"Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

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TTY - Kiss Me A Lot Official Video directed by Sam Esty Rayner

As I read the name Sam Esty Rayner I feared the worst ... and what can I say ... it's even worse than I'd imagined. The boy knows nothing (unfortunately). Watch for yourself ...

Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

For all i care morrisey could have had kate moss licking him if that suited morrisseys personality
But its not morrissey and what represents him
I think people need to calm down, Morrissey obviously approved of this video with them in and it is just a video!
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Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

Lol I'm not jealous of the women. I look just fine!

However, it just doesn't work for morrissey. It cheapens him and the song. They should have just had him mime to the song. That part was lovely.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

So, just in case Moz didn't see the final video because he said "Go Sam! You will do it right", it doesn't matter now. The damage is done. He can't simply post on tty now and be angry with Sam like he would do when it had been directed by a stranger.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

I like to pretend that TTY gets hijacked sometimes.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

I think people need to calm down, Morrissey obviously approved of this video and it is just a video!

Well than his judgement was not on top that day
Plus people are just gunning nowadays to make him look bad
And this video is not helping his case
He has had it rough, he deserves a video that represents the great artist that he is
Not lower him
Sexism, objectification, homo vs. hetero-eroticism, etc. all miss the point. The video is pure shit. It's got nothing to do with people wanting or not wanting to see these women on the screen. It looks like a parody of a parody. It's just horribly done, on all levels.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

Sexism, objectification, homo vs. hetero-eroticism, etc. all miss the point. The video is pure shit. It's got nothing to do with people wanting or not wanting to see these women on the screen. It looks like a parody of a parody. It's just horribly done, on all levels.
Of course the video is absolutely bollocks, no one disagrees. But there are plenty of people also adding 'i can't believe Moz has women in his video, it's not Moz'. Of course it's not Moz he would have hot men in it if it was upto him.

Maybe he just didn't want to upset his Nephew.:lbf:
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

His eyebrow scar really stands out in this video.
I don't often say this of Moz, but truly, truly disappointed. I had such better sights in my mind listening to this song, and now I have to try to forget this.

But as long as he's making album's this good, I'll be by his side:)
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

Mmmh ... I don't know. I'm a woman and I hate it. Not because there are women in it and not even because they are half naked but because it isn't artistic and it isn't subtle. I loved the one with Pamela Anderson because, say what you want about her, there is a certain melancholy about her and especially in that clip because she was presented against her public image.

I utterly agree with you
This really cheapens women, and thats not what morrissey represents
He has always loved women who stand up against there assumed roles, like Pamela Anderson
Not the ones that would degrade themselfs in such a cheap video
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

maybe the promotional video, in its entirety, is a subliminal message that can only be deciphered by the gay guys from the blue rose society. have they chimed in with their interpretation?
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

Of course the video is absolutely bollocks, no one disagrees. But there are plenty of people also adding 'i can't believe Moz has women in his video, it's not Moz'. Of course it's not Moz he would have hot men in it if it was upto him.

Maybe he just didn't want to upset his Nephew.:lbf:

Yes, I agree. Seems like lately big sis has been putting pressure on old Mozza to drum up some work for her boy. My point about the sexism/half-naked women thing was directed more towards the people who are harping on about the sexism in the video or claiming that the people who dislike the video are doing so out of female/queer jealousy. :lbf:
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

Oh please I'll take the gayness any day over this.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

it now becomes quite clear, what the basis for the row with harvest label was, they likely refused to hire the nephew for the demanded video.
had they done so, no matter who cheap looking it turned out, there would have been peace in the middle east, and likey we would have a new album in our hands.
On reflection, I think this video is entirely appropriate for a single he could only be bothered to sell on itunes.
As much effort went in to that decision as did cobbling the video together.
I do like him, but for the love of god: somebody please sort the marketing out. Physical releases and interesting promo videos being a priority.
Re: Kiss me a lot - Official video

"It is shockingly bad and I am genuinely sad and upset to say, (as I never thought I would think this of Morrissey) it is sexist in its objectifying of young women's bodies, for nothing more than conventional decoration. I kept waiting for something subversive/funny/thought provoking, to happen. After all Morrissey has said and done to challenge gender norms, which has personally mattered so much, this feels like a slap in the face betrayal. For the first time in 35 years, I seriously feel embarrassed and sickened to call myself a Morrissey fan. Such a shame - one of my favourite songs off the album & he looks great in the performance parts of the video."


Oh for f*** sake...

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