Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate" - Culto

I will preface this article with a couple of caveats: firstly, it has gone through translate and secondly, context and details are lacking. It should be noted that the title is part of one question asked and not the main topic - it is a bit misleading. Only a few questions with lots of commentary/background.

In Culto (part of La Tercera), by Andrés del Real (29th July, 2018):

Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate"

Click the spoiler to see the full article in Google translated English:
Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate"

How does a celebrity adapt to the times? Probably not being Morrissey, who, true to his style and before his return to Chile, shoots against modern feminism, the English press and "the culture of the negation of the left".
Last month, an indeterminate number of English self-styled "former admirers of Morrissey" announced on social networks a party against racism in Manchester, set for the same night that the British artist, his exidolo, would come to the city with the tour promotional of his most recent album, Low in high school. The reason? The statements that the former Smith of The Smiths had made days before, taking pity on the situation of the founder of the movement of extreme right English Defense League, Tommy Robinson, sentenced to 13 months in prison for contempt of court. Coincidence or not, days before the shows, the singer announced the cancellation of his dates in Manchester and all the rest of his European tour, due to "logistical problems".

The episode is added to the increasingly extensive list of polemics starring the soloist, who with the same voice with which for decades has captivated different generations of followers in search of an answer to their torments and depressions, has also got into a series of problems and controversies, for statements against the British monarchy -one of its favorite targets-, multicultural Europe and immigration, and even the #metoo feminist movement, relativizing the denunciations against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, among others. His verbal incontinence seems to go against the current tendency of his colleagues, quick to bend to all the causes that drive certain opinion leaders and many of their own followers.

But even the sharpest language at some point knows when to stop, and Steven Patrick Morrissey is no exception: consulted by Worship about what happened in Manchester, the musician opts for silence. It is the only answer that he decides to omit from a questionnaire sent via mail at his request, in which, before launching a series of darts against various causes and modern institutions, he gives praise to the Chilean public.

"It's always great for me to go to Chile. I feel that I am valued there as a serious artist, rather than as mere entertainment for the media,"

says the 59-year-old soloist, once dubbed by the press of his country as "The Pope of Depression", from of the semi-divine cult that generates its sensitive and enlightened voice, which unleashes extreme and conflicting passions. A church that in Chile, despite its history of controversy, the canceled tours and the headaches that suppose for the producers their vegan demands and their particular character -recognized by the former director of the Viña Festival, Álex Hernández, who asked that the Briton "I hope he does not come back" - he still has a respectable legion of faithful, as the six presentations that the artist accumulates in the country prove,

- In recent years, many of his statements to the press have generated controversy, including rejection and even campaigns against him. Do you feel that in these times it is difficult to express a different opinion to the predominant or politically incorrect current? Is it difficult today to be critical of modern life?

- It is difficult in England, where all the written press is controlled by the left, which does not want an open debate or a different opinion. The left is closed minded and works very hard to maintain a culture of denial. If you do not agree with the left, you are massacred in the press for being a racist fanatic, your public is ridiculed and every effort is made to silence you. If you question Islam or multiculturalism, the BBC radio will not reproduce your music because Islam is now a dominant ideology in the United Kingdom. I oppose halal killing [a type of preparation of animal flesh according to Islamic law] as well as I oppose any killing of animals, and that is the reason why the "Loony Left" [term with which the European extreme left is pejoratively called in certain sectors of the United Kingdom] has tried to destroy me. My views are not controversial, but if you question Islam you can be sent to jail without a trial. This is Soviet Britain, it's very real, and it's too big a problem to take over.

- Is feminism a topic that worries or generates a particular opinion? Do you think that musicians and artists in general have the responsibility to express a position on this topic today?

