Morrissey A-Z: "Sorry Doesn't Help"

After hearing, with some astonishment, that That’s how People Grow Up was going to be included on Refusal (forcing me to own twice, on a long player, a song I didn’t want once), I was braced for a poor album.

I know we get defensive but ‘goes nowhere, does nothing … bland’ is horrendous by Morrissey’s standards. And it’s all absolutely true for this song. And too many others on Refusal.

The best I can say is that it’s better than That’s How People Grow Up.

That's about where I am on this. The first 5-10 seconds are a good injection after the hellscape at the end of You Were Good In Your Time but, for me, the album ends poorly with this and I'm OK By Myself. It's a shame Jerry Finn fell ill before they were able to finish the handful of other songs that Alain had submitted for the sessions (Teresa Teresa, I Was Bully Do Not Forget Me, When I Was Young, I'm Looking Forward To Going Back). Based on prior performance, the likelihood seems high that at least one or two of them were better this and the closer. It would be peak Morrissey to close an album with a song called I'm Looking Forward To Going Back.
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That's about where I am on this. The first 5-10 seconds are a good injection after the hellscape at the end of You Were Good In Your Time but, for me, the album ends poorly with this and I'm OK By Myself.
Agree last two are not my favorites of his.
It's a shame Jerry Finn fell ill before they were able to finish the handful of other songs that Alain had submitted for the sessions (Teresa Teresa, I Was Bully Do Not Forget Me, When I Was Young, I'm Looking Forward To Going Back). Based on prior performance, the likelihood seems high that at least one or two of them were better this and the closer. It would peak Morrissey to close an album with a song called I'm Looking Forward To Going Back.

Much conjecture.
It sounds fine until it gets to the chorus. After that it's downhill and not a good downhill. To me it's probably the worst track on YOR along with THPGU. It just has that awful and shallow vibe that I get from Satan Rejected My Soul and those three dire tracks he did around Action is My Middle Name, of which is the best of those horrible songs.
After hearing, with some astonishment, that That’s how People Grow Up was going to be included on Refusal (forcing me to own twice, on a long player, a song I didn’t want once), I was braced for a poor album.

I know we get defensive but ‘goes nowhere, does nothing … bland’ is horrendous by Morrissey’s standards. And it’s all absolutely true for this song. And too many others on Refusal.

The best I can say is that it’s better than That’s How People Grow Up.
Not only that, but All You Need Is Me too, another so-so song, which had been a single much earlier. The original plan had been to release it in September 2008, which would have made the inclusion of these two songs more understandable, but the record company pushed the release back against Morrissey's will. These two past singles, Black Cloud and the last two tracks really stain the album for me, even though I find the peaks (Skull, Carol, Birthday, YWGIYT) better than anything on ROTT.
I don’t really like this song and don’t usually make it this far into the album. It’s a rare occasion IMO of morrissey not elevating the track. His part just sounds lazy and half hearted in execution. It feels like they don’t know where they’re going and are just filling space
Morrissey sounds anything but lazy and half hearted in this song. He sounds pained by someone's inability to stay true.
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