Morrissey A-Z: "You Have Killed Me"

I was disappointed by this upon release, and it still sounds musically thin and lyrically obvious to me.

It was the right choice of lead sing though, as the chart positioning proved, and the vocal melody catches the ear.

In the poll on the Hoffman board it ranked 52nd from 264 solo songs.
I know what you mean, this has never done much for me either. Great that it was a hit but this sounds miles away from being a classic Morrissey single, to me!
Man, I remember hearing this for the first time on...was it MySpace? I think it was (maybe @Famous when dead remembers if it was first released there?). It really knocked me out. I listened to it so many times in a row, it was almost like a religious experience. The first six months of 2006 was a fantastic time for me as a Moz fan.

I still think it's one of his best ever a-sides, and it's amazing live.
Indeed, it was very heavily promoted on MySpace - which was actually a reasonable source of information back then.
See wayback link.
Yes a really good single, which helped the album reach number 1.

Easily the best RotT-single but still I prefer each one of the Quarry-singles.


Unique lyrics like no one else can. And it rocks. Though I’m surprised
it’s getting the love it deserves here
on solo, which is nice.

Some great songs on Quarry, let down by its production. I think it’s overrated here on solo.
Indeed, it was very heavily promoted on MySpace - which was actually a reasonable source of information back then.
See wayback link.
Ah! Nice to know I still remember the important stuff. :)
Thanks, FWD. Ever the backbone of Solo.
I like this one if I don't think about it too much. "I still walk around somehow but you have killed me" is the best part and for me.

I had a song here for ages that just awaited the right post. Finally, it's here... For you :flowers:.

Blasted the hell out of this in my Chevy Celebrity over and over on a loop. Loved it then; love it now. Ringleader is still one of his best LPs.
Tobias earns his first writing credit by mimicking Alain at his most mediocre. Felt disappointed by this track in 2006 and still think it, like almost everything else on Ringleader, sounds like shit.

There’s a serious lyrical bankruptcy to this entire album and it always felt like Morrissey expected us to be enamored of his own romantic feelings for Italy without performing the necessary labor to express something evocative. Every mention of Rome, Piazza Cavour, Pasolini, etc just feels like an empty signifier.
I think of this as a very solid song but it’s true that it’s very typical of a certain type of morrissey song. Though there’s nothing I find wrong in the lyrics but at the same time they don’t move me much and I think it’s that morrissey doesn’t seem to commit the needed emotion IMO to empower the words (melody is pretty great and super catchy). I think this is also where for me the production cracks start to show and continue for those middle section rock songs on the album. I feel like there’s to much separation
Tobias earns his first writing credit by mimicking Alain at his most mediocre. Felt disappointed by this track in 2006 and still think it, like almost everything else on Ringleader, sounds like shit.

There’s a serious lyrical bankruptcy to this entire album and it always felt like Morrissey expected us to be enamored of his own romantic feelings for Italy without performing the necessary labor to express something evocative. Every mention of Rome, Piazza Cavour, Pasolini, etc just feels like an empty signifier.

I don't know if I agree with "at his most mediocre" - but the first song out doesn't sound like Jesse added much to the table. I thought that the YATQ singles as a totality were better than RotT but, with maybe the exception of "I'll Never Be Anybody's Hero Now," Alain didn't write an "obvious" single this time for this album. And, for whatever reason, Boz's contributions weren't deemed usable beyond "Christian Dior."

It still leaves a bad taste in the mouth to see Alain relegated to the drum stool in the video for this song. Knowing Morrissey's well-documented disagreements with former drummers, it felt like Morrissey was taking a shot across the bow at him.
Tobias earns his first writing credit by mimicking Alain at his most mediocre. Felt disappointed by this track in 2006 and still think it, like almost everything else on Ringleader, sounds like shit.

There’s a serious lyrical bankruptcy to this entire album and it always felt like Morrissey expected us to be enamored of his own romantic feelings for Italy without performing the necessary labor to express something evocative. Every mention of Rome, Piazza Cavour, Pasolini, etc just feels like an empty signifier.
Good point and brave to write it down like that.
Most of his travelogues are pretty bad. Ringleader as a whole, “I’m Throwing My Arms Around Paris”, “The Bullfighter Dies”, etc. Just emotionless lists.
It's difficult for me to imagine Morrissey ever being emotionless. But then "...and I'm not happy and I'm not sad.".
Honestly shocked by some of the hate here for this song. It’s easily one of his best out of his last 5 albums. In fact it’s so good, I was surprised Tobias wrote it. I even feel it’s a better song than anything on southpaw or maladjusted.
I know what you mean, this has never done much for me either. Great that it was a hit but this sounds miles away from being a classic Morrissey single, to me!

I think the song's production, like most of Ringleader, is a bit flat on this one. It would have benefited from Lillywhite's raw and clean Southpaw-style production.

Check out the live versions of YHKM at the time, they were so much better.
A plain dreary old song - hard to believe that Jesse T would go on to write such musical delights as Knockabout World, Hurling Days, What Kind of People etc. And bonkers to think this was the closest Morrissey ever got to a UK #1 single, due to the post-Quarry hype and a singles chart at its lowest ebb just before the downloading era kicked in. Had it been released (and sold the same number) the week before, it would've apparently hit the top spot.
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