Morrissey A-Z: "Who Will Protect Us from the Police?"

I'll join the chorus of dislikes for this song. We've had a few LIHS songs recently, I've relistened each time, and sad to say it confirms my disdain for LIHS. Now I understand some like LIHS, but my sense is generally it's not a fan favorite. Considering that what came before and after was significantly stronger (WPINOYB, CS and IANADOAC) I'm genuinely curious what people think was going on in Camp Morrissey during this time? Is LIHS a case of Morrissey 'phoning it in'... is it simply another example of Morrissey following a good album with a weak one (e.g., V&I then SG)... thoughts?
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I'll join the chorus of dislikes for this song. We've had a few LIHS songs recently, I've relistened each time, and sad to say it confirms my disdain for LIHS. Now I understand some like LIHS, but my sense is generally it's not a fan favorite. Considering that what came before and after was significantly stronger (WPINOYB, CS and IANADOAC) I'm genuinely curious what people think was going on in Camp Morrissey during this time? Is LIHS a case of Morrissey 'phoning it in'... is it simply another example of Morrissey following a good album with a weak one (e.g., V&I then SG)?
I am not fond of SG, but I salute the « gesture », whereas LIHS….
I'll join the chorus of dislikes for this song. We've had a few LIHS songs recently, I've relistened each time, and sad to say it confirms my disdain for LIHS. Now I understand some like LIHS, but my sense is generally it's not a fan favorite. Considering that what came before and after was significantly stronger (WPINOYB, CS and IANADOAC) I'm genuinely curious what people think was going on in Camp Morrissey during this time? Is LIHS a case of Morrissey 'phoning it in'... is it simply another example of Morrissey following a good album with a weak one (e.g., V&I then SG)... thoughts?
Always a good read your posts but i have to disagree with your thoughts on SG. I love that album and that era. The high school assessment is fair though. The only good thing about that, the gigs from that tour were generally very good.
I'll join the chorus of dislikes for this song. We've had a few LIHS songs recently, I've relistened each time, and sad to say it confirms my disdain for LIHS. Now I understand some like LIHS, but my sense is generally it's not a fan favorite. Considering that what came before and after was significantly stronger (WPINOYB, CS and IANADOAC) I'm genuinely curious what people think was going on in Camp Morrissey during this time? Is LIHS a case of Morrissey 'phoning it in'... is it simply another example of Morrissey following a good album with a weak one (e.g., V&I then SG)... thoughts?
I think there's actually some great music on High School but it's often ruined by really awful lyrics which render several of the songs almost unlistenable. If you removed the singing, it's probably one of his stronger albums, musically. Certainly more interesting musically than the joyless stodge of Ringleader, Southpaw Grammar etc.
I'll join the chorus of dislikes for this song. We've had a few LIHS songs recently, I've relistened each time, and sad to say it confirms my disdain for LIHS. Now I understand some like LIHS, but my sense is generally it's not a fan favorite. Considering that what came before and after was significantly stronger (WPINOYB, CS and IANADOAC) I'm genuinely curious what people think was going on in Camp Morrissey during this time? Is LIHS a case of Morrissey 'phoning it in'... is it simply another example of Morrissey following a good album with a weak one (e.g., V&I then SG)... thoughts?
LIHS was a huge styllistic shift after WPINOYB and IANADOAC saw him drifting in yet another direction. And the same could be said about SG after V&I. Hardly a surprise then that the reactions are all over the place.

It seems like they wanted to go for a bloated and bombastic sound, even rock opera (I bury the living) and some musak (or musical stuff as Bookish Boy called it the other day), but there was very little for the lovers of his pop sound. Add to that the overly political themes instead of personal and introspective lyrics, and it is easy to see why this album doesn’t get much love. For me, it is his most uneven effort because there are some truly excellent tracks alongide some of his worst songs ever.
It's a poor showing overall, but truly unfortunate that Morrissey turns his attention to police brutality not in solidarity with Black Lives Matter for example, but to flatter a right-wing counterrevolution meant to reverse the Bolivarian Revolution, in a country assailed by sanctions and attempted coups. I grew up on punk singles and like a ploddingly repetitive anti-cop song as much as the next person, but its absurd imperialist cheerleading to stay mum about police brutality where one lives, and raise one's voice about right-wing colour revolutions abroad. Ganglord, by comparison, I love. This song however is reactionary dross, and the tune and production remind me of a car commercial.
It's a poor showing overall, but truly unfortunate that Morrissey turns his attention to police brutality not in solidarity with Black Lives Matter for example, but to flatter a right-wing counterrevolution meant to reverse the Bolivarian Revolution, in a country assailed by sanctions and attempted coups. I grew up on punk singles and like a ploddingly repetitive anti-cop song as much as the next person, but its absurd imperialist cheerleading to stay mum about police brutality where one lives, and raise one's voice about right-wing colour revolutions abroad. Ganglord, by comparison, I love. This song however is reactionary dross, and the tune and production remind me of a car commercial.

You are despicable.

Police and military raids in low-income and immigrant communities have led to widespread allegations of abuse, including extrajudicial killings, mass arbitrary detentions, maltreatment of detainees, forced evictions, the destruction of homes, and arbitrary deportations.

Wasn't for the poor lyrics, the song could have been at least average.
That said, Low in high school is a very strong album from track 1 to track 7, very far from being his worst effort. Of course, from track 8...
There are many poor songs from the 90's that people celebrate, and good recent ones almost unnoticed. For me, I bury the living or I wish you lonely are excellent. A lot more than many celebrated "classics".
One may like or not Low in high school or World peace, everyone has different taste, but I don't see much objectivity.
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Well, this is supposedly sung from the POV of a child/teenager(?) talking to a father, the father changes his mind and comes around to seeing that the child was right all along.

Younger generation seeing clearly the lies, where the older generation blindly put too much trust in god and authority.

Good music, too much repetition lyrically. Next.
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