-I discovered feminism when I was 14 years old. By then, it was the answer to everything, because it freed all people, not just women. I read And Jill Came Tumbling After (Judith Stacey), The Female Eunuch (Germaine Greer), Women and Madness(Phyllis Chesler) and they changed my point of view. Modern feminism is not the same because it seems to aspire to "whatever men do," and that seems to be enough. Therefore, it becomes a great success, for example, to have a female football team or a group of girls in a boy scout club. The original goal of feminism was to move towards a higher intellectual plane, but now it only seems to want to occupy masculine positions and receive male aggression. It does not help our societies and, on the contrary, it causes masculinism to retaliate. Female leaders in Germany and the United Kingdom have made a mess of those countries, and this does not help modern feminism either. In all matters what I ask of the people is that they think for themselves. Collect your own material and you will reach your own conclusions. It is easy. Just stop watching the news!

Music does not change the world
The criticisms of the voice of "How soon is now?" To the media are not new and have increased in the last time. Answering through his email seems to be the way he chose to communicate publicly, after he himself announced, last December during a concert in Germany, his decision to stop giving interviews to the written press, after accusing the newspaper Der Spiegel twisted his words in an interview in which, among other things, he would have indicated that the actor Kevin Spacey has been "unnecessarily attacked" after accusations of sexual abuse against him, and even that he would kill the president of the United States, Donald Trump, if the opportunity were given.

But it has been the media in his country that have responded the hardest to the soloist. His eleventh solo album, Low in high school(2017), perhaps the most overtly political work of his discography, was warmly received by the specialized critics. And while an opinion column in The Guardian newspaper a few weeks ago called simply to "stop listening" to Morrissey's music, NME magazine this month published the story of Johnny Turner, a guy who imitates the singer in a tribute band to The Smiths, who confessed that these days people stop him in the street and contact him on social networks to insult him and threaten him if he supports the controversial sayings of his idol. If before being a fan of "Moz" was tantamount to declaring a misfit, today, in a time of greater sensitivity to certain causes postponed and in which many young people have chosen to "veto" their social networks to celebrities who do not share their opinions ,

- In this era of musical consumption via streaming, social networks and post-truth, do you think that music, the lyrics of a song, can change the world? Or at least make it a little better?

-We are very closed and I think we resort to music to discover who or what we are. Music tells us how to escape from certain things. It does not change the world, because songs are like art arrows and can not really compete with the silly spectacle of war, money and political violence ... which is what makes the world go round. The songs mitigate the trauma of ... just being alive.

- In 2019 it will turn 60 years old. Is it something that bothers you or that you receive with peace of mind? Do you see yourself singing on stage and publishing albums for many more years?

-I feel somewhat insensitive with respect to age. Everything happens so fast that it is difficult to even know what is really happening. As long as I have a good pulse, I know that I will have the initiative to sing. I am not a chosen one, I have never been promoted to be fashionable or I am where I am because of my appearance, therefore, I have not moved away from the original need to sing. You must continue as if everyone is listening to you ... Even if they are not!

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Anyone from Chile in the know?

