to catch Moz tomorrow:

1) On the BBC website

Visit the BBC Radio 6 Music homepage at to keep up-to-date with all the latest highlights from this year's 6 Music Live.

You'll be able to watch the live performances, plus an interview with Lauren, by visiting us from 11:30am each day.

Then, from 7pm each evening, you'll be able to watch each set on-demand, available for the following 30 days.

There'll also be a selection of video highlights and photos from all the acts available via the website.

2) On the BBC Red Button
Press Red from any BBC TV channel from midday each day to watch Morrissey, Mogwai, alt-J, Loyle Carner and Morrissey's sets live.

The performances will then be looped on Red Button, before a highlights programme goes live at 7pm.

There'll also be a special programme featuring the best bits from all the acts, available via the Red Button from Saturday 7 to Friday 13 October.

FULL RED BUTTON SCHEDULE (subject to change)

Monday 2 October: 12:00 - 16:15 / 19:00 - ongoing
Tuesday 3 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 4 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 15:45 / 19:00 - ongoing
Thursday 5 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Friday 6 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Saturday 7 October: ongoing - 17:50 / 22:00 - ongoing
Sunday 8 October: ongoing - 12:20 / 16:30 - 17:50 / 23:40 - ongoing
Monday 9 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 21:05 - ongoing
Tuesday 10 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 17:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 11 October: ongoing - 18:00 / 23:00 - ongoing
Thursday 12 October: ongoing - ongoing
Friday 13 October: ongoing - 22:00

3) On the Radio
Lauren Laverne will be taking her 6 Music show to Maida Vale, 10:00-13:00, each morning, featuring special editions of Memory Tapes, interviews with all the artists, and more build-up, before the live performance from 12:00.
Listen live, or on-demand for 30 days after broadcast, by following the links below:
4) On Facebook

Keep an eye on our 6 Music Facebook page every day from 10:30am to see Lauren in conversation with some of our acts and guests. They'll also pick the tracks to go on their Memory Tapes.

5) On Instagram

We'll be backstage on Instagram Stories, showcasing all the best photos from each performance.

6) On Twitter

Follow the conversation and share reactions on Twitter, and see some of the best moments from each session


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Love the inclusion and performance of Jack the Ripper but it makes me sad as to how low he's fallen with his new songs.
I really like the new music, I wonder why he started with You Have Killed Me. I noticed his bull head necklace too.
Well, he certainly doesn't "stick up" for Trump. Or May. Or Cameron when he was in power. He called Corbyn "intelligent". He's talked about his love of Islamic places like Istanbul. Obviously his politics are wildly inconsistent and veer all over the place. But I think it's too simplistic and unfair to peg him as right wing/racist. That's ignoring a whole other side to him. If he is racist he must be the only James Baldwin-loving racist out there. That's how I see it anyway.

I think he is showing real consistency with the Islamophobia.
The Moz style has come back after going for a bit of a wander during World Peace. The blazer looks good. A respectable heavy side part/quiff going on. What's the badge above the "f*** Trump" badge? He's certainly become the devil's advocate to everybody and everything.
The new material just sounds plain tired. Nothing interesting at all.

Spent the day in bed, was okay. But these other songs are truly truly disappointing.

What does Moz, think?

Wouldn't hurt to try and be little more commercially viable, just a bit.
So ! Has he performed the best songs first or has he teased us with the crap of the crock ?
Steve usually showcases his strongest tracks first. If this is the case and we take into account all the negative comments posted yesterday ? Well it's not looking very good is it ?

I'll give him the benefit of doubt until November obviously but so far it's all going just as I expected it to.

#meat free Dorchester hotel

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Steve Barnett deserves a lot of credit for pulling the plug when he did.

#please start watching the news

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Examine these songs in the context of the Smiths and of the early solo work and you’ll likely be disappointed. Listen to them without considering this and they’re not half bad.
So there was no interview then? I thought I read somewhere there would be.
funny how on all the youtube comments the ukip comment was hardly mentioned then you come on here and its all anti islam and racist,can I remind people that 4 million people voted for that party in the last election,im a labour man always have been so I have no vested interest one way or another.lets get back to the music.
I am one of the few who praised World Peace, I still believe it is his best solo record with Vauxhall and Viva Hate, and now I can't help thinking it was an accident, but, well, let's wait for the album, I always thought his band was not very good live.
funny how on all the youtube comments the ukip comment was hardly mentioned then you come on here and its all anti islam and racist,can I remind people that 4 million people voted for that party in the last election,im a labour man always have been so I have no vested interest one way or another.lets get back to the music.

Yeah, it's a sad day when you have to go on YouTube to discuss/read comments on the music rather than his own fan site.
Yes, Moz and Box definitely had a "bust up". *eyeroll* Another lie by Peter.
So there was no interview then? I thought I read somewhere there would be.

I'm sure Lauren Laverne mentioned on her show yesterday that there would be.

I've listened to most of this performances on 6 Music in the past, including Paul McCartney and New Order, and there were pre show interviews which were also filmed.

Mogwai are performing this morning and there is going to be an interview and their singer will be choosing a track to play on the show.

I hope Morrissey doesn't think that doing email Q & A's, picking and choosing what subjects to talk about and giving the same old answers, will be enough album publicity to give him the charts positions/sales he thinks he deserves.
jacky's on the stage.

What a load of shit that song is.

It wouldn't even make a B side of a B side let alone a song on an album.

It's just a hideous effort.

What is he thinking putting this crap out.
When the highlight of the show is a Prentenders Song, you know it's coming to an end for Morrissey.

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