Morrissey on BBC 6 Music Live 2017 (Oct. 2, 2017, Maida Vale, London) - reminder / reports


You Have Killed Me / I Wish You Lonely / Spent The Day In Bed / Speedway / Istanbul / Ganglord / Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On The Stage / Back On The Chain Gang / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / The Bullfighter Dies / When You Open Your Legs / Jack The Ripper / Home Is A Question Mark / All The Young People Must Fall In Love / My Love, I'd Do Anything for You (not played) / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris (not played)

Setlist provided by @NeilW70 / Twitter.

  • BBC 6 Music Live video highlights (10 songs, UK only) - BBC iPlayer. Link posted by Jim_Royle.
  • Photos posted at BBC Radio 6 Music / Facebook (4 total)


  • From @NeilW70 / Twitter. Link posted by BrummieBoy.

    Full #morrissey setlist at #maidavale. Looks like three more songs after went off air. Photo credit to @Dr_Paul_Thomas

  • Link posted by an anonymous person:

Just a reminder poached from the BBC site for people wanting to watch/hear the show:

How to catch Moz tomorrow:

1) On the BBC website

Visit the BBC Radio 6 Music homepage at to keep up-to-date with all the latest highlights from this year's 6 Music Live.

You'll be able to watch the live performances, plus an interview with Lauren, by visiting us from 11:30am each day.

Then, from 7pm each evening, you'll be able to watch each set on-demand, available for the following 30 days.

There'll also be a selection of video highlights and photos from all the acts available via the website.

2) On the BBC Red Button
Press Red from any BBC TV channel from midday each day to watch Morrissey, Mogwai, alt-J, Loyle Carner and Morrissey's sets live.

The performances will then be looped on Red Button, before a highlights programme goes live at 7pm.

There'll also be a special programme featuring the best bits from all the acts, available via the Red Button from Saturday 7 to Friday 13 October.

FULL RED BUTTON SCHEDULE (subject to change)

Monday 2 October: 12:00 - 16:15 / 19:00 - ongoing
Tuesday 3 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 4 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - 15:45 / 19:00 - ongoing
Thursday 5 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Friday 6 October: ongoing - 12:00 / 12:00 - ongoing
Saturday 7 October: ongoing - 17:50 / 22:00 - ongoing
Sunday 8 October: ongoing - 12:20 / 16:30 - 17:50 / 23:40 - ongoing
Monday 9 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 21:05 - ongoing
Tuesday 10 October: ongoing - 09:00 / 17:00 - 22:00 / 22:50 - ongoing
Wednesday 11 October: ongoing - 18:00 / 23:00 - ongoing
Thursday 12 October: ongoing - ongoing
Friday 13 October: ongoing - 22:00

3) On the Radio
Lauren Laverne will be taking her 6 Music show to Maida Vale, 10:00-13:00, each morning, featuring special editions of Memory Tapes, interviews with all the artists, and more build-up, before the live performance from 12:00.
Listen live, or on-demand for 30 days after broadcast, by following the links below:
4) On Facebook

Keep an eye on our 6 Music Facebook page every day from 10:30am to see Lauren in conversation with some of our acts and guests. They'll also pick the tracks to go on their Memory Tapes.

5) On Instagram

We'll be backstage on Instagram Stories, showcasing all the best photos from each performance.

6) On Twitter

Follow the conversation and share reactions on Twitter, and see some of the best moments from each session


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Have to be honest, band sounded terrible -flat and tuneless. Hope the record sounds better as it did with much of World Peace.
Have to be honest, band sounded terrible -flat and tuneless. Hope the record sounds better as it did with much of World Peace.

I agree. They seemed to be going through the motions. In more than one sense.

I like Boz. I feel a bit sorry for him these days. He cuts a sad, forlorn figure.
What did he say about UKIP? I don't understand the reference.

UKIP had a leadership contest a couple of days ago. The most controversial candidate lost, and Morrissey repeated the conspiracy theory doing the rounds that the vote was rigged against her.
What did he say about UKIP? I don't understand the reference.
He said he was disappointed that anti-Islam candidate and friend of the EDL Anne Marie Waters didn't win the recent UKIP leadership contest, and the vote was rigged. Why should he care? Does he honestly think the public at large care?
He said he was disappointed that anti-Islam candidate and friend of the EDL Anne Marie Waters didn't win the recent UKIP leadership contest, and the vote was rigged. Why should he care? Does he honestly think the public at large care?

He doesn't care. He's a troll.

-ambiguous Black panther t-shirt refrerence
-f*** Trump badge
-UKIP voting conspiracy
-topical 'Free Catalonia' sloganeering
-Brexit baiting

I doubt he has anything coherent to say about any of the above topics and has no real interest in them other than how they might help project his new LP into the media spotlight. The new songs are just 'new songs'. I can't recall a single melody. Listening back to the new songs again. They're just....'new Morrissey songs...same as the old Morrissey songs'.....

The only coverage he'll get for this performance will be because of his trolling attempts.
He said he was disappointed that anti-Islam candidate and friend of the EDL Anne Marie Waters didn't win the recent UKIP leadership contest, and the vote was rigged. Why should he care? Does he honestly think the public at large care?

He cares because he wanted the racist to win
He said he was disappointed that anti-Islam candidate and friend of the EDL Anne Marie Waters didn't win the recent UKIP leadership contest, and the vote was rigged. Why should he care? Does he honestly think the public at large care?

I think he said he was "interested". I don't think he said "disappointed". But I see your point.
A the stream of the gig is now up in the downloads.
Seperate mp3s to follow.
He said he was disappointed that anti-Islam candidate and friend of the EDL Anne Marie Waters didn't win the recent UKIP leadership contest, and the vote was rigged. Why should he care? Does he honestly think the public at large care?

I’m not sure he did say that, Unc. There is a little of your interpretation of his words going on there, if you don’t mind me saying. I don’t know why he bothered bringing it up at all, but if it was to gain media coverage he’s more of a fool than either of us might have guessed.

The winner of the UKIP leadership, this Bolton fellow, was the preference of both Farage and Aaron Banks and that in part fuelled the conspiracy that AMW was somehow unjustly cast aside.

The likely truth is that as AMW bears all the hallmarks of a plant UKIP are almost certainly well rid. Despite even that they are a spent force in British politics unless the Tories balls up Brexit or a terror supporting Marxist cuddly grandad-like cult figure manages to bullshit the public aided by a complicit media.

No Smiths tunes?
Could this be the first tour in 22 years Moz drops all Smiths songs from set.
í wouldn't put it past the contrary old bugger.


Don't worry you will get Speedway for the millionth time.

I see Gustavo has made it on to another one too now!
I honestly could not care less about his comments. All I'm interested in is the new songs, which have barely been mentioned.

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