"Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

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TTY - Kiss Me A Lot Official Video directed by Sam Esty Rayner

As I read the name Sam Esty Rayner I feared the worst ... and what can I say ... it's even worse than I'd imagined. The boy knows nothing (unfortunately). Watch for yourself ...

Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Nonsense. The norm in society is heterosexuality so it's taken as assumed unless somebody announces otherwise. There is no reason for anybody to come out as straight as everyone assumes they are unless their gender presentation suggests otherwise. Morrissey has built a career on appropriating gender-questioning and gender-queer imagery which was often sourced from overtly gay canons of literature, film and music. He has now firmly denied he is homosexual so it is logical both to assume heterosexuality. And to question the ethics of his appropriation of queer and feminist gender-questioning imagery now that he has released a video where women are hired to act out a trite, cliched soft-porn scenario which most viewers will assume reflects the fantasies of the man singing the song.

I am really not sure why you cling to the hope that he is not heterosexual when he has so clearly denied not only homosexuality but bisexuality. If he is not truthfully able to declare himself as homosexual then he cannot be bisexual either. That leaves women as the only plausible humans subject/objects of his 'humasexuality'.

Please note he says 'unfortunately' when denying assumptions of homosexuality. There is no homophobia or disdain, he is merely clarifying the fact that he is not attracted to men, but is 'humasexual'. If you wish to suggest he is somehow able to deny homosexuality whilst still plausibly using LGBTQI imagery to appear 'transgressive' or 'radical' then you need to explain how and why such appropriation is anything other than heterosexist culture tourism.

Previously I would have classed him as an asexual str8 ally to genderqueer and gay culture but his grossly insensitive use of standard heterosexist cliches in this video make such a proposition untenable. No doubt he will explain his rationale behind this oafish video.


Pete Burns also said he is 'humansexual' when he was interviewed on radio after his Celebrity Big Brother fling.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Pete Burns also said he is 'humansexual' when he was interviewed on radio after his Celebrity Big Brother fling.

And he still is. He is just dating a man now bit he was married to a woman. And you will never know if he dates a man or a Woman in the future again
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Pete Burns also said he is 'humansexual' when he was interviewed on radio after his Celebrity Big Brother fling.

Yeah well, the difference is, Pete Burns probably doesn't troll any woman when he's with a man. Like any normal human being, gay, straight, or humansexual, he probably focuses on making the person he's with happy, instead of focusing on making people is not with unhappy.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Yeah well, the difference is, Pete Burns probably doesn't troll any woman when he's with a man. Like any normal human being, gay, straight, or humansexual, he probably focuses on making the person he's with happy, instead of focusing on making people is not with unhappy.

Spot on son, spot on
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Yeah well, the difference is, Pete Burns probably doesn't troll any woman when he's with a man. Like any normal human being, gay, straight, or humansexual, he probably focuses on making the person he's with happy, instead of focusing on making people is not with unhappy.

Pete burns also probably doesn't make his partner of 7 years walk behind him in public as if he's a stranger.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Yeah well, the difference is, Pete Burns probably doesn't troll any woman when he's with a man. Like any normal human being, gay, straight, or humansexual, he probably focuses on making the person he's with happy, instead of focusing on making people is not with unhappy.

Well Morrissey loves to feel like a unattainable object of desire. Hope he gets a taste of his medicine
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

Is 'humansexual' a thing?

yes, i have also decided t go from asexual to humansexual ;)

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Pete burns also probably doesn't make his partner of 7 years walk behind him in public as if he's a stranger.

well we have no definite prof that damon is his partner, unlike Pete who has confirmed his partner.
( and please this is not an opening for you to present any "prof or rumors")

:o can`t stand Another 6 foot long post about Morrissey sexuality, from you or me anymore
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

yes, i have also decided t go from asexual to humansexual ;)

- - - Updated - - -

well we have no definite prof that damon is his partner, unlike Pete who has confirmed his partner.
( and please this is not an opening for you to present any "prof or rumors")

:o can`t stand Another 6 foot long post about Morrissey sexuality, from you or me anymore

You are extremely uninformed. He never claimed to be asexual
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

You are extremely uninformed. He never claimed to be asexual

yes he did, he said he was bored with women and men and andy and mike shouted out of an hotell window once after the san francisco claim. you are uninformed
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

yes he did, he said he was bored with women and men and andy and mike shouted out of an hotell window once after the san francisco claim.

