Morrissey in Tel Aviv photo posted on Sam Esty Rayner Photography / Facebook

An anonymous person sends the link:

Listening to Morrissey Official in Tel Aviv, Israel. - Sam Esty Rayner Photography / Facebook


I have decided !
I'm pointing my finger at !
At a cow because !
I'm a top hands on animal campainer ! ( who's not gay )

It's really laughable ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Our Crank and open
Deep conversation
They get me no dough
They just bring me down so
Give me some cheese won't you
Give me some Dubliner Kerrygold
God give me patience
Hey look I'm only huma

Stop me ohhh stop me !
Stop me if you think that you've heard this setlist before
Nothing's changed I'm still dried up
Oh I'm still dried up
Oh but terribly more than I'm used to .

Every setlist is just like every other setlist!
Buy yourself some tacky merchshite

You must be wondering hoooow
The CrankFraud animal troll next door turned out ?
Have a care but don't stare, he's not there
Because he moved away to to set up a Swiss bank account and avoid paying the inland revenue

CrankFraud the debunkers are
On your case and in your face
To expose you !
Laugh at you !
See through you !

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
" Get on it Unle Steve ! A poster of a cow on a bus stop in Tel-Aviv ! " Yes ! Get in ! :brows: Who's laughing now Butcher Boy ? " :handpointup:

GARY ( Loyal family)
No. It was taken this week in Israel.
no way. i must confess i do not believe it to be possible. you mean to tell me that that swashbuckling young lad in that picture is a 57 year old man?! and you expect me to believe that?! my good sir, i am a lady of the world, not the village idiot. i know a deception when i see one.
It's not actually a good shot.

Morrissey's right foot is cut off at the bottom; and there is an equal amount of excess of space at the top (equal to the space at the bottom of the frame that would have accommodated the foot.)

Both flaws could have been mutually rectified (avoided altogether) in the initial framing process. The fact is, SER is just not a very good photographer.
It is astonishing the ability to empathise so completely with our animal brethren, and yet be so TONE DEAF to the suffering of our human brethren the Palestinians.


you know what happened with Jews, 1933-1945...6 million slaughtered, all they wanted was a little piece of land, so the got it, but Arabic countries came into war action...I agree, Israel must give the Palestinions their piece of land, but the I hope the peace will come in that area, and things will solved....but I clearly wanted to direct on what the Jews have gone through, and that's why they defend their piece of land too agressive
It is astonishing the ability to empathise so completely with our animal brethren, and yet be so TONE DEAF to the suffering of our human brethren the Palestinians.


Well said! x
that poor cow! nobody has mentioned the horror displayed in this picture yet. as animals australia is involved i can only guess that it is about those mass animal transports from australia to arabic states were the animals are then, after weeks on a crammed 40 years old ship, killed in cheap slaughterhouses under the most brutal halal conditions.
and yes, isn't that a nice shirt.

Yep, many animal welfare groups have been campaigning for an end to live transportation for years. It's absolutely shameful. I don't think it's a case of any one country being better than others although it does concern me that in the UK halal slaughter is allowed. I know there was something called 'minimum values' which protected many animals, not sure if this still operates but I did see a lorry load of cattle about to board the ferry in Ireland - they were bound for France - a very long journey. Long limbed animals like horses and cattle suffer especially but it's no picnic for any of them. If animals are to be used for meat, they must travel on the hook and not the hoof!
no way. i must confess i do not believe it to be possible. you mean to tell me that that swashbuckling young lad in that picture is a 57 year old man?! and you expect me to believe that?! my good sir, i am a lady of the world, not the village idiot. i know a deception when i see one.

It's not actually a good shot.

Morrissey's right foot is cut off at the bottom; and there is an equal amount of excess of space at the top (equal to the space at the bottom of the frame that would have accommodated the foot.)

Both flaws could have been mutually rectified (avoided altogether) in the initial framing process. The fact is, SER is just not a very good photographer.

Jaysus, I thought Benny was tedious...
What the hell does the Hebrew poster say?

Google translator app says:

" Quite trips

Stop the shipments of life
now "

Any experts? :confused:
no way. i must confess i do not believe it to be possible. you mean to tell me that that swashbuckling young lad in that picture is a 57 year old man?! and you expect me to believe that?! my good sir, i am a lady of the world, not the village idiot. i know a deception when i see one.

Hey, pal.
It's no a young Moz.. not even. Please see it closer and you'll notice Morrissey's "scar" in his eyebrow.
Pay attention in his sideburns.. In this pic it's grey in Maladjusted era it was still black.
I have decided !
I'm pointing my finger at !
At a cow because !
I'm a top hands on animal campainer ! ( who's not gay )

It's really laughable ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

Our Crank and open
Deep conversation
They get me no dough
They just bring me down so
Give me some cheese won't you
Give me some Dubliner Kerrygold
God give me patience
Hey look I'm only huma

Stop me ohhh stop me !
Stop me if you think that you've heard this setlist before
Nothing's changed I'm still dried up
Oh I'm still dried up
Oh but terribly more than I'm used to .

Every setlist is just like every other setlist!
Buy yourself some tacky merchshite

You must be wondering hoooow
The CrankFraud animal troll next door turned out ?
Have a care but don't stare, he's not there
Because he moved away to to set up a Swiss bank account and avoid paying the inland revenue

CrankFraud the debunkers are
On your case and in your face
To expose you !
Laugh at you !
See through you !

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

I composed this piece BEFORE CheeseGate II had even broken !
I know him so well :cool:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
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