Morrissey A-Z: "We'll Let You Know"

Can you describe what ‘it’ was in contrast to ‘it’ no longer existing?

And do you consider it’s passing a loss, and why is that?

This is just my experience. There were no non-white kids at any of the schools I went to, bar one, which was just outside London and then, it was just 1 or 2. The town i live in, when i first came here as a kid, there was some immigration but nothing noticeable. I had a friend who was aboriginal, which was an anomaly and a half. But overall, there were probably less than a 100 non-whites in the whole town, which is quite large. The most foreigners were at the Uni and tended to be Europeans. My mate went out with a Finnish girl for a bit. In the summer, you'd see Italians and Spanish kids on summer school. Fast forward to today....there are several black barbers, most of the take-away's around here are foreign owned, all the white kids think they're black rappers, most of the taxi drivers will be foreign. If i walk out of my house.....i'll see as many non-whites/non-English as local pub closed the other yr and has been turned into an Islamic centre. That give you an idea?
This is just my experience. There were no non-white kids at any of the schools I went to, bar one, which was just outside London and then, it was just 1 or 2. The town i live in, when i first came here as a kid, there was some immigration but nothing noticeable. I had a friend who was aboriginal, which was an anomaly and a half. But overall, there were probably less than a 100 non-whites in the whole town, which is quite large. The most foreigners were at the Uni and tended to be Europeans. My mate went out with a Finnish girl for a bit. In the summer, you'd see Italians and Spanish kids on summer school. Fast forward to today....there are several black barbers, most of the take-away's around here are foreign owned, all the white kids think they're black rappers, most of the taxi drivers will be foreign. If i walk out of my house.....i'll see as many non-whites/non-English as local pub closed the other yr and has been turned into an Islamic centre. That give you an idea?
What a shame your local boozer has closed and been turned into an Islamic centre :laughing:

Perhaps you should pop in for five minutes and pray for forgiveness for all the racist shite you’ve posted on here over the years

This night has opened my eyes :rofl:
What a shame your local boozer has closed and been turned into an Islamic centre :laughing:

Perhaps you should pop in for five minutes and pray for forgiveness for all the racist shite you’ve posted on here over the years

This night has opened my eyes :rofl:

Still live in Carlisle Baz? You wouldn't understand.
Can anyone really turn their back on something that’s so interiorized?

Isn’t Morrissey’s ‘good old England’ or his idea of what Britain is or was, and to think of its ‘passing’ as a loss, (sure many wouldn’t) did it ever really exist out side of his mind ? I mean, his romanticized view of it? My take is, he’ll take England or his idea of it wherever he hangs his hat.
Morrissey’s romanticized view of England is certainly interiorize: it inspired so many great lyrics.To a large extent, it was a product of young Morrissey absorbing literary classics and 60s movies in his bedroom for many years, and perhaps his own imagination too.
I would add that it is also a view frozen in time, from where almost every change in England is viewed with hostility. And living abroad, watching England change from a distance (rather than living those changes) and just taking stock of them during his regular visits, may have reinforced his romanticized views.
This is just my experience. There were no non-white kids at any of the schools I went to . . . If i walk out of my house.....i'll see as many non-whites/non-English as local pub closed the other yr and has been turned into an Islamic centre. That give you an idea?
So, in summary, the population of your little bit of England is no longer almost uniformly white and English, and this proves to your satisfaction that England, as you knew it, no longer exists (and, worse still, there's just too many Muslims now).

It'll surprise nobody that your impression of England is informed by "just [your] experience". "Just", indeed. Don't bother to question your own experience, or reflect on it in any way. Don't bother to do even a little research into empirical reality. That might make you uncomfortable. Don't bother to question the fundamentally racist and xenophobic bullsh_t which informs the way you interpret your "experience". Don't try to think for yourself.

You, Stephen, are a dream come true for the sort of people you probably call "lefties": you're a moron and, frankly, I love that about you. Keep up the good work.

"Just my experience . . ." Brilliant.:laughing:
So, in summary, the population of your little bit of England is no longer almost uniformly white and English, and this proves to your satisfaction that England, as you knew it, no longer exists (and, worse still, there's just too many Muslims now).

It'll surprise nobody that your impression of England is informed by "just [your] experience". "Just", indeed. Don't bother to question your own experience, or reflect on it in any way. Don't bother to do even a little research into empirical reality. That might make you uncomfortable. Don't bother to question the fundamentally racist and xenophobic bullsh_t which informs the way you interpret your "experience". Don't try to think for yourself.

You, Stephen, are a dream come true for the sort of people you probably call "lefties": you're a moron and, frankly, I love that about you. Keep up the good work.

"Just my experience . . ." Brilliant.:laughing:
Who are you to discredit someone's experience?
Not only a simply brilliant track, but Moz's delivery, story telling, & timing are (as ever) impeccable.
It seems mostly quite light & innocent, & almost saunters along in a teasing manner as we await the crescendo. It slowly winds up then reaches the climax & takes on a darker dimension; then before you know it, within 40 seconds, it's all over. A remarkable piece lyrically, & musically, for sure.
'Get off the roof!'
Similar experimentation with that mega masterpiece. Super total genius Moz!!! it takes you where your mind doesn't go!!!!!
This is just my experience. There were no non-white kids at any of the schools I went to, bar one, which was just outside London and then, it was just 1 or 2. The town i live in, when i first came here as a kid, there was some immigration but nothing noticeable. I had a friend who was aboriginal, which was an anomaly and a half. But overall, there were probably less than a 100 non-whites in the whole town, which is quite large. The most foreigners were at the Uni and tended to be Europeans. My mate went out with a Finnish girl for a bit. In the summer, you'd see Italians and Spanish kids on summer school.