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Just saying, according to the women I know in my personal life, there is a virulent strain in modern feminism that frankly they seem to despise
However, yes, I realize that here in the USA, “anti feminism” often equates to taking away a women’s right to choose.
& my usually come back on this issue is:
“Bet you’ll be a feminist when they overturn roe v Wade”
There are stupid people who draw attention away from the real issues in every movement. If you scream "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER???" at me if I say "Pardon me, ma'am." I'll write you off as a f***wit. They exist. I live in Oregon, man. I know they exist! :lbf: But it's like the idiot patchouli stinking potheads that used to canvass for legalization here. You don't send a clown to do a job that requires the person doing it be taken seriously.
Well, he's totally right about that. Current feminism has become some bizarre and aggressive version of what it started as (equality for men and women), and tons of women are withdrawing from it (or refusing to identify as feminists), and many men are turned off by the vitriol and hatred coming from it. I know I am. These are facts, not even a controversial opinion. There are countless articles, podcasts, lectures, etc easily discoverable out there that are more eloquent and illuminating about this stuff than Morrissey (or me, for that matter) is putting it. Go and dig into it for yourself. I recommend writing and videos by Christina Hoff Sommers, Sarah Haider, Karen Straughan, or the documentary The Red Pill by (former feminist) Cassie Jaye. Feminism is a beautiful idea in concept (and in all modern societies basically practiced in full), but it's been warped beyond recognition. Hopefully everyone can chill out a bit and we can get things in a more positive direction instead of making everything about men vs women. The backlash tp this kind of hateful rhetoric has been going on for a while, and it's growing every day.
[QUOTE="SweetnTenderYorkshireman, post: 198710276]
He takes issue with the hyper sensitive ‘modern feminism’ which he feels only serves a purpose to act as childish as men.[/QUOTE]
Are you getting confused with the previous interview where he was talking about over-sensitive rape victims? In this one, he doesn't mention anything about women being hyper-sensitive (although I'd bet a fiver hgedoes think that) or men being childish. He mentions women's football and girls going to Scouts.
There are stupid people who draw attention away from the real issues in every movement. If you scream "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER???" at me if I say "Pardon me, ma'am." I'll write you off as a f***wit. They exist. I live in Oregon, man. I know they exist! :lbf: But it's like the idiot patchouli stinking potheads that used to canvass for legalization here. You don't send a clown to do a job that requires the person doing it be taken seriously.
One thing I know for certain, at least from most of the women I know?
The whole “vote for me cuz I’m a woman” thing really pissed them off, one even voted for trump I think o_O
I got one to vote for Jill with me instead, maybe one voted for Hillary, but the whole identity politics really blows up when it comes to gender, and the Democratic Party’s attempt to manipulate women are at least in part of why they lost congress. They basically preselected bunch of female candidates over the last decade to run for office just to get the “women’s vote” it was dumb
Another personal example, every women I personally know in real life of voting age, voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary and he’s an old white Jew guy :rolleyes:
One thing I know for certain, at least from most of the women I know?
The whole “vote for me cuz I’m a woman” thing really pissed them off, one even voted for trump I think o_O
I got one to vote for Jill with me instead, maybe one voted for Hillary, but the whole identity politics really blows up when it comes to gender, and the Democratic Party’s attempt to manipulate women are at least in part of why they lost congress. They basically preselected bunch of female candidates over the last decade to run for office just to get the “women’s vote” it was dumb
Another personal example, every women I personally know in real life of voting age, voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary and he’s an old white Jew guy :rolleyes:

That's some Grade A concern trolling. Bravo!
One thing I know for certain, at least from most of the women I know?
The whole “vote for me cuz I’m a woman” thing really pissed them off, one even voted for trump I think o_O
I got one to vote for Jill with me instead, maybe one voted for Hillary, but the whole identity politics really blows up when it comes to gender, and the Democratic Party’s attempt to manipulate women are at least in part of why they lost congress. They basically preselected bunch of candidates over the last decade to run for office just to get the “women’s vote” it was dumb
Another personal example, every women I personally know in real life of voting age, voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary and he’s an old white Jew guy :rolleyes:
I get the frustration they experience, where equality doesn't represent equality in many cases, especially when there's a lack of realistic choice involved. All the women I know voted Bernie in the primary as well. There's too much lip service in the world, and not enough follow through. I fear the backlash of lip service political eras. Like the original wave of PC in the 90s leading to the live production of Idiocracy we're currently in.

f*** it. I'm going to Starbucks.
[QUOTE="SweetnTenderYorkshireman, post: 198710276]
He takes issue with the hyper sensitive ‘modern feminism’ which he feels only serves a purpose to act as childish as men.
Are you getting confused with the previous interview where he was talking about over-sensitive rape victims? In this one, he doesn't mention anything about women being hyper-sensitive (although I'd bet a fiver hgedoes think that) or men being childish. He mentions women's football and girls going to Scouts.[/QUOTE]

No I wasn’t getting confused, I supposed I presumed what he was intending rather than what he actually said I suppose, my bad. Although his comment about women only striving to occupy male positions, and then going on further by references the poor political performances by female leaders, is what I was referencing when I said the ‘childishness of men’, though I suppose I have wrongly assumed much there
I never seen something as bizarre as the Moz haters on here. No matter what happens to comment upon, Skinny, Chezz and the other commies automatically become experts on the subject matter.:rolleyes:
Turns out Chezz is an authority on feminism, along with Mao and SimonGeorge23. Who woulda have known FFS?:straightface: Of course so is Skinny , Skinny is an expert on every single subject, Moz talks pistachios, Skinny will pontificate on them and how to bleach them.