Show me the interview where he says the word asexual.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

well he said he was bored with women and men andy and mike said he was asexual. that was not filmed.
people constantly say that he and damon is an item with no problem but there is no prof of that either. im pretty positiv that Morrissey was considered asexual before the autobio.

by the way i said i was going from asexual to humansexual i did not say Morrissey was it before in my previous statment.

jesus does he have to spell everything out for you, some things are just implied
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I do not believe he is asexual, he may not be as highly sex driven as some people but not asexual.
he is totally gay but he doesnt want a boyfriend to smooch of him. he wants the boyfriend to buy his stuff despite the fact hes a millionaire, hes a diva.
Re: Article: "Kiss Me A Lot" official video directed by Sam Esty Rayner - TTY

And he still is. He is just dating a man now bit he was married to a woman. And you will never know if he dates a man or a Woman in the future again

Correct, married to Lynne for 27 years.
I was quite surprised by the reactions that the video received at first.
The reactions by one group of people has been explained very well in the meantime and their reaction as explained isn't surprising.
But the others, the women, what did they think that they were looking at all the time?

It is not true that Morrissey has never shown an interest in glamour models, like Bored claimed.
Nancy Sinatra
Pamela Anderson
Hannah Scanlon from Doll & The Kicks who did a glamour modelling photoshoot - you can see the pictures on her myspace - and modelling at the Paris Fashion Show between the Morrissey tours that they supported
For those who don't know, glamour modelling is what you see in the video, women who show a lot not their naked genitals.
The picture of the woman in a corset that was hanging over his bed in Los Angeles
The strip club that he went to with the BBC and Tina Dehghani, who is 17 years younger and of the generation who have been brainwashed into thinking that this is the cool and liberated thing to do
He wore a Playboy t-shirt on stage at the O2 Wireless, which I thought at the time was meant to be a joke, but it then turned out it wasn't when he continued to wear the shirt in Los Angeles and gave an interview with the British magazine Loaded
During the performance at the Nobel Peace Prize concert the band members wore Hustler t-shirts. Hustler is an American nude women magazine that shows their genitals, also on their website, in fact, if you visit the website to find out what Hustler is, their genitals almost jump at you on the screen as soon as you visit their website.
The list goes on. During one face to face interview he took the journalist - or was it photographer? - to a newsstand of nude women magazines I think it was.

I saw on the other forum that two were wondering about something. I wrote a paper on how children learn gender stereotypes in the early 90s, inspired by a guy who had told me that he had proven his masculinity in a way that really made me wonder why a) he throught he had to prove his masculinity and by b) why he thought that this would proof it.

I grew up in an environment where people just do what needs to be done, especially women. Men not so much. They'd spend their time instead watching glamour models. And this is exactly where the problem starts that I used to have with that Hannah Scanlon and her f*** me f*** me moves. I have been emancipated enough to do everything on my own, include travels, but to make it save, you develop your strategies. For me this has worked - until the release of 50 Shades of Grey, when I was harrassed by two different men wearing business clothes independently, who apparently mistook themselves for the protagonist of the shitty book that I have no intentions to read, but watched the trailer of, because you have to know what's going on in society, it may affect you, like this did. The good thing about the f*** me f*** me moves was that I quickly noticed, immediatly, that she isn't doing anything much different than Morrissey on stage. Gave my perception of Morrissey a big shift and I was already ready to sell the rest of the many tickets that I had already bought for upcoming concerts. Morrissey was born in the late 50s. One has to keep this in mind. He has a different perspective on things than people who were born in the late 60s, into the generation that was abused by left green hippies in progressive schools, because the abusers thought that pedophelia is a wonderful thing thanks to people like Kinsey and Wilhelm Reich.

What's interesting is this combination of glamour models and songs like Kick The Bride Down the Aisle and Staircase At The University or What She Said. Some people seem to not have watched the Dagenham Dave video properly yet. I doubt it is a coinsidence that Dagenham was also where women fought for equal pay. To understand what's happening here, you have to know that the Playboy magazine used to run cartoons that told men that a family with wife and children are a burden. The saying is quite popular that you need not buy a cow if you can get the milk for free, or something like this. If some wonder what happened in their families that they grew up in, this might be an explanation.

I think for Morrissey it is advisable if he sticks to his homosexual affinities and the glamour models and just forgets the rest, because it isn't really any of his business. As he advises others, he should also only put his nose where his nose belongs. The lives of others are none of his business, especially not their private ones and how they live them. The same applies to his fans who think that his sexuality is none of anybody's business. Given how heavily it influences his lyrics however, I think it very much does. And let's not forget how his lyrics influence others who listen to his music. So much so that they adopt the stereotypes that he portrays.
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