Morrissey A-Z: "Scandinavia"

what do you want to know? awful music, dog shit lyrics, only purpose is has ever served was to allow me to go for both a pint AND a piss at Birmingham 2015
I was hoping this fire-and-brimstone kind of hatred you seem to harbor for this poor song would stem from something profound, like a trauma, or that maybe your gerbil died whilst listening to it or that it was your ex-wife's lover's favorite song or something.
Not that I'm hoping you've ever suffered a trauma or any of the awfulness above , of course (quite the opposite, in fact), but you know.
An enjoyable and erring on the bombastic romp, Scandinavia is a strong number with some great lines. The song is marred for me somewhat by a few (forgive the pun) tongue in cheek lines which make me cringe a little; lines referring to 'eating the soil' and to being 'stabbed' are clearly laid down with lashings of innuendo. Its a bit much for me on a Tuesday morning!
Huh! What do you think he means by soil?
Well, perhaps it's my filthy mind, but I read it as a veiled reference to rimming! (Particularly as it comes right before the 'Stab me in your own time' line.)
Haha...maybe! I just thought he's so enamoured with this Scandinavian person that he could literally eat the very soil he/she walks on. But I do admit that the stabbing is weird. Could be sexual penetration, of course.
Haha...maybe! I just thought he's so enamoured with this Scandinavian person that he could literally eat the very soil he/she walks on. But I do admit that the stabbing is weird. Could be sexual penetration, of course.
I wish it was the former and hope it is not the latter, but the ambiguity (of this and so many of Morrissey's lyrics) leaves this one, for me, open to interpretation. Of course, if I was from Svandinavia I would champion this song a great deal more!
I wish it was the former and hope it is not the latter, but the ambiguity (of this and so many of Morrissey's lyrics) leaves this one, for me, open to interpretation. Of course, if I was from Svandinavia I would champion this song a great deal more!
Oh yeah, definitely open to interpretation. Only Mozzer knows for sure, I guess.
I was hoping this fire-and-brimstone kind of hatred you seem to harbor for this poor song would stem from something profound, like a trauma, or that maybe your gerbil died whilst listening to it or that it was your ex-wife's lover's favorite song or something.
Not that I'm hoping you've ever suffered a trauma or any of the awfulness above , of course (quite the opposite, in fact), but you know.
its from the fact that i find the lyrics and the music offensively terrible. like a reverse now my hearts is full
its from the fact that i find the lyrics and the music offensively terrible. like a reverse now my hearts is full
Fair enough! We all have 'em. Mine is probably WPINOYB.
Not one that I seek out to listen to, but also not one that I skip when it arrives.
It's totally fine by me; vocals are great, love the pounding drums, & the whole powerful drama/theatre of the track.
Stab me in your own time...
Definitely in my list of 10 least favorites. A tuneless dirge that goes absolutely nowhere.
yeah and I mean it. Scandinavia is scandalously bad.
in your opinion.i could say you are the biggest arsehole on this site but that would only be my opinion.
this dump is getting worse,soil is now rimming and stab me in your own time is getting rammed up the arse,why is every play on words about M being gay which he said hes not.
in your opinion.i could say you are the biggest arsehole on this site but that would only be my opinion.

imagine seeing your arse because someone dislikes a late era Morrissey b-side that you like. I would never.
I enjoy the drama of this one in spite of a couple of dodgy rhymes. The lyrics "Let their children cry and die in blind asylums" could have been written and sung by very few other singers.

But it shouldn't have been written and sung by any singer.
Love this one whenever it pops up on my playlist, particularly the dark, gothic lyrics, but it isn't one I ever feel inclined to seek out.
Surprised by how many folk like this one. Though not as bad as the last two covers reviewed. Scandinavia, it has it’s moments. Boz went over the top to a fault with this one, the Duane Eddy twang to a kind of dark Lee Hazlewood marching dirge, but those awful synth strings and choir? Nah.

I don’t know what the point of this song is, some good lines, and some of the singing is really nice, like at the lyrics ... ‘but you came along..’ and ‘ I kiss the soil...’

There are some Morrissey songs that didn’t need to be written, this is one of them.
One of the bonus songs I really like. It can be a tad clunky in some spots but I love the simmering vibe of the song
I thought it was about a jaded older man who falls in love with someone unsuitable & doesn't care if it degrades or kills him because it made him feel alive.
Sort of like films like this -

I think it's the kind of vibe Scandinavia was going for.
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