Morrissey Las Vegas Residency 2022 announced (1,2,6,8,9 July 2022)

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New Moz Vegas dates announced.

His ability to just keep going is amazing.

UPDATE March 22:
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Hopefully the buzz around the new song and these live shows will generate enough interest to secure a new deal. Unless he has one and we haven't been informed yet.

My worry is that it could take a year or two to get a deal and the album released. How many years was he singing songs from Quarry before the deal and album out? I remember he was singing them on The Importance of Being Morrissey, which was released in 2002, right? Two years before Quarry was released.
NaaaaNot in "The importance.. of being M" there are no Cantera songs, nothing to see
I find it striking that he won't use any photos of him taken less than 10 years ago or so. Wonder why?
What do you want from Moz? that unites you to Moz? Why call the phone all the time? What obsesses you about him? What should you do with you? What do you imagine with him? What are you going to do when you don't have it? Where are you going to go!? You're going to say oh Moz Moz Moz: forgive me! I didn't want to be bad come back, I'll be good, aha ja ja jeje uhh !!!
Just playing concerts in his Southern California-Vegas bubble, not traveling more than 230 miles from his home and watching the money pour in from the mporiumuk from the people who will never see him in concert again, just sociopath loser impostors getting bread wearing black gloves and fake impostor photo ops at some shithole in England. I love California Son's marketing strategy.
Isn't Vegas 280 miles from southern California?
He doesn't do photoshoots anymore:

You sing ‘I apologize, I grew old’ - is this how you feel personally?
A little, but this is because people often forget that I am actually 62 and not 27, and obviously the body changes every seven years and there’s nothing you can do about it. You must just accept it. The awkward aspect is that we all stay the same age inside till the day we die.
Is this why you no longer do photo sessions?
Not necessarily. I’ve never thought I looked particularly good, and I’m not here for my looks. As you age the body goes wrong. It’s nothing to do with me, and you can’t pretend what is happening isn’t happening. I woke up one day and had Robert Mitchum’s chest. I have no idea how that happened. But would I want to look like a skinny adolescent? That would be horrifying.

- Central, June 2021
Moz's brilliant phrase "I got up one day and had R Mitchun's chest" is great I laugh and to this day, !! It should be a lot of fun to be with the me would laughing with him and he with me!!!yo soy muy divertida !
Dear God please take jesse out of the band before this tour starts!
Wonder what's going on w/Boz? Seems odd that he hasn't done much w/Moz as of late. Wonder if they've had a falling out?
Morrissey sees Vegas or LA shows as a cash cow for him. He doesn't care about the money fans have to spend to go to Vegas, hotel, gas, etc and will reward them with the same setlist his been playing for years. 90% will be songs you've heard and maybe 1 or 2 new songs that you'll be grateful for and applaud on here!
And you'll be there too, clapping and singing along with everyone else.

Nobody cares which act john marr is stocking the dressing rooms for. The people who will actually manage to enjoy hearing john moan through his generic indie rock songs will by 1/5th of the amount of people who will see Moz in one night
Yep. Besides, Johnny is OPENING for the Killers, They're why Johnny would be "playing to more than Moz's shows in Vegas will have". In other words, If anyone thinks JM will be playing to potentially sold out crowds on his own, they're delusional.
If he knows eh, it is true every 7 years the physical body is totally renewed, it is a process but, if so. But the higher self is always the same that is our true master creator, and does not appear in the photos. There are many photos of Moz, example when he was in England, and it looked very good for me except when he wears the wide jeans and they age him comp 6 years.I would throw those jeans in the trash Moz those jeans look bad
I find it striking that you’re still spreading your predictable hatred on this site on a daily basis.

Be gone.

You are not wanted here.
more fake news from skinny. embarrassment.
Aha It seems interesting "I'm Veronica" in that video is heard better and I like it!!! Pichulfito Moz prompt delivery please!!!!
I find it striking that he won't use any photos of him taken less than 10 years ago or so. Wonder why?
You wrote something similar a year ago in April.

Since you don't have the decency to write new material I won't have the decency to come up with new responses.

I just checked the official shops of The Rolling Stones and The Who and you can't find any pictures of them in their 60's.. maybe pictures FROM the 60's..

Couldn't they find more recent photos of any of them or is that irrelevant because you haven't been triggered by them recently?

Don't bother answering.. we know your schtick.. it's the same year after year.. but look on the bright side.. I bought something in honour of your meltdown... a couple nice t-shirts heading my way.

Of course I didn't buy any new shirts this time.. I'm waiting for the ones with pics of him at 70 years old come out. I'll buy 10 in your honor.
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