Sorry to hear that your childhood was deprived of experiencing a wider range of people’s views and cultures.

Fast forward to today....there are several black barbers, most of the take-away's around here are foreign owned, all the white kids think they're black rappers, most of the taxi drivers will be foreign. If i walk out of my house.....i'll see as many non-whites/non-English as local pub closed the other yr and has been turned into an Islamic centre. That give you an idea?

You make that sound like a bad thing.
So, in summary, the population of your little bit of England is no longer almost uniformly white and English, and this proves to your satisfaction that England, as you knew it, no longer exists (and, worse still, there's just too many Muslims now).

It'll surprise nobody that your impression of England is informed by "just [your] experience". "Just", indeed. Don't bother to question your own experience, or reflect on it in any way. Don't bother to do even a little research into empirical reality. That might make you uncomfortable. Don't bother to question the fundamentally racist and xenophobic bullsh_t which informs the way you interpret your "experience". Don't try to think for yourself.

You, Stephen, are a dream come true for the sort of people you probably call "lefties": you're a moron and, frankly, I love that about you. Keep up the good work.

"Just my experience . . ." Brilliant.:laughing:

Why would you think that a country that is unified in many ways is somehow bad? Why would you think kids, who are much the same, is a bad thing? Why do i have think about "empirical reality"? Why would i do that as a child? You may be interested to know, I considered myself a "leftist", as a teenager. The last 30 yrs made me grow up. You should try it.
Why would you think that a country that is unified in many ways is somehow bad? Why would you think kids, who are much the same, is a bad thing? Why do i have think about "empirical reality"? Why would i do that as a child? You may be interested to know, I considered myself a "leftist", as a teenager. The last 30 yrs made me grow up. You should try it.

The common ground doesn't have to be skin colour & it hasn't been religion since the reformation.
I had a fantastic was great.

Guess it’s a case of ... you don’t miss
what you’ve never had. But as it goes for many, and as we see for you here, the damage is done.
I explained how England has changed. If you didn't like the answer....that's not my problem.

Nothing wrong with change. But more importantly, is your ‘England’ so fragile that it can be erased? it’s culture and what it has to offer so weak that it can’t stand side by side with other cultures and viewpoints?

If so, then what is wrong with your ‘England’?
Nothing wrong with change. But more importantly, is your ‘England’ so fragile that it can be erased? it’s culture and what it has to offer so weak that it can’t stand side by side with other cultures and viewpoints?

If so, then what is wrong with your ‘England’?
I’ll tell you what’s wrong with Hoffman’s England Ket......

His local boozer has closed and is now an Islamic centre 🤣🤣🤣

Oh the 4king irony of it all Ket 🎻

I’ve laughed about it now for a full
24 hours ....

No more more Babycham and port
For the Hoff....

No more prize bingo on a Tuesday

The Dominos has gone for a Burton
As well 😞😞😞

Ah well Ste, you’ll have to go elsewhere for your Anti everything rallies and hate meetings now ...
Nothing wrong with change. But more importantly, is your ‘England’ so fragile that it can be erased? it’s culture and what it has to offer so weak that it can’t stand side by side with other cultures and viewpoints?

If so, then what is wrong with your ‘England’?
Change is not a bad thing. Change - immigration (yes, I've said THAT word) - thrust upon a populace in a relatively short space of time maybe not such a good thing. Cultures standing side by side? I don't think cultures do want to stand side by side - it's more a case of "nah, we're here, we'll set up our own little communities". One day the little community will be THE community. Please don't mention integration. So many do not want to integrate. I won't be back to read your comments, you seem to know everything. Well, you think you do.
Nothing wrong with change. But more importantly, is your ‘England’ so fragile that it can be erased? it’s culture and what it has to offer so weak that it can’t stand side by side with other cultures and viewpoints?

If so, then what is wrong with your ‘England’?

If something is being's not's disappeared.
I’ll tell you what’s wrong with Hoffman’s England Ket......

His local boozer has closed and is now an Islamic centre 🤣🤣🤣

Oh the 4king irony of it all Ket 🎻

I’ve laughed about it now for a full
24 hours ....

No more more Babycham and port
For the Hoff....

No more prize bingo on a Tuesday

The Dominos has gone for a Burton
As well 😞😞😞

Ah well Ste, you’ll have to go elsewhere for your Anti everything rallies and hate meetings now ...

This from a man that's barely been affected by mass immigration (because nobody moves to Carlisle). He's an expert, you see.
This from a man that's barely been affected by mass immigration (because nobody moves to Carlisle). He's an expert, you see.
You could be my new neighbour if you like Stevie.....🍻

Come on Ste, Come to Carlisle 🚝
Allegedly the place of Whites only, with
No foreign people.

Oh and by the way we get Gas and running water turned on next Tuesday ...
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