Glasgow - SEC Armadillo (Oct. 2, 2022) post-show

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How Soon Is Now? / We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / Knockabout World / First Of The Gang To Die / Billy Budd / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / I Am Veronica / Rebels Without Applause / Frankly, Mr. Shankly / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Bonfire Of Teenagers / (Auld Lang Syne intro) Everyday Is Like Sunday / Never Had No One Ever / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / The Loop / Jack The Ripper // Irish Blood, English Heart

Setlist courtesy of 'Grant Halliday' & anon. (order not 100%)

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Was alright. Off to bed now.
Excellent that little pocket on the front of those beautiful pants. Those are the ones that fit perfectly with Moz. But you should look for those in other colors ❤️
IG: Suedeheadsociety:

Pt 2:


Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.

How Soon Is Now?/We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful/Our Frank/Knockabout World/Billy Budd/First Of The Gang To Die/Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings/Rebels Without Applause/Frankly Mr Shankly/I Am Veronica/My Hurling Days Are Over/Half A Person/Bonfire Of Teenagers/Everyday Is Like Sunday (with Auld Lang Syne piano intro)/Never Had No One Ever/Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want/The Loop/Jack the Ripper/Encore: Irish Blood, English Heart.
Billy Budd replaced Have-A-Go Merchant. Otherwise the same as a Doncaster.
Several signed vinyl tonight.
Well, that was a thing of enormous beauty!

When he played Glasgow in 2018, the set was a tad shy of classics. The set was mainly based around the World Peace and High School albums, with just three Smiths songs. No worries about that tonight though. Despite the smattering of new songs, there were plenty Smiths tracks, solo classics and deep cuts.
Annoyingly the gig was all seated(what lunatic thought that up?!), but the crowd was VERY appreciative and very vocal. I loved the booing when Morrissey presaged Bonfire Of Teenagers by saying "This is a song about modern England...(boooooo!!!!)....we'll I'm going to sing it anyway!"
The new songs sounded fantastic( I don't care what other members say about them on here, they genuinely sounded wonderful), and were applauded by the crowd more enthusiastically than tracks from Low In High School were 4 years ago. Bonfire, Rebels Without Applause, and Sure Enough The Telephone Rings in particular, really stood out for me. Can't wait to hear the proper versions.

Among the rest of the set, it was very special to hear Frankly Mr Shankly live for the first time since the Edinburgh Playhouse 1985, First Of The Gang To Die is ALWAYS a stormer, How Soon Is Now was a majestical opener, Never Had No-one Ever was stunning, My Hurling Days Are Over was an unexpected highlight and what can you say about hearing Half A Person in the flesh?

Were there any negatives? Did we really need Knockabout World when there's so many bona fide classics in the body of work? The opening film show, and the backdrop images seemed a little uninspired(maybe a little too much NY Dolls and Coronation Street) compared to previous years. And bouncers behaving like thugs...come on guys, lighten up, it's a f*cking Morrissey concert! People are supposed to get on the stage!!

Before Irish Blood English Heart, Morrissey thanked the city of Glasgow for all the love and support they had given him over the years. Was this a last goodbye? Was he giving us the Glasgow Kiss-off? If so, then it was an absolute pleasure to have been once again in his presence, whether it's the last time ot not.

Thanks Mozzer, another blinder!!

Gordon xx
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Absolutely brilliant night. Moz on top form in my home town. Great reception for the new songs especially Bonfire of Teenagers which went down really well with the Glasgow crowd.

I’ve had a couple of drinks but I’m sure the setlist goes

Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings
Rebels Without Applause
Frankly, Mr Shankly
I Am Veronica

Great work anyway FWD. This website would be a shambles without you
Were there any negatives? Did we really need Knockabout World when there's so many bona fide classics in the body of work? The
I agree with most of your post, but this…really? That was one of the songs I was most looking forward to, imo it ranks amongst his very best solo work. Each to their own, but genuinely surprised by that assessment, i think it’s great.

The gig would have been so much better even in the Concert Hall, but that aside it was just magnificent with so many highlights. The new songs were excellent, Sure Enough… in particular and it’s rare to hear unreleased material stand up so well especially in such illustrious company. Jack the Ripper is a sensational live song, Half A Person is a dream but Please, Please, Please totally stole the show for me. As great as his singing always is, his delivery of that is as good as anybody can offer and you could sense the venue falling silent in awe after the first couple of lines.

A truly beautiful experience from start to finish.

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