I think this thread more than proves Moz is correct about the LOONY LEFT.:rock:
this is it, the floodgates have opened again,im off out to find me a feminist.better than this if I buy a feminist a drink will she buy me one back.
I never seen something as bizarre as the Moz haters on here. No matter what happens to comment upon, Skinny, Chezz and the other commies automatically become experts on the subject matter.:rolleyes:
Turns out Chezz is an authority on feminism, along with Mao and SimonGeorge23. Who woulda have known FFS?:straightface: Of course so is Skinny , Skinny is an expert on every single subject, Moz talks pistachios, Skinny will pontificate on them and how to bleach them.

I think this thread more than proves Moz is correct about the LOONY LEFT.:rock:
What does that make you then, apart from a world class idiot who inspires a mix of pity, bemusement, and ambivalence?

Love, Simon.
This is the version of feminism Morrissey seems to be objecting to.

The type of feminism he is talking about is is where women emulate the patriarchal model of doing things a lá Margaret Thatcher Angele Merkel and Hillary Clinton.
They do nothing to further women or men which is what post modern feminism should be about.
There is nothing controversial in what morrissey says, it's the truth.
What does that make you then, apart from a world class idiot who inspires a mix of pity, bemusement, and ambivalence?

Love, Simon.

OK Simon, Im sure everybody here thinks you are the next William Buckley.:crazy::laughing:

DID YOU???:swear
(Pardon me,ma'am,your Simon gender?)

HOW DARE YOU!!!:ahhh: dont you see I have a GREAT DANE that eats lipstick with ME!!??:swear
Morrissey talks about "modern" feminism in the interview, not current feminism. I would understand if he had talked about a part of modern feminism. Feminism is a huge movement with lots of different branches and objectives. Depending on the definition of that word I am able to say if I am a feminist or not, but I would be stupid being a woman not supporting equal rights and true freedom. What I am not is a men-hater. In fact most women love men and some of those women do it against their best interests considering the huge amount of macho men in our societies, especially in the so called Latin America.
If a man can't tolerate a woman who asks for equal rights and freedom then that man is not that into her or he is not that into women, two very acceptable possibilities, or he is a macho who doesn't deserve any woman at all.
Of course feminism shoud be much more than girls playing football or being scouts. Feminism should care about all the rights that allow women to develop as human beings, equals and free. Hollywood feminists are poseurs because everybody knows most of them are there because of a father, a daddy, a husband, a lover or anything like that who paved their way to the stardom. Of course that doesn't mean they should allow to be raped by pervert pigs like Weinstein, but it's ridiculous the way they are being published as the faces of feminism, when in fact their careers were based exactly on the opposite principles of equality, freedom and independence. If someone made the casting couch that person is not a true feminist, she is a traitor to the fight for dignity of true feminist women. Their images projecting success to other women when in fact they are playing the macho men games are a set back to women dignity.
I guess it all depends on what your definition of "racist" is, Uncleskinny. I would concede that he appears to be something of an "Islamophobe," so-called, but that's a religious ideology and not a race. I'm simply not persuaded of the racism charge. Especially since it frequently comes from people who eat meat, and therefore are, themselves, the ethically challenged. I find Morrissey to be opposed to all forms of barbarism and cruelty—whether religious, gastronomical, or otherwise.

I agree that he is always Opposed to anyone involved in animal cruelty though I'm not sure he has mentioned kosher animal slaughter which uses the same methods as halal.
Whether you agree with any of his opinions or not, he certainly stimulates a more interesting discussion than most of his contemporaries.
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